Blizzard is the worst company

tencent oh wrong forum you should bait riot games players not HS ones with that one

Looks like they forgot to program you with the knowledge that they only dropped tencent when the microsoft deal was originally going to happen, not because they had an issue taking blood money from one of the worst human rights abusers out there.

lying company bot continues to lie for the company, AND refuses to denounce concentration camps as evilā€¦just like scummy corporate overlords.

|*DING *

Dude, the OP called Blizzard ā€œone of the worst companies ever.ā€ Ever. As in throughout all of history. And further, the context of the OP was disappointment in the quality of the gameplay experience, not Blizzardā€™s business practices.

As Iā€™ve already said, Blizzard, the corporation, is horrible. But if you want a more contemporary ā€œworst company ever,ā€ take a look at Cargill. My point is that itā€™s absolutely reasonable to point out Blizzardā€™s unethical and immoral conduct, but thatā€™s not what the OP was about. And further, the hyperbolic claim of ā€œworst company everā€ isnā€™t nearly as constructive as pointing out their actual business practices, which you have aptly done and I commend you for it.

If weā€™re placing emphasis, look at the first part of the sentence: ā€œone of.ā€ Not ā€œTHE worst,ā€ ā€œone ofā€ while I usually decry the semantics game, it matters here.

While most of the post spoke of the gameplay experience, the lat part of the post did address the wider context of actiblizzā€™s other issues:

Thereā€™s a reason for it: the pro company goon squad and the mods conspire to hide any list made of the companyā€™s wrong doings, even if it doesnā€™t violate coc. During the Blitzchung scandal, they were removing posts with the UN Human Bill of Rights, yet allowing their pro company troll posters to post unimpeded.

Thatā€™s how scummy this company is: they would rather enable the perpetrators of human rights abuse than admit they are a partner and profiteer to it.

I wonā€™t deny their actions are horribleā€¦but Iā€™m really struggling to understand the problem people have with putting actiblizz up there (their issues with customer service, gameplay, and outright defrauding their customers are well known, so I wonā€™t repost them here):

first, the workplace issues with actiblizz (they literally were underpaying people to the point where people were having to raid the snacks in the workplace breakroom just to eat so they could make rent while the company was posting record profits, among a host of other issues- including the harassment) and of course the infamous ā€œsuiteā€ named after the celebrity I wonā€™t name here. This went on for years, while the company harassed, gaslit, and abused whistleblowers to the point where one of the victims took their own life. On top of this, the donations to the politicians and interference from said politicians in the subsequent investigations caused the prosecutors to resign in protest. Of course, the company pays less than half of what weinstein did for the same offenses, right around the same time microsoft swoops in to buy them out.

Then thereā€™s the whole kowtowing to one of the worst human rights abusers out there, for decades. Taking their blood money, knowingly letting their forced labor system use gold farmers to make money against their own tos, failing to divest from tencent (even letting them become involved with the company financially in the first place), letting their censorship board dictate game policy for the rest of the world, and refusing to their multiple human rights abuses and concentration camps.

This is everything these other companies have done, and worse. Because actiblizz is a literal partner to and profiteer from genocide.

And they and their pro company goon squad would rather hide this truth than admit to it and make it right.

And for that, they and those who carried out their atrocities will bear the stain of this for all timeā€¦they can try to erase posts, but they canā€™t erase what they have done or failed to do.

I get it. Iā€™m just saying that I think itā€™s more constructive to post the truth than to merely make a hyperbolic blanket statement of ā€œworst company ever.ā€ Oftentimes, readers might dismiss good persuasive comments because theyā€™ve been soured by the hyperbole.

This is all good argument.

And this is where youā€™re losing people.

I like you Bobafett. Youā€™re fighting the good fight. Keep up the passion. Iā€™d just say try to focus on facts and good persuasive argument rather than hyperbole and sensationalism.

And I find it ironic that nearly everyone supported the ban on the russian playerbase, without even batting an eye.

Except, for when it comes time to admit they were lining their pockets with the money from this. Because no one wants to admit who they are buying from, or supporting with their purchases. I get why the company and others like it canā€™t make that distinction, itā€™s why nearly everyone was all too happy to let them host the Olympics last yearā€¦along with all the business who were also too happy ā€œBOYCOTT THE EVIL EMPIRE!ā„¢ā€ yet were too happy to collect their blood money like actiblizz from one of the worst human rights abusers out there.

