Blizzard can you ever remove the stupid Astalor?

Its really annoing, unbalaced and unfun. The biggest problem is making too many of it. Its really stupid.


What is unbalanced and unfun about Astalor? What rank do you play in?

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Its a legendary that never ends. and can have many chances to to be cloned along the way, making many more branches of it to occur exponentially. I loath it as I see it in nearly every duels match and I dont have it. Salty about it, sure. Ill grant you that. But it is super OP when it is cloned over and over to make the enemy have ungodly armor or unstoppable amounts of 14 dmg per battlecry turn after turn.

Astalor isn’t the problem its the mechanics of the other cards. The only class that I find Astalor annoying to deal with is Rogue. Remove Astalor and another card will quickly take it’s place to be complained about.


How many other singular cards deals 2 dmg and a 2/2, give 5 armor and 5/5, and deals 14dmg and an 8/8 for 1 card? and also can be cloned and spammed over and over along the way at any of these stages to create many more? Its exponentially worse than any other singular card paired with all the ways to be cloned or copied etc.

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so? brann isnt in standard anymore and i havent seen a deck playing more than one 8 mana astalor on the same turn

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Who said this was restricted to standard? I havent played standard since it came out. lol. Its a very common sight outside the little niche alley of hearthstone named standard.

Astalor is in almost every deck making him imbalanced and extremely over powered. It has nothing to do with the other cards and all him. Feels like you just wanted to feel superior without having anything superior to say.

uh popular doesnt mean unbalanced

it is a balanced card the only time i was an issue was when we had brann for double battlecry

yea, because shadowstep or the other numerous ways to bounce it back into your hand don’t exist, mirite?

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good luck playing him twice on the same turn

wont be easy !

But not impossible.

you do see the problem , right?

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in wild ? with all the stuff in it

in that format is fair

just dirty rat it, boom dealt with

I tried this but Dirty Rat brought out a different card. I tried it again and it brought out a different card again. Are you sure it’s so simple and easy?

yes i am sure its the correct card

perhaps you used it wrong?

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Oh, okay. How am I supposed to use it? Because I know everything in my opponents hand at all times, right? So it should just be simple and easy like you say, right?

well are you using it at 2 mana or are you waiting for them to start using astalor?

I’m waiting for astalor but they have other cards in hand. But it’s my fault and it’s simple and easy, right? Your solution is great, right?

do you use it to try and pull stage two or three?