Blizzard does not care what you think

You must vote with your wallet.

I always use gift cards to buy video games whether it’s for Blizzard or my Xbox. I figure if I have the cash to go to Walmart and buy a gift card I’m not spending money I don’t have on video games lie I would be if I just charged to a credit card.

I had been sitting on like a $18 dollar for some time so I decided so I had already spent the money I might as well actually get something for it. I bought the season 2 battlepass in Overwatch. Not because I wanted to give Blizzard more money, but because I wanted to get something for the money I had already given them.

I went into my purchase history and saw that I had added a $20 gift and last made a purchase from Blizzard back in June. So in the last 8 months Blizzard had gotten $20 from me.

In that same 8 month period I had bought $150 worth of Xbox gift cards.

Blizzard games are overpriced and the matchmaking is rigged.

Vote with your wallet.


I mean, you spent money on the Overwatch battle pass and spent $20 dollars on Blizzard products in the last 8 months.

NO matter which gaming company your going to put your money into, $20 is not going to get you much of anything. SO if that is how much you spend with any gaming company, they would all be overpriced.

Of course, they do.

Until they change the game for the better, I will never spend cash on this game again. I will grind my 8500 - 10000 coins between expansions and get my 85 to 100 packs for free. Spending upwards of 600 dollars a year for this BS is ridiculous.


its ridiculous because its probably a number you made up

you need around 100 packs to get most of the expansion cards and the rest comes from gold dust from nerfs
from the festival of legend cards im missing 8 cards 3 legendaries and the rest are epics ( all from packs i got with gold or monthly rewards+ dust from nerfs and twist bans )
the only way you would need to spend that much is if you collect the cards but never
never play

December 22, please do not raise the deads in public.


It’s ok, we don’t care what you think either.

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100% This! Be a Customer not a Consumer! Actiblizz only sees you as an obstacle between them and their money. So, don’t give them any. Play the game and not buy, COST THEM MONEY. the more people do this, the more they will respond. look what players did for D&D. The players have the power, And the Corporations know it.

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If no one gives them any money, they’ll have to close shop & shut down the servers.

They are not my enemy.

Again, a them problem. Probably shouldnt piss off your player base. Better to have no game then a half assed game.

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They haven’t done this. You, & a few loud mouths, don’t speak for everyone.

If you don’t like the game, don’t play; but enough with your stupid trolling.

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Oh I play, and will keep playing. I spend not one penny on this game, Me playing COSTS them money. And while I do speak for everyone. If enough of us pissed off people united, we ccould do some damage. So shut your cake hole.


and aren’t you a loud mouth trying to speak up for non pissed off player. You don’t represent them, So enough with your stupid trolling. See, works both ways.


You’ve admitted to vandalism. I’m flagging your comment, accordingly. I will always push back against trolls committing vandalism; I will not be silent.

Edit: #ignore

Then I will do the same, See. You are trolling. You push back against “Troll” this is also trolling. so just flagged you as well. Called Equality.


Yet more vandalism & trolling.

Ditto there chuckles.

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Oh and blocking is a sign of a lack of a back bone and willing to tolerate other peoples opinions, Coward.


If you fill the queues genius Blizz still wins because you give paying players opponents to face. You playing doesn’t cost Blizz anything it validates the product you claim to hate. It’s a game. You know what I do when I get bored of HS? I quit playing. I had taken a 2 month break from them up until now. What I didn’t do was fill the queues and whine impotently about how bad they are.


Unfortunately, you waste your typing on replying to that shill. Blizzard/Activision is the God in those eyes and no amount of pointing out how horrible this game (amongst others Activision/Blizzard have) will not convert the shill into seeing the facts. They are what is known as : fanboi.