Battlegrounds still has this problem

I literally quit battlegrounds for the last 6-8 weeks of last season because I always get stuck in the 6000’s MMR. I came back and was pleasantly surprised to see that they’ve retooled battlegrounds more than they have in a while with just about all new minions. Unfortunately it still suffers from the same problem, and that is once you pay them $15 you get about 4-8 weeks of fun before the mode starts to really suck. That is, unless you’re one of those 8000+ MMR players in which case please don’t respond to this post. It’s not meant for you.

The question is does the community think that this business model is good?

For me I blow through 0-4999 MMR and then begin to struggle starting at around 5k, but manage to get my season rewards and once I’ve hit 6k there’s no further point.

And the season rewards are just cosmetic.


You just hit your skill ceiling. It’s not really a problem, just the way the game is designed. Mine is about the same MMR as you. I don’t pay them any money for battlegrounds and never have. At one point, the game just becomes too much about things I don’t quite get, and I just accept it or I try to learn what I’m doing wrong if I’m actually interested in going any higher


Right? Since yesterday I’ve played 5 bg’s at around 5700 MMR and haven’t placed higher than 5th. Twice just getting annihilated when thought I was beginning to have something and in another bg I would have, but yeah something I clearly don’t get either. It is and has been for me the reason I will quit this game eventually as it’s not fun getting destroyed and feeling like you never had a chance.

This patch finally broke the ability to play normally on adjacent creatures. That is, cooking interesting cereals now is not only not fun, but rather just stupid.
If we talk about the idea of ​​the patch, buff every type of creatures and basically now every type can win. It’s cool, but the kick is so flat and even the companions won’t smooth it out.
And I don’t understand why not to untie the tavern from the general pool.
I’ve been playing the game for 40 years already and if someone shares one type of creatures with me, then I won’t get worse cards at all, and trying to switch to another type, 90% just kills you. It became dull stuffy and some kind of bones, mind is not needed. You just need to be lucky. I just can’t see 50% of the cards of my creature type in the game, although there was a game where I spent 27 coins in one turn, and found only 2 cards at the 5th level of the tavern with my type of creatures of 1-2 levels of the tavern. And the opponent has 3-6 lvl sypyat bless you. The question is what kind of nonsense? I haven’t even seen his cards in my tavern in the entire game. How it works. I can only assume these devils again screwed up the chance of falling out. What infuriates already, why touch it is not at all clear.

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It sucks, but I do enjoy seeing that Im not the only one that experiences this scenario over and over again. It is a thing that happens despite what others may post to the contrary. And it aint just a confirmation bias either, this is progressively becoming the normal of the matches and the rare scenarios are when you get offered your tribe, just not what tier you are lol.

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I’m not sure what you just said and if you even were referring to Hearthstone battlegrounds.


Because people spending money on battle pass have and will be on the higher chance to win. Games are rigged.

There’s literally nothing you can do, because game is rigged. BG’s are shi’t now. I hope they will reverse back to buddies and quests.

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I don’t know about that. I buy the battlepass and I’ll jump in a game and sometimes take 1st or 2nd, and the next game despite having some decent stat minions on turn 8 get just absolutely destroyed by the guy who got a foe reaper and has it buffed to swipe 3 of mine for 40 damage each.

some hero powers are total crap. So choosing from 4 instead of 2 has advantage.

First of all you couldn’t possibly know who owns the Pass unless they use the current seasons skins, so you can’t really assume anything is rigged (You can’t in general assume this). Point is, it’s probably selective perception.

Either way I’m stuck in the 6000s as well with no hope, a lot of frustration and no way to know what I did wrong or how others achieve such crazy numbers. In the end the luck factor plays a major role too, which makes it even more difficult to improve (I’m not saying I want to be able to pick at will, we all know that’d be stupid and pointless :smiley: ).

So yeah, I’d love to have an additional Battlegrounds mode completely detached from this dumb MMR system to have a more chill, less frustrating experience. Or maybe let us reset our MMR at will or something like that. This definitely needs to be addressed and I’m sure such a mode would also draw some more players into the game, that may or may not pay for whatever things are available.

I’m frustrated, I’m tilted, I’m lost and I’m hopeless as there’s only the way forward or being stuck, but no way to go back into areas that are more suitable to my abilities.

Though I honestly doubt that Blizzard will do anything about it. Dunno. Do they even actively read and interact with the forum and can relay it to the respective people responsible for such decisions?

some hero powers are total crap. So choosing from 4 instead of 2 has advantage.

