Blizzard not responding to ban appeals

You are not told what you posted that warranted the ban. I have had 2 suspensions in the past and I submitted tickets to find out exactly what it was I said that crossed their lines so i could learn from it and not repeat it. They didnt provide the info either time. However I was able to deduce I was correct about the reason of my ban not being due to something I wrote but due to a particular person abusing the report functions to trigger the automated system on me. I know this as my most recent time suspended was lifted after I sent in my appeal and presented my evidence of being targeted by a certain poster over and over in most recent posts I had been making prior to that action on me taking affect. My suspension was lifted immediately when it was scheduled to continue for another 5 days. They didnt confirm or deny any of my suspected theories or provided the initial posts I made that were worthy of the account suspension going into affect.


-20 chArActers

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don’t be so sure about that

I know SOME of my bans were well deserved, but most were not. I think Blizz is just quick with the ban-hammer to silence opposing voices.


This should be bannable. No content, pure necro.

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the solution is simple, let’s report the matter to Microsoft, it has already fired hundreds of Blizzard employees, let’s do a collective action, if Microsoft doesn’t start an investigation into the hearthstone algorithms and the systems to silence people on the forum, we will cancel en masse any subscription that Go to Microsoft or Blizzard and you’ll see how many Blizzard employees will run to the bathroom ….

I’ve been banned once for cussing someone out that was roping. Other than that its pretty hard to get banned… Unless multiple people report you for the same reason. I’d imagine most bot reports get ignored now days unless you have like 500 reports against you.

Takes a lot less than that. Add in the people just rubber stamping the bot system, and it creates the problems people warned would take place when they implemented it years ago.

But, in typical actiblizz fashion, they ignored and banned the critics and continued full speed ahead.