Blizzard should let us see our " MMR "

It’s reminiscent of the belief in an omniscient, all powerful, and vindictive God. As God is allegedly the creator of all things, any arguments fall flat when the concept is unfalsifiable. Literally everything in this Universe is compatible with that particular belief, which again, makes the concept unfalsifiable and essentially a worthless hypothesis.

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Using Occom’s Razer will tell you that the most simplistic (least amount of unnecessary assumptions) that the game is indeed not rigged, per se. The current MMR and rank-based matches is not much different than other video games.

There is many reasons why Bungie, Respawn, Aspyr, Behaviour Interactive, Riot [insert dozens of Devs/Publishers], never do this and of course many reasons are to increase profit, promote micro-transactions or expansions or DLC, but a lot of it also dates back further than the days of micro-transactions and endless waves of revenue generation from a single release. Up and down the development/business chain, the reasons may shift weight from one side more than the other or change entirely. Some of the reasons are to protect more casual gamers from the invariable toxicity and elitism that would ensue. Releasing a numerical MMR could provide a method for players to dig deeper into active player count numbers and further open the door to uncontrollable narratives about the “health” of a game. Revealing too much could allow the players to figure out the formula and could provide an avenue for players to exploit the formula. Depending on the relative complexity of the formula, they may not want other developers/studios to know their tricks. Releasing the MMR would probably increase the shear amount of questions about it in every single Q&A, interview, Reddit AMA, twitter post… whatever. Game Devs absolutely still have to dodge these questions a lot, but its easier to re-direct the questions elsewhere when there are only so many ways to ask “how is the MMR calculated” and “why won’t you release it” without eventually moving on to whatever topic they would prefer to discuss (i.e., new expansion, hero, event, etc.). There are a billion other reasons ranging from altruistic to nefarious and everywhere in between.

But to your initial question:

“if they have nothing to hide why can’t we see our MMR”

Because no good would come from it. It would not dissuade anyone claiming the game is rigged from still saying that. Legend already has a numerical ranking system and yet we circle around this rigged drain regardless.

Go check any other games forum or reddit page: Destiny, Dead by Daylight, Apex Legends, COD, Valorant… and you will find a billion similar posts which could be traded amongst one another and nobody would know they were actually about different games.


Seeing your MMR changes nothing. There’s nothing for you to do with that information unless you can also see your opponents MMR. Which isn’t needed for any reason but to satisfy paranoid players. It’s not going to happen. It doesn’t need to happen. Move along.

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Pretty every multiplayer competitive game has players that accuse nefarious matchmaking that is ‘rigged.’ It’s eye opening because it goes to show that people fall into the pitfall of confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is not always easy to spot by the person suffering from confirmation bias. Remembering the hits (getting stomped) while not making mental notes when these players do win. Humans are fantastic at pattern recognition, even when those patterns don’t truly exist.

As worthless as anecdotes are, I’ve had instances that seemed awfully fishy. But, that’s because of the psychological effect of confirmation bias. Another point regarding this is that the person experiencing confirmation bias (and we all have the capacity to fall into this trap) results in a very distorted reality – a false reality.

Players need to take a step back, utilize rationality, and fight against this belief in rigging. Again – remembering the hits while forgetting the misses. It’s a basic human trait that we all have the capacity to fall for. It takes being as objective as possible. A good start is looking at websites like HSReplay and VS. As humans, in all facets of life, need to fight this instinctual confirmation bias.

Confirmation bias is a helluva a drug. In some of the worst cases, people are unable to accept their neurology is no more special than anyone else. These people believe they’re seeing through the maliciousness – they are not. These people additionally, somehow, believe they surely wouldn’t fall for confirmation bias.


I agree 100%. For every match that seemed to be stacked against me I’ve had a match where the cards seemed stacked against my opponent perfectly.


You’re able to fight against confirmation bias and be more objective. You’re able to see the forest for the trees – that’s commendable.

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this is because pairing is off mmr these days, so the truth of having idk, diamond 2 vs plat 6, and bronze 2 vs gold 2, this happens every match because pairing is not off rank and is off mmr so rank has little meaning for pairing purposes.

if they showed our mmr the pairings of not equal stakes, also known as rank, would be very clear to each opponent how different both players’ ranks are because of the big switch to mmr few years ago which was a complete mistake not even a doubt about it.

its one of the major reasons to quit hs since someone whos got nothing to lose faces off often vs someone with way more or way less to lose, rank wise, so its not fun when say you are say 1 win off a floor, and your opponent is not, you are like ok well my opponent isn’t losing anything if he/she loses so this match is one sided only i care what happens, or i care much more rank wise.

this is very mismatched by going off mmr but keeping us on the rank system for climbing.

What is it with people flagging posts? why on earth would you flag my original post? The moderators already restored it because obviously its not breaking the rules

This forum’s system is laughable. When you have prisoners running the the asylum – it spells trouble.

So you resent it when people treat you the way you treat others.

I don’t care what side of what debate you’re on, it’s rude to accuse people of being an alt. I wouldn’t do it unless I had hard proof, and probably not even then.

I literally linked the accounts in this thread. I watched them like all his posts and then flag all of us. Then make rigged troll threads like this one to stir up controversy.

I have all the proof I need.

I’m not arguing with you on the basis of fact, I’m arguing with you on the basis of civility. For example, it’s rude to call someone a disgusting fat body, and if you come back with “but they really are” you’re not getting it.

No, you are sharing your unsolicited opinion. It isn’t about civility, it is about you being pedantic and stirring things.

I didn’t call anyone what you describe here and what I said isn’t comparable to this.

Honestly, though, mind your own business and keep scrolling if you don’t like it, maybe.

This is a straight up lie. Par for course.

You said you were going to open a ticket for account review. I said do it and post a screen pic. You disappeared. Ran off like a scorned child.

Glad I saw this. I will continue flagging your posts for trolling and harassment.

Low ranked legend players can most definitely play against diamond 5 and below. The legend player can see the diamond player’s rank but not vice versa.


I actually knew this. I did not know that one star Gold could be matched against One star Diamond.
If players saw this, they would freak out.

I think it’s all about the numbers.

If you saw you are being faced against a legend player and you asked yourself why, you’d come to the conclusion: you are being face against a higher ranked because, at your level, there is not enough people playing, the pool is not large enough for you to face a similar rank. And, who wants to be part of a game that is slowly, but steadily losing people?

Blizzard did the same with WoW numbers: they were happy to announce the numbers at their peak of popularity, but when the numbers started going down, they suddenly decided it was better not to show them.

This is theoretically possible, but it only happens if both players are high legend players and being matched by MMR.

In practice this would be exceedingly rare.

I think I am right in saying that players would pitch a fit were this visible.

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