Yet, admitting that companies just a couple countries over owned by the party, and use slave labor, run concentration camps, and profit from their slave laborā€¦calling that blood money (and anyone who willingly does business with them a partner to those acts) is somehow ā€œhyperbole and sensationalism.ā€

Letā€™s put this another way:

you see someone being robbed. While not stepping in and putting yourself in harmā€™s way is an obligation most people (depending on the circumstances and the whims of the public) wouldnā€™t place on youā€¦the most you would get is some grief for at least not calling for help.

However, if you stepped in and helped the person carrying out the robbery in any way, either by making it easier for them to carry out the crime, further harming the victim after, or by taking money from the perpetratorā€¦then you are a partner in that crime. In that scenario, you are as guilty of everything that person did, even though you didnā€™t actually carry out the crime yourself.

Thatā€™s what actiblizz, every other company, and every government who fails to hold the regime accountable for all their human rights abuses and the genocide of the Uyghurs are.

As guilty of those who tried appeasement and ā€œpeace in our timeā€ before WWII. People knew then what was going on, and not only kept quiet, but profited from it. Itā€™s no different now for genocide that has gone on for the better part of a decade.

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Do you hold the folk living in Tunisia during WW2 that had supply chains that involved Axis powers train lines and ships responsible for not stopping the many atrocities that Not Zees had their hands in? Or are they just folk living their lives and a tangential part of their business dealing happens to connect to those people doing the horrible things? Are they aware of it? What can they reasonably do to have changed it? Why didnt they? Why havent you gone after them for hindsight sake and belittled them on their forums? We can all agree terrible things are being done but it isnt the fault of any one company. If you think how blizz is bad why arent you up in arms about everyone that drives a Volkswagen today? Or the people that work for them as mechanics and sales dept? Are they evil? Are they below morality and beyond redemption like you ~imply~ Blizzard is and by extension, everyone you interact with here as well?

Go do something that will actually change the things you whine about. Dont just keyboard warrior. Go free them folk from them camps. Sitting behind your pc and typing about it makes you just as compliant and okay with it as anyone else here. Unless you go Indiana Jones on them and bust up them Not Zees in Ten Cent then you are no different than anyone else here. well, a little different. You are very abrasive and condescending and quick to point fingers and claim to be the victim of this and that and assign false argument archetypes incorrectly to someone stating something even vaguely different than you.

Care to prove me wrong? Dont mini quote another essay and just make a one sentence post saying youve booked passage on a red line on a map that represents your airplane travel montage to go kick dem not zees in ten cent and in those camps butts.

coc violating word filter evasion will of course be ignored by the modsā€¦because the mods ignore the coc violations of pro company posters, up to and including hate speech and real life threats.

Stay classy mods, team 5, actiblizz, and microsoft!

In summary, go and die or somehow actiblizz being a scummy megacorp that took blood money from one of the worst human rights abusers for years, enabled their propagandists on their forums, and refused to denounce concentration camps is ok, becauseā€¦reasons

Naturally, the pro company poster tells you to go and dieā€¦just like his scummy corporate overlords.

Pretty sure they didnā€™t have internet forums in the 40s.

Ah, tangentialā€¦as in they literally chose to have a company get direct partial ownership, that was in turn owned by one of the worst human rights abusers out there. THEN in turn choose to willingly remain silent multiple times while they ran (and continue to run) concentration camps, willingly took blood money from slave labor (the aforementioned prisoner abuse and gold farming that was directly going on with their games), and literally worked to promote their propagandists during the Blitzchung scandal. Yet in spite of their false claim of being inclusive, did a racist ban on the entire Russian playerbaseā€¦yet is 100% fine with doing business in a country that runs concentration campsā€¦until itā€™s not in their best business interests to do so, because scummy mega corp is scummy.

And of courseā€¦pro company propagandist literally canā€™t denounce concentration camps as evil, just like his corporate overlords.

Hereā€™s a ā€œsimple questionā€ for you: are concentration camps evil, along with willingly doing business with a country that runs them?

Most arabs like what the germans did to the jews in ww2 .just saying.

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I just picked a random place that didnt have any known affiliation or ā€œskin in the gameā€ so to speak. To your point, thereā€™s a lot of Americans, sadly, that could be said the same for. So while just sayinā€™ might be true, it isnt really my point.

Boba, concentration camps are evil. congrats. you;ve stated the most obvious thing ever. Now what are you going to DO about it? You are just as evil as the mega corp doing business with them by doing nothing but sitting on their forums complaining into the ether. You are taking no ACTIONS to free those folk. your words and rants are not actions being taken. Talk is cheap. Put up or shut up. I want those concentration camps to be not a thing too. What am I doing about it? Not being a self appointed martyr on the forums of the ā€œevil megacorpā€ thats for sure. I am however growing weary of your trolls.

