Blizzard should let us see our " MMR "

And I can call him out for whatever I want to.


Overwatch, another game by Blizzard, displays your MMR. I don’t believe it shows your opponent’s, though. It does show their rank.

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Much like I’m doing now!

Good points.

(Sorry to go there, but)

It would clear up a ton of questions regarding “why was I matched up against THIS person?” (rigged)

Maybe it honestly is that difficult to establish a clear-cut match making system and have an extensive algorithm explained to every player because there are a ton of variables.

Edit: For the fun of it.

Im playing a well established shadow priest right now to rank up.

I am getting my face stomped. It happens you say? Sure, it’s bound to. But this is my 13 win streak shadow priest I could pilot IN MYSLEEP.

I am facing BIG PALADIN (WHAT?) Tikatus Warlock, and some weird Rush Warrior. Since when?

Now I’m playing an Amulet Priest. At least that makes more sense.

It’s pretty much about ux (user experience) IMO. Blizzard have taken the same less is more approach across their games, combining and reducing the number of stats to simplify the user experience.

You seem to find “pocket metas” at certain ranks. I’ve only just started this “season”, I’m running OTK Shaman and (thankfully because I got stomped) have only seen one Paladin in about 50 games, you notice these odd discrepancies more so when you seem to be losing. I suggest getting a deck tracker and properly tracking it over a large sample size.

I remember playing Libram Paladin on US (I’m an EU player) a few metas ago to see how fast I could get to legend. Pretty sure my win rate was ~78% over around 80 matches or so but rapidly declined with some dreadful matchups as I got closer to legend.

Everyone knows the feeling of playing one archetype and getting stomped by perfect counters and then switching decks to a counter-counter and those decks seemingly never show up again but Id bet over a large enough sample size the decks you face would be close enough to the %s shown on something like the HSReplay website.

I honestly have no idea why Blizzard don’t show “true MMR”, all we can all do is guess. All I know is over tens of competitive multiplayer games I’ve played in my almost 32 years on this earth, the ones that actually show you your MMR are in the extreme minority.

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The funny thing is that once you hit legend you see an approximation of your MMR because you can see your rank relative to other players (which is based on your MMR)

It’s really only fully hidden before you get to legend.


I’d like to try this. Is there a way to see what decks I’m facing using a particular deck via deck tracker? I can’t remember.

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I’m actually not entirely sure whether HSDeckTracker makes it obvious which archetype you have faced, I’ve only just recently returned after a year long break and haven’t redownloaded the tracker yet. I know you used to be able to see at a glance which classes you have faced with each specific deck and your personal win rate vs them.

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I figure I play a lot and so could probably accumulate a few hundred games to try and test the ever-so-hated matchmaking algorithm. I’m of the position that matchmaking is working as intended and as described. If we could get a few others in on this to test and see if there are any anomalies.

Despite my faith in matchmaking being fair as described by the team, it’d be really nifty to gather data. I will begin this endeavor either tomorrow or (probably the wiser option) to wait for the meta to settle after a week or so.

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I remember someone doing this who was a notorious supporter of the game being “rigged”. It was slightly embarrassing for the individual concerned as the data was solid and reflected pretty accurately the variety of decks being played in the meta at the current time. I’ll happily track mine during the upcoming season too and post the data in a week or so.

Great! :+1: Please do. After you collect the data on your tracker, I think it’d be best to share your results here, with us.

I say this a lot, but, if this matchmaking is being manipulating in a nefarious way – I, and a myriad of players here want to get to the bottom of this using empirical evidence. If this game is abusing matchmaking as described by others, I wager every Hearthstone player has the right to know.

The best argument against rigging is entirely anecdotal. Individual experience should not be the end all be all. I think if together we can establish evidence of nefarious matchmaking it’d be a huge start.

Back to the last paragraph, of.

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It would be hilariously easy for HSR to see if that were happening given how much data they gather on a day to day basis.

If anything beyond MMR were being used to match you, it would be very, very difficult to hide.

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These data aggrates would HAVE TO see the alleged anomonalies. So, they’re either entirely incompetent – OR, these websites and data collectors are in on the conspiracy. This consiracy, not unlike any conscpiracy, falls under its own weight when the conspiracy becomes so vast that it’s nearing a statistical guarantee that someone working on Hearthston would have certainly (mostly because . Why? Because if true, this would been leaks proving this assertion. This evidence doesn’t exist currently – as far as we know – and so we can only say ‘maybe.’

Let us not jump to conclusions. And look at the meta popularities of certain decks at various ranks. With the high popularity of decks like Ramp Druid, Control Warrior, and sometimes Aggro, you will see them.

I believe it’s also worth noting that in these numerous pocket metas, adapting to deal with the popular opposition

The plural of anecdote is not evidence. I blame no one for feeling fishy about matchmaking. I understand completely and have fallen into that confirmation bias pitfall several times now. I’ve learned that one of the biggest point against this is system is the counterarguments from active players that, for whatever reason, are not seeing past their unfun, boring, and frustrating.

There are numerous ways to drastically improve your odds at winning even versus slightly unfavorable

I highly recommend visiting YouTube. @Mallenroh, could you please link the video you posted earlier?

How would this work toward proving the rigging you suspect is being utilizes here.

The team decided that (back to Overwatch, that displaying your MMR seemed reasonable. However, showing MMR so prominently in Hearthstone (not opponent’s) could very well drive players away, namely when their MMR shows inexperience.

This is not a cover-up. It’s a Quality of Life mechanic so as not to add additional bad feelings when players find their MMR is lower than it could be. I can predict people quitting the game over this due to the frustration due to many players see any positive qualities displaying MMR would accomplish. All that it would aid is to add salt onto many players as they. Furthermore, there is ZERO evidence to support this accusation.

I’m most certainly to change my mind. If anyone can rebuttal this post I’d highly appreciate it. I’d love to get to the bottom of this once and for all. Albeit, we know that this won’t pursuade players to that are diehard rigging proponents. But, for those on the fence, please, consider these points.

Sincere question here. I can certainly imagining players watching as their MMR falls, and for some people that frustration alone can lead to players quitting. The team is trying to protect us from bad feelings – protecting us from our own flawed psychological stressers, which are guaranteed to cause sore losers to erupt. They’re essentially protecting our egos.

For the record – I genuinely don’t believe that players would react positively to displaying MMR. It’s be a :poop: show.

For the record, and this is my hunch, people think they want to see their MMR… But, what would be the positive effects of this if implemented? I forseer anger among many players if MMR were implemented to show us what our MMR is.

This avoids many tickets, as well, regarding players that believe their MMR is lower than it should be.

Could someone please provide a solid argument for displaying MMR? I’ll gladly change my position.

Lastly what would be the benefit of displaying our MMRs in matches? I am having trouble discerning what that would positively accomplish.

Edit: I’m going to head to Twitter quickly and ask Ayala if there might be future plans to re-display MMRs.

I no here many day and still the troll mans eating of the foods like the king.

No feed troll hearthstones peoples!

If they displayed MMR people would go nuts trying to figure out why they aren’t as good at flipping the coin as the guy next to them.

There’s already data and a simple way to check it…

Have you tried doing this yet to look for any anomalies?

Only a quick glance once when I first saw a rigging thread.

You can’t use this to “disprove rigging”, as you’ll just run into nonsensical arguments like it’s rigged in a way that makes it indistinguishable from non rigging.

But for satisfying your own curiousity as a reasonable person, it’s right there.