Blizzard not responding to ban appeals

Why would you try and appeal a forum ban? You already know the answer.

Just stop getting banned then you have nothing to worry about.

I remember getting banned because of a completely different reason than I should have been, so I thought I would appeal to get it changed to the real reason or get unbanned in general, but none of that happened because there was no human on the other side of the screen that could understand the intention of my message.

Multimillion dollar company can’t spare a few crumbs to have real people respond to tickets. Also no surprise that the paid employee of Blizzard ““Entertainment”” Mountaineer is polluting the thread yet again belittling mental illness.

I advise people to flag the post 2 replies above me for Inappropriate behavior.


On planet earth, in this reality, you only get view counts from the website you’re on, not from a second website

Once again, a blog post trying to prop up something flat out wrong.

Poster who claims to be against insulting other posters continues to insult other posters, and practice medicine without a license, which is a criminal act.

Both violations of the coc.


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I visited the forum one day & found I had been banned for three days, about five days earlier, so I never even noticed.

For some strange reason, the people who hate the game, & the company, haunt this forum more than the people who enjoy the game.


For some strange reason, people confuse constructive criticism from people who want to see the game and company improve to what it once was as “hate.”

I certainly hope no one has ever offered any of them any feedback in real life, personally or professionally. I’m certain the resulting “YOU MUST HATE ME” overreaction and blowing up at those who offered it most certainly would have warranted security and/or police intervention.

Stating the obvious isnt practicing medicine. If thats the case then every time a parent said their kid is sick with something would be liable for a practicing medicine without a license. Your logic is faulty. And it isnt a lie if its obviously true to the objective observer.

WHat diagnosis? stating someone is ill isnt a diagnosis. Its a vague description lacking any specificity at all. its the same as saying “you dont look well” or “you sound like you may be sick.” None of these are practicing medicine. You just want to play the eternal victim and take everything to 11 instead of being rational and level headed.

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That is literally not how it works.

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but to get permabanned from the forum you would have to do sometthing extreme right ?
most people just get suspended for a few days

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Majority of bans are only 24 hours. Repeat bans are subject to more time. 3 days to 6 days, ect. If someone has a week long ban then they probably deserved it. I believe the ban system resets as well if you can go a couple weeks without recieving account moderation.

You can do nothing that is extreme, and still get “permabanned”.

The system Blizzard runs is broken.

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Make fun of metal illness, harass, troll, flame other posters and abuse the flag system…

100% ok with this company.

POINT OUT that this is going on…posts vanish.

Typical from a company that pays off the governor to interfere in lawsuits in workplace harassment and engages illegal whistleblower retaliation.


Your all-consuming sycophancy towards the company is pathological.

Another clear and blatant forum COC violation that will be ignored by the mods, and no action will be taken.


I got a 7 days ban for a post literally saying “I am sorry my posts upset you”. It was even quoted in the ban anouncement. No previous bans. Tell me again how bans work please :smiley:

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I’m assuming that wasn’t your first.

Which part of “No previous bans” did you not understand?

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You’d have to say something pretty stupid to warrant a 7 day ban with no prior history.

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I’ve said it elsewhere: that people willfully abuse the flag system for the removed “dislike” button is an abuse of the report system that should be actioned…but it’s the same moderators who refuse to action the posters above who flagrantly troll, harass, and flame other posters with impunity.

The fact that they troll people with gifs, images, links, etc SHOWS they haven’t been auctioned, because that’s a trust level 3 requirement, which means they’ve never been auctioned by a moderator.

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Agreed. Trying to honestly apologise on this forum was pretty stupid in the hindsight.

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I don’t recall who said it, but apologizing these days is almost always a waste of time.

From what I could recall the breakdown was: It’s either used as an admission of guilt to further lambaste you, or it’s seen as insincere and as “evidence” of being some kind of phony trying to get back in good graces under false pretenses.

Which sucks, because the legitimate apology is now another casualty of modern nonsense.