Blizzard silences Protesters to silence dissent

…another one claiming blizzard is targeting them and deleting all their posts while at the same time they dont delete all the other posts in this forum criticizing the game…


Would you like to see screenshots of the 48 posts of mine that were flagged and removed for “Trolling”? They have banned my account from posting more times than I can count. Last time was a 2 week ban for complaining about the balance of Battlegrounds when Beasts and Demons were destroying the meta. Blizzard has no problem silencing people who disagree with or criticize them. I have literally been told by Forum GM’s that any criticism of the development team is considered HATE SPEECH under their community guidelines. You Blizzard Fan boys are just propping up the corrupted system


MeeToo :smiley:
it was enough to write one’s own experience with manipulated matchmaking…
I just described how my deck affects the enemy deck pool


but… they nerfed both beasts and demon :thinking:
it seems they aren’t afraid of saying they were too strong.

Maybe your statement was not polite enough?


I swear Blizzard are stars in their own satire movie. My post, complaining about Blizzard censoring and deleting posts, is censored and deleted. Thank you Blizzard for proving my point :joy:

This is the difference between a successful company and a failure. Successful companies listen to the criticism of their customers and change to better serve them. Blizzard deletes the criticism and wonders why their games have sucked for years.


Your posts are trolling, so I see no issue here.


Trolling – (verb), as it relates to internet, is the deliberate act of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument.

Nope not even close. As a customer I have the right to express my frustration with the product a company is selling me. In no way has anything I have ever posted fit the definition of Trolling. You don’t get to change the definitions of words to use it as an excuse to silence people you don’t agree with.

Just remember: When you make peaceful discourse impossible, you leave only the violent revolution as an option.


They banned me twice for doing nothing but criticizing them. Just because some ppl,don’t get banned doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


You deliberately wrote your post as some kind of a highschool play. I honestly didn’t believe you were serious, but if you were, it’s even funnier.

When you make peaceful discourse impossible, you leave only the violent revolution as an option.

Yep, that’s exactly what I meant. You’re either trolling or delusional. You’re not a revolutionary, get some perspective.


Hate the game, don’t hate the developer.

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I was also banned for complaining about blizzard policies


I wrote my post out of frustration of being censored 48 times in the past 6 months. It’s absolutely ridiculous that people today treat criticism like it’s a personal attack. If your product sucks, I’m going to tell you it sucks and what to do to fix it. When you constantly ignore and silence someone who spent money on your service, do you expect them to continue to remain calm and respectful of your feelings. You basically told me to F* off for the last 6 months while continuing to beg me daily to buy your cosmetics.

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What a silly, childish rant.


they could of avoided so much backlash if they upheld some vote systems on their official forum

features wanted(everyone get to vote)

list of cards ppl would like to see nerf(only top 1000 can put a list of cards to nerf as they usually know best)…out of 1000 players imput they will certainly see the entire list

list of cards to buff(top 1000 only get to vote)…they gotta point out cards that would probably be interesting if were buff)

list of cards to revert their nerf(top 3000 get to vote)
like ppl get to choose to vote different options for this one
1: undo the nerf, but nerf it differently so it remain viable
2: undo the nerf, it didn’t need nerfing in the first place

like geez…its not that difficult to listen to players feedback is it ? XD
they gotta take lessons from Sega in that aspect XD

the one thing they should not copy is shutting down servers when they move to new projects XD…at least not as long it net them a sufficient income

but ya…voting is the way to go to improve a game :S
the more options shown the better(at least 4 to 10 options offered to nail down exactly what players seek)…alway include an option to choose “Others” or “conditionnaly to”… sometime a condition can be added by the game designers themselve so they get less comments to read…i post bellow for a better idea XD…

Poll Question Here
Choice 1 ; add a condition ? yes/no…if yes leave comment
Choice 2 ; add a condition ? yes/no…if yes leave comment
Choice 3 ; add a condition ? yes/no…if yes leave comment
Choice 4 ; add a condition ? yes/no…if yes leave comment
Choice 5 ; add a condition ? yes/no…if yes leave comment
Choice 6 ; add a condition ? yes/no…if yes leave comment
Choice Other: leave comment

now a bit more on topic…YA ITS POPCORN TIME ! :smiley: Bobby Kotick gonna get what he deserve :D…after all the crap thats been ongoing its about time
…i would prob settle down nearby in a chair to assist to the arrestation parade but i live way too far from the compagny…even some drums and trumpets to celebrate it to piss off the arrested ones

2 blindfolded white knight in Armor of denial.
To tell the truth: Yes they do it.


They absolutely do. I was banned twice and I did not break the CoC. I criticized them pretty hard ,then got banned. When I was unbanned I basically complained that I was banned …they banned me for that. No they don’t ban everyone. Some posts get through their filter. But, it does happen. They claimed mine disrespected others. I didn’t even mention anyone or direct at anyone except BLIZZARD.
I wouldn’t say anything except ppl keep denying it.


Yes. (Blah blah blah, characters)

Look at all these elitist scum.bags protecting their monarch (blizzard)… keep defending them cause you’re just like them trash… there’s a reason they going through a lawsuit… they even had child slave labour going in 3rd world countries… you’re putrid if you stick up for them


It’s so strange because, here we are, reading a topic like this and you aren’t silenced.

Give it time, eventually…

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