at approximately 4:40 A.M. (BST), i was playing a ranked match against a player with the display name ‘Playergusike’, for the first 6-7 turns my deck was dominating the match and this player was on 1 HP (i was still at 30 HP), as soon as the turn changed over back to them, they played the cariel hero card (they were playing paladin), with a brann on the field, it cleared my minions and they proceeded to hit me for 12 damage in that swing turn, they then followed up by dropping the Queen Azshara card and delaying their pick until they started to rope.
this is where the cheating occurred, the rope burned out until it hit the tiny little stub at the end, and persisted there for at least 3 minutes, i left the game running to see if it was a disconnect or something, but no, turns out they had used some kind of bug/glitch (like some of the old historic ones from the past that did this) to not only provide them with a massively increased turn timer, but because of this interaction with the rope it force skipped my turn and immediately went back to them, however i didn’t even draw a card so whatever this cheat was it involves disabling the opponent client somehow, and as a result they were free to act and defeat me without me being able to act in any way whatsoever.
Drop the player name, otherwise some overzealous company suppoerter will report you. The rest is fine.
Next time, try hopping off and reconnecting. They like to blame stuff like this on players, but they clearly can’t fix stuff that makes the game unstable and has done so for a number of years.
It is a known bug with Brann/Azshara. That combo leads to a game lockup (sometimes the person who played them, sometimes the opponent). I’m hoping they’re addressing this (and the similar Nellie bug) as part of the patch on Tuesday, but haven’t seen official word on that yet.
It locks them up , meaning they were disconnected/unable to do anything for the entire thing , probably freaking out trying to reconnect .
When i play them , i pick my 1st then quit , reconnect to maybe get back in time to select my 2nd one … they really need to fix this , its causing issues for those playing it and those who has it played against …
I believe cheating thing because i been keep track of all cheat tools used but you cannot name drop the person on Forums.
Second sounds like hand editor was used in your game it let them use old exploited in info packs but every time someone brings it up Toxic players i am 65% sure use it them self’s attack anyone putting this info under a spotlight.
Also sounds like Turn lock cheat was used as well.
It’s not a cheat, it’s the quality of the game after every patch: no one checks if everything works correctly before releasing them, we are beta testers
Exactly the same thing just happened to me. I had this guy beat in the next move. But he just didn’t take his turn for ages. Then all of a sudden he took his turn but I was locked out the game and had the rope burning timer, I was unable to do anything, couldn’t play any cards, I just had to sit and watch as he kept taking turns while I was locked out untill he won. Such cheating bs
For all they may have known, they may have thought you dc’d. If you don’t follow HS content creators or the forums regularly, you likely wouldn’t even know Azshara and Nellie have some bugs. I’m sure some people are doing it intentionally, but I suspect the majority aren’t.
Was hoping they’d have a fix with the latest patch, sad to hear it’s still an issue.
One would have to be living under a rock at this point to be unaware of this issue.
But let’s go with the “majority” approach and test this hypothesis:
People see this interaction consistently causes this issue, NEVER bother looking it up to see what’s going on, continue playing as if nothing is happening.
Second group of people, as above, realize there is something funny going on, DELIBERATELY KEEP DOING IT TO CAUSE ISSUE.
The first you could say is trying to be willfully ignorant and taking advantage of the problem depending on what the logs show they did (how many times they kept doing it). But the second group? It’s like finding one of the atms in your area was giving out more money than it was supposed to…and you just HAPPENED to keep withdrawing cash from that one.
not fixing things, not thinking out nerfs when doing knee jerk responses and the fact that they make bank every three months, and that they have got greedier look at Diamond Drak… one of many reasons I will be back to free to play. Add too it about 10 games I need to play on Steam…
They don’t sell stuff → forum is upset because they want to buy old stuff
They sell premium stuff that gave you for free in a “less shiny” version → wow, they are selling things, how greedy
do it, many people are already doing it without having issues.
I am 100% f2p: I don’t have all legendary cards (not even 1/4), but the game is still playable, since I can craft any deck I want (not all of them at once, but if I want to play control paladin, I may spend 2K dust and I have it, if I think it’s a good investement)
The average f2p has way more gold than me
Since I just dust nerfed cards and if needed golden ones (I keep all duplicates in case they get nerfed), I have also probably less dust than them. If they have less dust than me, they are either new players or they crafted more epics/legendary than me.
I ended the last reward track at level 130: I bet any casual player who completes all the quests was higher than me by at least 20 levels, which is 1000 gold.
If I can buy the miniset AND at least 30-50 packs at the start of an expansion everytime, while not getting to legend nor diamond for extra resources and not completing achievements, I bet a normal player can do it too.
The difference between me and a f2p player who doesn’t have that much gold can lay in the fact that I never spend gold on cosmetics and I don’t buy BG perks, nor mercenaries stuff.
Everyone makes his own choices: I prefer things that improve the gameplay than cosmetics and I find BG perks useless for how I play it (very very very rarely).
P.S.: if you are going to quote me to respond to something, can you include a full sentence, or at least give the context?
I swear 90% of the things you right are obscure to me
I give you a concrete example so you understand what I mean:
Look for, the thread “what level are you on the reward track”.
I was around 130 without a pass, almost everyone else was above me.
If a f2p gains less gold than me in an expansion cycle it means they barely play.
In the last expansion i didn’t play for more than a month (without doing any quest)
I’ll be more drastic: if a f2p couldn’t reach level 130 in the last expansion, it means they played very rarely and they probably don’t care about this game so much to look at the meta and craft decks.
Every player isn’t you. Nor is every player me. Making those kinds of anecdotal comparison is not fruitful, since we don’t know how much the “average f2p player” actually makes, and since they are f2p, they don’t get the battlepass, nor the perks that come with it. Which would slow down their grind a bit. Videos have been done showing the time commitment involved, which is a bit at the f2p level. Which is more than a lot of people are willing to invest right now, especially in the game’s current state.
Let’s be objective for a moment.
What level did you reach last expansion?
Did you complete almost every daily/weekly quest?
Did you play every day?
My answers would be:
around 130
Everyone can play the game at his own phase, but if someone invests no time nor money into it, it’s not a big surprise they don’t have many resources.
I also doubt an hypotetical f2p that invests no time and no money into HS would complain about not having dust to make a meta deck; why do they need a meta deck if they don’t care about HS enough to play it?
No, but using yourself as a benchmark, then eliminating everyone below it and pretending they don’t exist is an exercise in snobbery at best.
Plenty of “those people” (to use something close to your words, I won’t call those people “nothing”) would complain the game is p2w, since they can’t afford a meta deck, and by the they could, it would no longer be a meta deck. It’s also true that the current system produces less gold than the old one and they are more stingy about giving gold.