Blizzard should let us see our " MMR "

I gave you a torch, you want to shine it in your own eyes that’s up to you.

So you cant answer. Got it. Maybe think before you type next time so you understand your own point.

Why would I answer for blizzard? I gave you a generic business rule that you can apply to any business. If you have questions about the application of that rule by blizzard, go ask them.

that guy does have many alts …
not long ago he made one of his troll threads and used all its alts in a very short time for likes on the OP…

Yeah I know. I have seen it too. It’s pretty obvious.

14 months I’ve been away from these forums and the first post I see on here is the old “Hearthstone is rigged” post. Some things never change…


You are right that people would get grump about it. People get upset when they see a legend card back.

What they don’t tend to grasp is that if they are facing a legend player, their skill levels are right about equal. The legend player just played more games that month to break through the star ranking system.


And of course being a ‘legend player’ doesn’t mean you can’t lose for any number of reasons. Underperforming decks, luck, mistakes, hangovers, 5yos that don’t stop talking…

strengh level
Those legend players could just play very junky decks, have terrible mmr and dont bother
switching to a meta deck.

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There are plenty of card backs that are better looking than the Legend one, I’ve never replaced it since I’ve got it for this exact reason. Smashing down bronzes with my Legend card back and sending them straight to the forums carrying a truck load of salt with them is the thing that brings me back to Hearthstone time and time again.

Hilarious, I’ve only changed my card back once (legend), I’d have to google how to do it.

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Yeah, there’s a lot of things that can make a “legend” player have a low enough MMR at the time to be seen much lower than you’d normally expect them.

I’m not a huge fan of the star system because it is meaningless for the majority of the track. You are matched exclusively by MMR until you lose your star bonus, then you suddenly start getting matched with people around your star rank (unless none are available, so it goes back to MMR).

It’s a mess, and the star track really should just be axed and your MMR be made visible like what they do in their other game modes.

I don’t think that’s what the blizzard position is, it says you’re matched by stars to make it easier for higher rank players to climb (e.g. you might be at diamond 1 with one star, getting matched against other 1 star players, who could be bronze)… until you run out of stars, and then it’s by rank (plat, diamond etc) until/or you hit legend and then it’s by MMR (as long as there’s one legend player, a non legend can be drawn into a match by MMR)

Edit: seems I remembered wrong and you’re right :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s cool that your narrow mindedness only saw that part of the post.

Almost as if you WANT to discuss rigging, hmmm…

How about the OTHER part of the OP’s post where they discuss being able to see your MMR?

How do you feel about a visible MMR? (or do you wanna fight about rigging?)

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Almost no competitive ranked game shows a true MMR figure because the only thing that makes people more salty than no MMR is seeing their MMR


Ill take your word for other games, I dont play many. Someone did say that other games show some sort of MMR, IDK.

I dont see why we can’t have a more accurate and visible “rank” or “level” system.

It seems we have multiple little skill indicators, but no true universal “skill indicator”.

Edit: A few of the PSEUDO “Little Skill Indicators”

Golden Portraits
Legend Card Back
Deck Compositions ("dude had SO many Legendaries! (whale))
Current Rank (Diamond, Platinum)
I’m sure I’m missing others.

I preferred it when you could see the other players’ ranks at all levels.

People aren’t under some obligation to post. There seems to be a common misconception that people are entitled to everyone’s opinion on everything. They’re not!

You missed the point, not surprised.

There were 2 issues in the OP. Main point, visible MMR, alluded to point was rigging.

I called him out for only focusing on the smaller part. Never said he was OBLIGED to do ANYTHING.

He can focus on whatever he wants.

I don’t have much skin in the game for the MMR debate although I think it’s extremely unlikely Blizzard will ever implement it, if it was going to happen I’d assume they’d have implemented it in replacement of the current system when the battlegrounds MMR system launched.

What makes it even more unlikely is that Blizzard are unwilling to even let you know your opponents rank, for whatever reason, let alone true MMR. They may also think it’s too confusing for players to have 15 different stats next to their rank and if this forum is in any way indicative of the average intelligence of a Hearthstone player, they may be correct.

I’m a stats fan so the more the better for me but I’d assume the best we could ever hope for is a personal MMR in the menus somewhere unless they overhaul the whole ranking system.