Go do something about all the things you hate about Blizzard. Saying stuff on their forums just gives them more data about you and your web traffic and etc for them to sell. You are literally ADDING to their funds with every one of your rants. IF you were soooo adamant about calling them out, boycotting them, denying them your business, you are LITERALLY supplying them the most PROFITABLE asset they deal with. They sell your data to the very people you want them to not associate with. So YOU are MORE evil than anyone else you call pro company shills. You are engaging in commerce with them WILLINGLY AND KNOWINGLY with every post. Yet you call us the shills.

So you say like see no evil speak no evil hear no evil just like everyone act like everything is good ? Thats how dictatorships come in place i think history teached us. I might be wrong.

If people uprised right away in germany before ww2 maybe there were no ww2 at all. It starts small until noone is allowed to critize anything. And boom we live in a world with social scores and stuff.

As soon you see stuff thats not ok you should speak out or be part of a system where you cant speak out loud whhat your thoughts areā€¦ eastern germany in the 80s 2.0 or udssr or china right now.

There people who like beeing controlled and profit beeing part of such. Everyone as he likes i guess.

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Apparently not to actiblizz, and not so obvious to those who act as spokesperson or promoters for the company, considering I can count on one hand and have fingers to spare how many have done so. It took asking a point bank question to you to get you to say itā€¦and youā€™re literally the first pro company poster to do soā€¦and you couldnā€™t do it without a ton of snark and sarcasm. And apparently, you canā€™t even answer if doing business with a country that runs them is ok or not.

Someone doesnā€™t know their history. During WWII, it was part of Vichy France and literally participated in The Holocaust through its own antisemitic laws passed to cooperate with the axis program before the ss even set up show there. In addition to Soulā€™s point about the native populationā€™s cooperation with said program and the overall involvement of similar interested parties in seeing The Holocaust carried out there and elsewhere.

So, hardly ā€œrandomā€ and only shows how much everyone needs to learn about genocide (past and present) to prevent atrocities like this from happening again. Maybe it would even help people who think shutting down discussion on the topic more mindful of their own bigotry and how in a time where ā€œsilence is complicityā€ that their active push to shut down topics like this only mean they are actively supporting regimes who commit these acts and their partners.

Interesting how the pro company poster has a vested interest in shutting this topic down, and naturally, it goes to the extreme of:

doubling down on: go and die or somehow actiblizz being a scummy megacorp that took blood money from one of the worst human rights abusers for years, enabled their propagandists on their forums, and refused to denounce concentration camps is ok, becauseā€¦reasons

Certainly looks that way: you donā€™t want the topic discussed, and you literally want anyone bringing up their complicity in genocide and taking blood money from the regime to die in a one man suicide campaignā€¦rather than admit your corporate overlords have a convenient moral stance on issues like this: they will ban the entire Russian playerbase, yet they wonā€™t even denounce concentration camps that have operated for nearly a decade (among other abuses the company profited directly from).

No, Iā€™m not. The difference between me and the scummy mega corp youā€™re defending, mister moral relativity is I did not willingly make and maintain a multibillion dollar business relationship with one of the worst human rights abusers out there: actiblizz and other companies and nations did.

I did not sit here and defend the company vociferously while they allowed regime propaganda to be spread on their platform, and continued to speak up for the company: you and many other pro company posters did, some of whom went into outright genocide denial.

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Speaking is nice but isnt enough. Its actions that count. Being a keyboard warrior today or in the years leading up to WW2 in Germany makes 0 difference on the outcomes. Words dont change minds, actions do. Being on a self appointed martyrdom crusade to essentially be a troll via calling people names like pro company shills isnt gonna change anyones mind. Going out to China and breaking into the camps and busting some people out like a hero, all while wearing a shirt with the blizz logo and a red circle and line thru itā€¦ then you got some minds changed; also people saved.

Short of that, all boba is is just a cheap imitation of a cosplay of a SJW/ social activist/ keyboard warrior. And nothing more. Aint gonna change no oneā€™s opinions spitting trollish rhetoric. Change my mind. GO save some people in that anti blizz gear. THen you got a cheerleader, me.

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At no point am I defending BLizz. I am labelling you and your posts. THere is a a difference. A huge one you have ignored time and time again. Wanting you to shut your computer down and go outside isnt me trying to shut down a topic of discussion. Its getting annoyed at the rhetoric and caustic and abrasive posts you keep on posting. Your inability to separate the two is astounding. you are the problem i wish would go away, not the discussion. It is the way you decide to be the victim, the woe is me, the im smarter than you are har har insert quote har har insert quote you practice.

