Blizzard can you ever remove the stupid Astalor?

no, you don’t understand balance in a card game obiviously. Balance means it is played equally in as many decks as it isn’t. I don’t see kobold miner in very many decks but I see astalor in about 85% of decks.

kobold miner is the most played card right after astalor

top 3 are astalor kobold miner and ignis

So you are taking a card that is new and only been out for 6 weeks vs Astalor the most broken card in the game that has been out over a year? Astalor will be around long after kobold miner. Also, I was thinking of kobold illusionist at first. However, you comparing a card that just came out vs one that has been in play in almost every deck for a year is ludicrous at best.

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