Blizzard should let us see our " MMR "

If they would let us see our mmr it would be one of the easiest way from them to prove to everyone the game isn’t rigged (sadly it is).

Every other game that has competitive ladders lets players see the MMR

So if they have nothing to hide why can’t we see our “MMR”?


Because it’s an accurate assessment of piloting skill based on previous performance. The salt would be apocalyptic.

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Thats not a good reason for them to hide the MMR.

It mostly seems fishy that they won’t let us see the MMR

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I am not kidding when I say they’d be sued for defamation by someone who couldn’t cope with the notion that they’re not as good as they thought they were.

I’d like to see MMRs too but I understand why they don’t release them.

I dont see anything negative about showing the mmr, only benefits but i feel like they are hiding something so they wont let us see it

They don’t even let you see the rank of your opponent until after legend so they will never allow you to see that MMR

I feel like they hid the rank visibility before legend so that the algorithm could pick up counters even from different rank tiers, i cant think of any other solid reason as to why they hid the ranks

If they let us see the mmr it would prove to us if thats not the case but without the mmr showing i do not believe it

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Ah you’re they guy who makes several accounts and triggers people, lol. I got you. Here is the thing dude, just end it. You will never “win” on here. No matter how hard you try, no matter what you say, you will not win your argument and there will be no end to it unless you simply let it go. Just let it go man, seriously.

The people on this forum are just gamers. We may have arguments, “fights” and things can get heated and opinions can vary widely but we are all gamers who if got together IRL would probably have a great time hanging out. Stop taking this place so serious. Take a break for awhile, relax and just let it go.

I have no problem with you and am just offering some friendly advice. Stop making new accounts. Stop being so invested in this forum. Just let it go. Life is way to short to spend so much time on such a meaningless pursuit. Be well my friend.


Idk what youre talking about im asking a question why blizzard wont let us see our mmr, thats a question not an argument, i want blizzard to be open about it and let us see the mmr, if they have nothing to hide letting us see the mmr should not be problem for them.

I also honestly don’t care about what " opinions " other players have, i want blizzard to admit to it or let us see the mmr

Corporations making a billion plus in revenue have plenty of skeletons in the closet. We all know that. I am not a fan of corporate profiteering on the backs of the workers while a few get stupid rich. Some are making record profits while the American people can’t afford basics. CEO’s are turning out these disgusting profits while the workers who build the company are living paycheck to paycheck. That is a long conversation not really appropriate for a gaming forum though.

I won’t respond here again but just take my advice dude and just take time off the forums and chill out and stop making new accounts.

The answer to your question is that Blizzard has their reasons but they will (would) only share what makes them look reasonable or sounds good to say publicly but the actual reasons could be very different. Is there something shady going on there? Maybe/Probably. But they will never admit it.

Either just enjoy the game and let it go or move on dude.

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I’m not one of these people who are okay with being lied to sorry, if everyone had attitude like yours the world would be a very bad place.

Theres a reason why journalism is a thing

Would actually lead to many exploits

No it wouldn’t, you cannot wintrade in a game with this many players because queing at same time with this many players and getting the que is nearly impossible.

Wintrading is only possible at like top 10 with extremely high mmr but thats very easy to catch and ban.

There is no solid reason as to why they are hiding the MMR


Why do they go to the toilet? Probably to configure The Algorithm without people seeing. Everything they do is to do with The Algorithm and #sinistermotives.

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We don’t even see what your enemy rank is! And you would like to see mmr right away? :rofl:

How would they then hide rigged matchmaking dependent on enemy deck not your rank?

It would be similar to talking to your own alts on the forums.

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I believe it’s akin to Overwatch, wherein the scoreboard doesn’t show kills and deaths. People think they want to see their MMR. Alas, I think many players would actually become very discouraged if they knew how bad they are.

At one time, you could see your and your opponents MMR, right?

They hide ranks so you don’t see the players you face outside of your rank pool while you have a star bonus. They did this to hide the fact that there is less people queueing at any given time so the match making has to cast wider nets to find an opponent to play against.

That’s reasonable. People will go to any lengths to cheat, that’s for sure.

I think they hide it so people don’t misunderstand why their opponent’s rank is so vastly different from theirs. Say I’m a player who typically reached D10 every month. And I start out my climb a few days after the reset. Because I’m matched by MMR, I could easily be matched against a similarly skilled player (based on MMR) who happens to be at Plat 2 while I’m still in Bronze. That might cause many people to complain, submit tickets, etc. I think it’s a bad decision to have done that, but that’s what they did.

No, HS is NOT rigged based on wins or losses or deck type. Matchmaking is based solely on MMR or Rank.