Just go outside and be the change you want to see in the world instead of being such a horrible zealot for it. Change the way you interact with people and you might stop getting so confused over someone being annoyed at you and misbelieving in them being something they arent.

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You notice that changes starts with small actions ? Like that lady didnt want to leave a white seat in that bus in alabama back in the day. I dont want to compare Boba to that lady, but he refusing to leave here and speaking out is in my book of taking action on the same page.

My 2 cents.

Just he speaks very unconftable truth you dont want him here. You get insultive and kinda seem to loose all kinds of manner. If its so off what he has to say why you bother at all.

Since virtual life is nowerdays a hugh part of real life it doesnt matter if you protest on the internets or if you sit infront of the Blizzard HQ, he is heard by many here on the forums.

In the end even if you dont agree, the world is so full of miserable enough we should keep atleast somekind of manners when debating. Insults on the lowest level makes only you look bad.

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She took an action that would result in her arrest for her civil disobedience. That is not what Boba is doing in the slightest. He;s just spreading his biased hatred for everyone here. Anti Company anti shill cant talk about anything but the pro company shills. How controversial! Its just no where near the same. Bringing awareness of a bad thing to peopleā€™s attention is fine, but he isnt bringing up new information. He isnt taking actions that would risk himself in any way to get things changed like in your example. Your book isnt worth the 2 cents you put forth if they are anywhere close to similar. If he were to truly embody the martyr he seems to portray himself as, heā€™d be going to the Great Wall makers land and being more like Rosa, being civilly disobedient knowing what the consequences will be. His actions and then his words would hold meaning. As of now, they are just empty rhetoric of a news headlines of blizzard past. Even if it is a current thing going still, the fact that it isnt in the headlines anymore should clue one into the attitude people seemingly have about it.

Puts on cinnamon bun headphones
Do something, dont just say something. Make a cheerleader out of me Bobafett, youā€™re my only hope.

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Well to me it was and i am not the only one for sure.

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You are just now learning of the internment camps in china to house and hide away all the chinese muslims? not sure of the spelling of their term, ā€œweegerā€ is how it sounds. I know that much. Spelling, no clue.

its been a known issue for at least 5 or more years now. multiple news outlets, social commentary shows, politcal shows, even comedy shows like Last Week Tonight with Jon Oliver and The Daily Show with Trevor Noah have had multiple episodes covering it. Its about as new as the Mists of Pandaria expansion of WoW isā€¦ were you ware you could be a panda in that game? if so, think how far back you knew that, and thatā€™s the distance we are talking about.

There are those who use insults due to mere social conditioning and inherited behavioral patterns. In fact, those whoā€™ve grown up in environments where criticism, humiliation, and devaluation were commonplace.

Sooner or later in life, they repeat the same thing they were exposed to earlier in life. As a matter of fact, with this type of communication, theyā€™re actually dumping all the frustration and pain they accumulated during their childhood due to the exact same behavior.

Furthermore, many of these people use the insult as a customary way of functioning in any environment.

Does this sounds familar to you Cramer ?

ā€œThe insult dishonors the one who infers it, not the one who receives it.ā€

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Unironically posted.

It doesnā€™t wash: your post history here (where you show up to try and shut down this discussion) and elsewhere say otherwise.

Make it sounds sooooooo long ago. But pretend

Theirs is literally an unbroken chain of their human wreckage, involvement with one of the worst human rights abusers out there, and terrible business practices going back 20+ years. For someone ā€œat no point defendingā€ you sure do an interesting job defending them.

No, you literally posted:

ā€œGo on a suicide mission,ā€ or

your petty attempt to try and silence discussion about actiblizz taking blood money from one of the worst human rights abusers out there, as well as failing to denounce concentration camps while simultaneous engaging in a racist ban on the entire Russian playerbase shows your true colors.

Disgusting coc violating post from pro company poster will continue to be ignored by mods because everything, including hate speech, real life threats, and genocide denial are 100% ok with the mods, and this company here.

Stay classy mods, team 5, actiblizz, and microsoft!

Says the guy crying ā€œWAHHH I WISH YOU WOULD GO AWAY!ā€ over pointing out your corporate overlords literally, willingly, and for YEARS did business with some of the worst human rights abusers on the planet and only cut ties when it was financially expedient (and not because of their so called ā€œvaluesā€) shows just how much you should

and stop carrying water for a company that is as bad at appears, but is much worse once you actually start hearing from people who worked there. And of course, the fact that they are literally (until recently) all too happy to be taking blood money from people ran concentration camps.

Interesting how you canā€™t answer that simple question though: is willingly doing business with a country that runs concentration camps wrong?

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