Blizzard can you ever remove the stupid Astalor?

Idk, you tell me, I’m the one doing your solution wrong.

its your games, i didnt play them, you played them

was it stage two or stage three?

Idk, it pulled other cards and I lost. So which am I supposed to do, 2 or 3? Oh wise one

Though really I thought you’d realize/accept how poor/silly your “solution” is by now

3 is the best one to go for since it more likely that they will play other minions before it on their way to 10 mana, so at 9 mana, i would go for it

SO this is what a conversation between AI looks like, huh?

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I think those exited the thread a while ago.

Though the larger issue about the game becoming an ever larger powercreep fest is a valid point.

agreed. I most definitely agree

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Seeing you crying because of a card, I consider you POOR! You are free to play!!

The only legendary mage card that I found interesting in this last collection was Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher. Did you know that with 10 mana you can summon Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher + Astalor, the Protector + Astalor, the Flamebringer?! And there’s still 1 mana left!!

But man, 14 damage is not a win condition!!

Win condition is that you summon Sif at a cost of 6 mana with +8 magic damage, duplicate she with a 3 mana spell and kill the opponent with 2 ZERO MANA spell called Snake Oil which is dealing +16 damage to the opponent’s face, as there are two spells with 16 damage, there will be 32 damage in total and everything goes in the opponent’s face!!!

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People discuss cards and the larger state of the game all the time. It’s hardly “crying.”

I mean, actually giving this company money in almost 2024?

That’s the REAL joke!

After they are lock modes on people (on top of all the other scams), you’re just giving kotick more money to run out the building with. After the buyout, you’re giving and even bigger, more scummy mega corp that hasn’t made even one real assurance of quality control that money.

Might as well burn that money if you feel like wasting it.

Astalor is not unbalanced, its actually the best card hs ever had and and i tell you why.

You have to spend 15 mana on it, also you have to wait at least turn 10 to have all the benefits. You as opponent can see it coming, you can put on pressure, flood the board or heal, dirty rat, put down a big minion etc.

Like if you lost bc astalor you were losing anyway.

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If the discussion were about ONE, we’d be having the old “you really let someone pull off their exodia?” discussion.

But this isn’t a ONE astalor. This is finding ways to bounce multiples. And especially as rogue, and druid under the right circumstances, I can see the points being made.

But it’s part of the larger issue of what I have seen dubbed the “anime power creep” where each expac has to be more powerful than the last, in order to out power creep the last.

“Oh, that last BBEG destroyed PLANETS? I can destroys SOLAR SYSTEMS!”

“The last BBEG destroyed SOLAR SYSTEMS?! HAH, I can destroy GALAXIES!”


Then the series gets dumb, as the stakes can’t be realistically upped. The power creep is getting insane. Look at the “does 8 damage to a minion” spell that got changed to “does 25 damage” and I can tell you with almost certainty that given the same gap of time, the 25 damage won’t be enough.

This is what happens when you focus on bigger booms rather than interesting and compelling gameplay.


I wish more cards were much more BROKEN than Astalor was!! I wish the game owners would merge the wild mode with the standard mode! And this annoying separation ends!! The game should be one!!

Right. Same way we can see things coming irl, and prepare for these things, and do all we can, and…dang it, the disaster struck again, even though we saw it coming. Guess that’s our fault, on us, or something…brilliant logic, to be sure. Thank you for your contribution.

There are a lot more card you cant do anything about.
You know its in hand. How many other cards are you able to tell when in hand?

Like siff, can you 100% tell when siff is in hand and when to play dirty rat?
Do you know when odyn is in hand? Etc etc.
The card is strong, no questions about that but i take 100 astalor then one siff, odyn and other bs.

Almost everything you said was way off. He is 15 cost for a 2/2 5/5 8/8 that does 16 damage and gives you 5 armor. You can bounce him and make even more of him…Your “Like if you lost bc astalor you were losing anyway.” comment is absurd at best.

It is popular because it is imbalanced. It being in almost every deck is the very definition of not balanced.

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Well, i guess, we see thing differently.
If you play slower decks, astalor shoudn’t be a problem most of the time. Yes, it can end games, but then you or your opponent put you in a position, that astalor kills you.

There are currently way more cards that is imbalanced and dosen’t give you a fighting chance. Sif or Odyn for example.

I just think, that you have so much to counter astalor, that i dont consider it a problem, i never was angry, bc i lost to an astalor, i got plenty of plays to counter him.

And im not gona lie, i very very rarly see astarlor geting bounced. Both class that could do it is barely seen and even then its not like a very good play. Im talking about standard here.

But thats just my two cents, i do play him in every deck, but i also dont mind playing against him.

There is a neutral card in the recent expansion that can bounce it AND give it bonus stats.

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I agree with this. So many combos need adjusted and Blizz is falling behind on mechanics and the balancing.

nope is just popular by your logic kobold miner is OP because is popular too