Blizzard should let us see our " MMR "

Well; I have never known them to be that way.
I have argued with Selwynn for years.
I am confident I’ll never make his Christmas card list.
That doesn’t mean I believe He deliberately tries to ban players with alt accounts.
I refuse to believe what you claim about Schyla.
I feel I know him pretty well.
He has taught me more about this game than any one person, and he has never lost his temper with me, even when He clearly disagrees.


Don’t try to back track or change the subject. Put the ticket in and show a screen shot of it. Put your money where your mouth is.

I fully agree the flag system gets abused. I get reported constantly. I have more time banned then most accounts are old here. I would welcome a better system.

There is no good reason to not show mmr. This is something that has come up in recent years,not showing mmr in competitive games. It used to be a no brainer because how can you have any sort of competition without beeing able to track your real progress.

Instead we get this wathered down measurement of performance that is rigged in such a way that it will show a good performance for everyone. Everyone is doing better all the time. You can do really bad but the metrics will still show you something that you can feel good about.

Seeing your real mmr would be a good experience for some people and probably also a bad experience for some other people. The seize of later group is vastly overestimated by blizzard. Blizzard either doesnt see the situation as it is,which does seem unlikely to me but it is possible. Or their design phisolophy is not centered around creating good experiences,but instead is centered around avoiding bad experiences.

Or maybe they have other reasons like op is suggesting,which i can no longer ignore since there really seems to be no valid reason for not showing it. I dont think it is likely but i guess it is possible.

With BG there might be another motivation,and that is to introduce a grind where playing as much as possible is beneficial. This with the aim to have players as long online as possible. This could be a motivation but then i wonder,what does blizzard gain from people spending 5 hours on bg over people spending 1 hour on bg. It doesnt effect sales,people staying longer in bg mode doesnt get more revenu,it doesnt sell more adds. It only costs them because severs need more capacity.

I dunno what it is but ya its weird. To not show us mmr for whatever reason. Probably a very dumb and childish reason but possible a more nefarious reason.

As would I. I too; have been banned more than most players here combined.
The system is easily abused.

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They assume alts are involved in the campaign of liars you’re part of, because they blatantly are. Completely neutral posts were getting flagged right after the culprit had a snit, and a blatant wave of obvious alts we’re being used to upvote certain posts.


Careful man, you will become my alt! Lmfao

The hypocrisy is mind blowing isn’t it.

Some psycho vibes around here IMO… I mean who has the time? Or more to the point the inclination.

I do know of one who shall remain nameless.
His main got blocked I believe.

Do you recall that person a few years ago who spammed the forums with threads and alts to the point where you had like 2 pages of it?

Lol. That’s some serious business for some folks.

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This isn’t democracy, silly. We don’t count bodies, so the latter group being a tiny minority is something Blizzard must clearly see, but it’s irrelevant. It’s business, so we count dollars. And the extra legal costs that would be incurred as a result of the latter group is accurately estimated by Blizzard as being much higher than the extra revenue that would come from the former group in appreciation.

If you don’t think displaying MMR would lead to Blizzard being sued, do some research on Billy Mitchell why dontchya.

You can’t see your own MMR for the same reason there’s big letters on a McDonald’s coffee cup saying “contents may be hot.” The vast majority of McDonald’s customers don’t need a message reminding them that coffee can be hot, because they’re not stupid, and arguably the cup would look better without the printing. But the letters are there regardless.

I don’t think I agree completely with the analogy.
McD’s is protecting themselves from lawsuits over injury with a disclaimer.
Team 5 is insulating themselves from complaints, imo.

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Also if you have one star at bronze, you can be matched with a one star at diamond right. Matches are by stars until you have none, then MMR.

That would be confusing for a bronze player.

In non-conspiracy land anyway.

Right, regardless of whether you are matched with a Diamond at Bronze because of less people queueing at that timeframe or because they both have equivalent MMR, the resulting cognitive dissonance and emotional distress caused by obsessing over the rank disparity would lead some heads to explode.

I am not saying you are wrong BUT

Many heads explode over emotes and rope burning. How many people have raged over it, over the years? Hasn’t changed a thing. The “people would be upset” seems a rather weak argument to me.

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Yep that scenario too, though MMR is only a factor if one or both players are at legend. I guess it can and will still happen.

It’s not like customers being upset is the #1 thing to avoid in business, or anything like that.

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So what’s your point that people have not been complaining about emotes and rope burn or that Blizz changed it for them to be less triggered?

I had no idea this was true.
Yeah. Players would freak out.

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I suppose you’ll have to ask them what they find more important, if you can’t deduce it for yourself.

You made the statement. I was asking for you to clarify.