This is true, as you may get lucky and get heroes with better abilities. So many of the abilities are underwhelming or overtuned, rarely what I’d called balanced considering all the types of abilities. In the end it’s RNG, but I do get your point. I think at least 1 locked slot should be unlocked, so the Battle Pass doesn’t feel as mandatory as it feels right now for many people, though that probably won’t happen for marketing reasons.

I fear the opposite would happen, where people would be horribly mismatched in a mode detached from mmr, leading to higher deviations in skill within the same lobby, causing even more frustration for lower skill players

Like just now I got the hero with give a minion 1 attack every time they kill a minion. I’m actually quite powerful as I was at 2nd place and some seriously high attack minions. Went 4 on turn 9 gold and then like 3 turns later run into a dick head with foe reaper and kangor and dr boombox which rezzes along with the foe reaper and absolutely destroys me for 25 points of damage when I was at 23 and I believe 3rd maybe. So out 6th. Like freaking A what the hell do I have to do? All the so called experts don’t offer anything really great for advice only live streams, which you may see something in that, but honestly not going to get past 7000 unless you just have God given talent for something like this.

Like am I even playing with the same amount of gold as some people? Like do some people just get 5 gold on turn 1 and then 12 gold by turn 3?

So yeah Sehrael right there with you where BG’s are fun for like 2 weeks when evidently the only people to play are complete noobs who have no clue.

So I guess Blizzard doesn’t care about alienating like half of us who actually like bg’s despite it being so horribly frustrating.

Playing hearthstone for 40 years? Impressive.

If someone is playing the same tribe as you cards they grab won’t be recycled to be available to choose. In addition limited numbers of tier 6 minions are available.

Generally picking a tribe from the start losing hp because of a lack of cards and then trying to switch to another tribe is not a good idea. Its better to play strong cards without worrying about the tribe then switch when you find a key card for growth,

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After they made the battle pass cash only I stopped caring about my rank. Its literally no way to care about it if you only have 2 hero choices because a lot of the heros feels like you need to play for 4th at best.

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I will say this, now just broke the odds in the tavern. Before, it never happened that if you took a type of creature that someone already plays, you won’t get any of these creatures anymore. For me, every game is a squeezed struggle for a card that will somehow help improve the table. Believe me, I’m not kidding. I’ve played about a thousand games of hearthstone. And I could always easily score 4500, it happened to me that I was unlucky, but it was definitely a loss streak from 40 games, as it is now. I’m really wildly surprised how he pours cards to those who are in a party with me, and how the cards suit me. Friends are already watching the game and they say it’s really trash, you just have 4 games in a row that are critically unlucky, I say that you see 4 games, and it’s already 2 weeks long.
I don’t want to offend the developers, but I’ll ask a rather rude question:
And would they be upset if their sexual organ, with which they have sex with their girlfriend, would work as reliably as a tavern?

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Ummmmmm what? I dont want to offend, but is english your primary language? if so where did you learn to do putdowns or insults, because I’d like to never go there for any learning of any kind.

Moving on: Anyone else have trouble remembering to have a minion in hand when you’ve got the murlocs that buff your in hand minion? I rarely ever have a reason to have a card still in my hand ever in normal gameplay so remembering to have one there for the purpose of scaling and the deathrattle murloc that summons it into battle has left me screwed many turns where I buffed nothing at all and summoned nothing at all. lol. I know I cant be alone in forgetting to plan for this

I feel you, but I think it’s not a case of not planning. Most of the time I get it so early that I don’t have the time or RNGesus-love to find and keep something in hand (Or I simply don’t wanna risk it). Especially if it’s still early, you’re very vulnerable to heroes like Millhaus or Xyrella that tend to overwhelm you in the early turns. If I got even more luck (not, heh) I don’t find the Bassgil for many more turns if at all.

That’s just from my experience though, I’m probably just doing it wrong.

Game is designed by inept developers then.

It’s not skill, it’s the developers programming the game to decide who goes high in MMR (streamers, friends, cheerleaders in this forum) to sell the game to others.

Shouldn’t matter if your at 1000mmr or 10+mmr, everyone should have a chance to win a battlegrounds game. Should not be predetermined by RNG.

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If you think this way, you’ll never get any better. There are plenty of valid criticisms one could make about Blizzard/Hearthstone, but this isn’t one of them.

I think I’ve decided that I’ll concede every round where beasts are available. It’s aggravating and they need to nerf that stupid rylak. A solution would be to up it 1 or 2 tiers, make it 1 side only or remove it entirely or something like that.

Yes, I’m frustrated and had to let go of that steam.

Also, why does it always seem like 4 other players are always picking the same tribe as me and make me loose? :C

Another problem; The other day I got to place 4, lost - LOST mmr; and when I got 5th, I only lost a fracture of what I’ve lost on place 4. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.