Blizzard is the worst company

coc violating word filter evasion will of course be ignored by the mods…because the mods ignore the coc violations of pro company posters, up to and including hate speech and real life threats.

Stay classy mods, team 5, actiblizz, and microsoft!

In summary, go and die or somehow actiblizz being a scummy megacorp that took blood money from one of the worst human rights abusers for years, enabled their propagandists on their forums, and refused to denounce concentration camps is ok, because…reasons

Naturally, the pro company poster tells you to go and die…just like his scummy corporate overlords.

Pretty sure they didn’t have internet forums in the 40s.

Ah, tangential…as in they literally chose to have a company get direct partial ownership, that was in turn owned by one of the worst human rights abusers out there. THEN in turn choose to willingly remain silent multiple times while they ran (and continue to run) concentration camps, willingly took blood money from slave labor (the aforementioned prisoner abuse and gold farming that was directly going on with their games), and literally worked to promote their propagandists during the Blitzchung scandal. Yet in spite of their false claim of being inclusive, did a racist ban on the entire Russian playerbase…yet is 100% fine with doing business in a country that runs concentration camps…until it’s not in their best business interests to do so, because scummy mega corp is scummy.

And of course…pro company propagandist literally can’t denounce concentration camps as evil, just like his corporate overlords.

Here’s a “simple question” for you: are concentration camps evil, along with willingly doing business with a country that runs them?