Believe matchmaking system is not manipulated ("rigged")

Something unexpected happened, and I’m interested to learn the explanation. Please provide, any insights?

Over the past two days, I started to climbing the ladder in Wild with Rogue. Balancing play between mobile and PC, I logged a significant number of games (over 50) and ultimately achieved my goal of reaching Legend.

No stats on my mobile but looking at stats on my PC, over 35 games and NOT EVEN 1 game against DK, 90% Shaman and/or Rogue games, on mobile I do not remember ever playing against DK, I guess, other classes not exist in Wild.

Now attempting to go for legend in Standard, created a Plague DK and queued up a game. A mirror Plague DK and everything is fine, and I keep on playing until the very end where I got extremely confused. I victory I am legend HOW!!! … Only to realize I forget to switch from Wild to Standard. :smiley:

Here are my questions:

  • How was I able to que into Mirror match when playing Rogue averaging close to 50 games and NOT even 1 DK ???
  • If there are actually DKs in Wild, why did not que into them before ??? (Only when changing deck I instantly que into DK)

Another strange thing when I played Plague DK a week ago in Standard, I often get mirror match, and that same thing happened in wild. All I can observe is manipulated (“rigged”) match making system. Any insight would be helpful.

Consider yourself lucky not to be permanently banned because you should be banned. You touch the opponent’s decks without the opponent’s permission.

It’s like a thief on the street grabbing your wallet and you have to let it happen.

The rogue mechanic of hitting the hand or opposing deck must be deleted.

Rogue was the only viable deck to get to legend at the time, had to consider time to get to legend. Yes, other decks might have taken me to legend as well but I didn’t want to sit there for days. Rogue deck within 5 minutes and usually by turn 3 or 4 you know the likely outcome hence it was the best deck.

Should be banned for … ? Didn’t break any rules, didn’t alter the system in any way, all pure skills :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

What’s the argument? Supporting a theory of rigging or against? You’re not very clear here.

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Observation made here - is that the matchup system would pick an opponent based on what is in your deck or the cards in your deck also influence the match making.

The game looks at your deck, cards in your deck and your class and tries to make a match based on that as well. I wish it would 100% blindly select an opponent for you but I guess that is not the case.

OH! Okay


A lot of people come here believing this, with theories etc. The only “manipulation” per se is matching you with your best opponent for your skill level a la MMR; “Worthy Opponent” if you will.

You say you didn’t see a lot of DKs. Okay, then all I’d have to say as it isn’t a real indication of anything without a lot more data. You just didn’t see DKs? I could say this concludes the class doesn’t exist anymore, too, and I’d be just as wrong. Short answer: You didn’t see any DKs simply because you did not see any DKS.

My brain does this, too, sometimes when I’m playing BGs. RNG FEST of a mode, right? I can’t help but FEEL the game is just deciding to make me lose and/or my opponent(s) do well when I’m just getting rolled over constantly. I will say I do think the match up system is a bit off sometimes within BGs; not rigged, but sometimes it doesn’t make sense who you face when compared to the rest of the lobby over the course of the game. I THINK this may have something to due with the fact 1st place NEVER faces the ghost, so it may throw things off when they’re knocked off. However, I still know it’s just RNG.

Tl; dr The game looks at your MMR, nothing more. No game manipulation involving looking at your deck.

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Are you familiar with how averages and outliers work? Because if you are. Then there’s your answer. If not I can explain further

It makes sense.

This is my expectation of how this system works.

Yes, very familiar.

Can you shed some light on the reasons behind what happened to me?

My rank is low, and the deck I acquired was from a Twitch stream specifically, a Highlander Priest. Here’s a rundown of my recent matches:

  1. Plague DK (shuffled a plague into my deck by turn 3)
  2. Plague DK (shuffled a plague into my deck by turn 3)
  3. Plague DK (shuffled a plague into my deck by turn 3)
  4. Not a DK
  5. Plague DK (shuffled a plague into my deck by turn 5)
  6. Plague DK (I kept Reno thinking it would not be possible to have another plague DK that many times, got to turn 8 played Reno battle cry did not trigger due to plague - I concede)
  7. DK ??? (Maybe plague maybe not, conceded before the match started)

By game 5 - my feelings … pissed …,and by game 7 - felt like I want to be Thanos with all six Infinity Stones, about to snap my finger and blizzard was on the receiving end. :smiley:

After a very, very, VERY long break … deck from HS replay, Earthen Paladin. Looks like a high win rate, and playing it now.

NOT ONE Plague DK, so far 12 games in… I do get DKs but not one plague.

The funny thing is I tried to play HIGHLANDER Priest AGAIN and here is what I got:

  1. Plague DK (shuffled a plague into my deck by turn 3)
  2. Not a DK (the fear of the whole thing repeating again I just didn’t want to continue conceded like by turn 5).

