Blizzard is the worst company

Blizzard is one of the worst companies ever, im glad i havent spent a single penny the past 6-7 years. I was pretty sure they would still keep promoting specific gameplay in order for you to win. Thats what we are experiencing with lich king garbage patch. I was active ONLY in arena to avoid this but of course blizzard will find a way to destroy even the “random” made decks and classes.

Well done, wish microsoft hadnt bought you so you could end up starving as deserved for what you have done all those years to humanity.


Well said op. Good thing the government is suing to stop the sale.

And now, the pro company crowd will be along to troll, harass, and violate coc with impunity in 5…4…3…2…1


Yet you are here talking about the company.

Let’s meet in your next 2000 Hearthstone games breh

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You support the company for eternity once they got your data from you by every account you made, every game you downloaded, every device they were on, and every tracker they put on your stuff to track outside of blizz habits. They can sell their main product, you, for an eternity. If you truly feel the way you do about Blizz and wish to cut off the free money pipeline you;ve installed into yourself for them… go out and get a new phone, all new accounts from the ground up, nothing that links you back to your old life. Not a facebook, not an email from mom or work, nothing. Dont even update your employer of the new “identity” you are engaging in, but rather quit and work elsewhere ground up brand new with said “identity”. If you follow all that you can turn off the updates they will continuously get about you to keep your data relevant and worth as much as it is at any given time. If you arent willing to do everything and commit to it, then you are pro company shill and an advocate too.

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If anyone other than a pro company poster used that word, they would have their post erased, and they would be gone.

As for the rest…

lol. One doesn’t need to get Eraser’d to not support the company, or any scummy mega corp.

Interesting though how it’s “the planet isn’t big enough for you and the scummy mega corp.”

In that scenario, maybe the scummy mega corps should be the ones to vanish.



There is no alternative.

I’m certainly no big fan of Blizzard, the corporation, nor much of their senior management staff. They are an unethical, deceitful, immoral company. (I do like the games though). But let’s dial back a click on them being “one of the worst ever”. Topf and Sons is one of the worst companies ever. Blizzard is awful, but not at that level.


To quote an infamous pro company troll who frequently makes this response when someone makes a post like that:

“iS iT oK FoR uS tO cAlL fOr YoU tO bE pErMaNeNtLy BaNnEd?”

Considering you literally posted that you wished eternal suffering in graphic terms in another thread, your own measure seems more than appropriate.

but as usual, the mods will ignore pro company trolls violating coc, because actiblizz rewards frat boy culture.

Did either of those companies take blood money from one of the worst human rights abusers out there for years, refuse to denounce concentration camps, and only divest from tencent after the microsoft buyout?

Along with years of other abuses.


idk… East India Trading Co might be worse than Blizz… also the WeSaySo Corp. Amazon. Vizeo. Krystals. People that drive for miles with their turn signal on. People that talk in the theatre. There’s a long list of companies an other entities that belong in a special layer of Hell before you reach Blizzard. Just saying.


Not sure if you looked them up, but Topf and Sons was a German company that made ovens in the 30s and 40s. Really big ovens. For the N@zis. They were known as the “engineers of the final solution”.

So again, there is plenty to criticize Blizzard about. They are not a good company. But putting them in the category of “worst companies ever” with a company like Topf and Sons is a bit much.


Actually i was super fine spending 5-10 min a day in arena with randon decks and classes. When they forced the dk in order for you to achieve victory EVEN in arena. Thats diabolical

Blizzard is a great company. As compared to other media companies, their servers are up and running 100% of the time.


Why bother when they give you entertainment for free you loose nothing. If you dont like the company dont play their games.

A hundred years ago.

Everyone involved was punished, dead, and paid for those crimes.

Meanwhile, everyone is taking the blood money for concentration camps still currently running, and the money paid for the workplace situation was less than half of what weinstien paid for the same crimes.

Going back nearly a century is such a bad defense it’s not worth bringing up.

Otherwise, you’d better swear off anything made in any foprmorer axis country because they contributed in one form or another to making that happen.

if you ignore the poor customer service, years of workplace abuse, taking blood money form one of the worst human rights abusers out there and censoring their games to kowtow to them, as well as corruption that rivals governments…sure (massive sarcasm).

when company propaganda crosses over into outright dishonesty.

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I"m guessing you never hear of Monsanto.

and their many crimes, they didn’t actively partner with a country running concentration camps for a decade and take their blood money. Ironically, they did screw them over, which is more than actiblizz did.

Apparently, a lot of people here either don’t know what concentration camps are, or are fine with genocide.

Because that’s what actiblizz actively supported for years when they refuses to divest from tencent, and never spoke out against their numerous human rights abuses. Even to this day.

For all the talk of “silence is complicity” it certainly is deafening in Irvine.

And if all that is too far away for most people, try looking at the workplace harassment issue in more detail, as well as what they did to people during the whole lack of overtime, pay raises, etc.

I’d post the entire list, but the pro company goon squad and mods would conspire again to hide it.

i still dont understand why people like you blame the people living in a country for everthing thier goverment does

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Try setting empathy to “1” for anything other than your corporate overlords.

Also, things not posted for five billion (otherwise, not for the first time one of those acting as spokespersons or promoters for the company would have actually quoted it), corporate troll bot.

funny how you mention randomly the word empathy on the same thread you call the money comming from players who happened to be born in china “blood money”

concentration camps aren’t funny, nor is the company’s refusal to denounce them.

Interesting how the company banned all sales to everyone born in russia (racist much, in spite of the false claim that “Diversity fuels innovation, so we’re creating an environment where differences are embraced, valued, celebrated and always welcomed” they made the racist decision to ban an entire country of players…yet happily refused to divest themselves from tencent (what I actually said, for those paying attention) and since every company there is owned by the party, they literally took blood money from one fo the worst human rights abusers on the planet.

Apparently, pro company posters, like their corporate overlords, can’t denounce concentration camps.

And that’s without even getting into the forced labor, gold farming that prisoners were forced to do to stuff their coffers (and actiblizz’s), and the host of other abuses that quite literally they refused to denounce.

But note how financial concerns are placed above so called “gaming for a better world.”