So, while the game system primarily considers MMR, why does the actual experience often appear different in reality?

So what’s the question/curiosity?

Like you mentioned before the system looks at only MMR, however playing Highlander Priest I was running into the same plague DK over and over, the system would not let me go on and made my matchups very difficult. I am not a pro player and I don’t have days and days to keep playing and I play for fun only.

I switched deck to Earthen Paladin all the Plague DK disappeared and I was able to quickly get to diamond. I noticed a similar pattern before, I knew it would happen that is why I switched. If, like you say it only uses my MMR then I should get plague DKs as well while on Paladin but I got zero and that is more than 20 games now.

What I experienced is that the system not only looks at your MMR but it also tries to look at your deck and cards and gives you opponent based on that as well. How much it does that I don’t know but somehow it does it.

Nope. It only looks at MMR. What you are “seeing” is nothing more than what you say. You aren’t seeing those decks. You are not experiencing anything more than that. It doesn’t look at your deck to pick your matches, just your skill level (MMR).

You can go ahead and try to keep spinning this conspiracy theory all you want, but it means nothing without data, which would need well over 1000 games worth of testing all of which needs to be done properly (deck choice/time of day/rank/server to name a few factors).

If people believe matchmaking is only looking at MMR like the Dev’s “say” …Okay is all you can say to that.

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You said the conspiracy theory, not me.

No way I am doing that many games! ( I have a life outside of this or trying to :smiley: )

I do want to believe you, oh I do. And don’t make me sound like I am providing a some kind of conspiracy theory here! It could be due to not enough games here, yes I agree but don’t you think it is odd to have that many matchups, switch a deck and have a completely different experience? (Now that I’m reflecting on it, it’s plausible that my Matchmaking Rating (MMR) was on a decline. Switching decks might have influenced a shift in the composition of matchups I encountered afterward.). Still such a huge change? It does not make any sense.


You did multiple times. You did your best to dance around it here:

And I’m sure you won’t put the time in. I don’t care, frankly. I’m just saying what you’ll need to bring here in order to prove what you’re pushing.

Oh I get it we going to hind behind the conspiracy theory. :smiley: Nice.

I’ve observed that the game seems to consider not only my Matchmaking Rating (MMR) but also takes into account the composition of my deck and the cards. I’m uncertain if this is a false-positive or if there’s a real correlation. However, based on my experiences, I’m inclined to believe there might be a connection.

Guess what, I was stuck and I know there is a connection. Listening to you I would still be stuck. Instead switched me deck, changed cards in my deck and the matchups - changed. Easy diamond now, works every time. Unless you are developer and can show us code how it was implemented, let’s just say besides playing 1000 games recommendation you have no other argument. :smiley: Nice.

Prove it

You have nothing but hearsay -shrug-

Classic conspiracy theorist. You present an argument, you are asked for the data to support, show none and try to flip it.

You got nothing. Whatever helps you, I guess.

Good luck!

At the same time you are asking me to believe you, but how?

Not trying to be rude here but seeking some understanding. Are you the one who wrote this game CODE? Can say with 100% certainty, here is the code - YOU see it works like that!

In other words, besides playing close to 1000 games you are asking me to believe you based on … what ?! - faith?

I feel there is some kind of connection, and the only way I can explain it - IS THAT, the system looks at other factors besides MMR.

I observed another issue with the code responsible for generating random outcomes, particularly in instances where it fails to function as intended. While playing Earthen Paladin deck with two Miracle Salesman, I encountered a situation where the randomness of card selection did not perform as expected. I had an Oil in deck with 15 cards left in deck looking for Hi Ho Silverwing, with 10 mana left. 1. traded Oil, got Oil, 2. traded Oil, got Oil, 3. traded Oil, got Oil, 4 traded Oil, got the card back I did not need and lost a game. How was it possible for me to get Oil back that many times with 15 cards in my deck, unless the code is broken? (How I understand it suppose to work from Googling around, " After trading, you draw the top card of your deck. It counts as a drawing effect, like normal. After drawing, the Tradeable card is put into a random spot in your deck .") Lost another game where a similar thing happened. Now running one Salesman only, to avoid all this issues altogether. Something in the code related to that mechanics not working right.

Who actually knows what developers put in that game code, or how well they tested it, but it still does not stop me from enjoying the game with minor modifications. :smiley:

And thank you for being nice:

Good luck to you as well!

Again, CLASSIC conspiracy theorist response

It is rigged as much as a coin flip is rigged. If you’re really curious how it works, look at some of the patents they hold which are employed in Hearthstone. But I’ll save you some time. Yeah, basically it’s rigged. But hey. At least it’s rigged in your favor ~50% of the time too.

I know only of one (which they claim, is not used in HS, but that aside) could you link me to the others?