Battlegrounds still has this problem

So you made some more payments than me, I stopped paying them once they implemented the AI which keeps you losing and to win you have to meet certain conditions, so yeah it is a business model if you can call greed a business model. Their forum trolling made me quit paying and playing their games so idk how they think it works for them. A friend is trying to convince me to buy D4, I don’t think they deserve any purchases tbh. I happily pay for other games, when they give me fun regardless of my payment. Hope Microsoft will change this vulture culture. It is time for people to start thinking before paying certain companies for their products.

Speaking of trolls:

When somebody writes “I don’t want to offend” that’s exactly what he is going to do immediately after that statement!

Also, for someone who claims English is his primal language you made too many mistakes in your insulting post.

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This has been the problem since it was made P2W.

You don’t have to know who has a 50% advantage over you to still get beaten by it.

Let’s say you’re in an athletic competition: does KNOWING that everyone you’re competing against has paid for a steroid boost to gain a 50% advantage over you somehow negate that advantage?

Of course not, you still got beaten by someone who paid to get a boost you didn’t have.

And pro company poster of course will get away with making racist posts. Because reasons.

Hey mods? There’s a whole category in the coc about racism. Supposedly no one is exempt from, yet there’s always a sub group of posters who can get away with making comments like that and much worse. Racism is racism and violates coc. Period.

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Poor English may be because of background, poor education and/or not being born in America, as a rural New Zealander who attended school over 40 years ago I frequently fall in that category. But it is not inherently racist. Sorry our education in how to speak American mainly comes from TV.

I was using the exact phrasing you used,

to ask if you spoke english as your primary language, because I couldnt follow what you asked when you said,

Because this… isnt so much a question, or even a statement, its barely what one could claim is a thought… it just seems so broken and strung together.

And umm, what in the wild wild world of warcraft makes my question about if english being their primary language qualifies as racist? Having a communication snafu or speed bump or brain fart is not remotely racist. What is your issue of going out of your way to misread and misinterpret things to be offended about or over? You are like the worst aspects of an HOA Officer/tattletail and a Karen. Now I am imagining Temura Morrison with the “I Want to speak to your manager” haircut and beskar armor. While that image is amusing, you are not.

Making a poorly worded post, or being an ESL poster is perfectly fine. But when someone ELSE decides to mock you for it, it is. There’s a whole category here about it: fits right in with outright slurs and hate speech.

You literally posted:

First, mocking the poster as an ELS poster/speaker.

Second, denigrating where they came from.

There’s no two ways about it: you were not only making fun of his posting due to his English proficiency, but making racist comments about where he came from. That’s as racist as it gets.

Oh and the sexist/racist


which of course the mods will ignore due to this company’s wonderful track record in that area.

oh, and your typical childish username harassment and trolling.

I’d like to imagine a forum where the mods actually enforced the coc, but because this company literally was paying the state they were headquartered in to interfere in the workplace harassment suit, we all know why certain posters can post anything, up to hate speech and real threats with impunity.

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Me too. You would have been perma-banned a long, long time ago and sent to a galaxy far, far away.

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Well said. I would like to see Blizzard fined for every insult its paid trolls deliver to the public, but hey, this is America, where being a jerk is perfectly fine as long as it’s a corporate policy…

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If you’d all be so kind as to stop this argument… It’s unnecessary. Let’s talk about the upcoming buffs and nerfs instead;

Or luck ceiling. Frequently getting games where you don’t get a single scaling minion in Bob’s tavern isn’t really a skill issue.


Making a comment of not wanting to learn how to insult or put down another person, the way they do, is not remotely racist. Again, purposefully misinterpreting and unable to read what is actually being said so you can claim victimhood on behalf of another. If you dont enjoy this place so much, why are you here? oh yes, i forgot already. nowhere else will accept your shenanigans and tomfoolery, trolling of others, and so on. I wish this place would be among those.

Cramer shut up already.


Um, I choose no. No one forced you to read what I typed.

I just made it to 2nd place with all reborn beasts, I had the golden frog, parrot, raptor with DR, golden raptor with DR, tentacle with DR that gets larger based on summoned minions thru combat thru the game, golden croc, and 2 barons. Never once did I encounter the banana hammock guy, nor did I find anything that scales beasts really at all. Closest I found was the 15/15 making battlecry tier 6 minion. But alas, doesnt matter when I cant even find taunt givers, I encountered 1 the entire match. just 1 taunt giver. I didnt pass any up while refreshing, I didnt even get any offered when i tripled. which really only occured like 3 times the whole match, and no one else was beasts either. The minions just dont appear to exist. But my last opponent is allowed to make their naga into the 300/300s with divine shield, and even with the leapfrogger they snipe my barons right away because of course they do, every combat thats what always happens. the moment the only taunter is down, (because again, only got 1 taunt giver all match) the most important minions to the build are sniped first. But yeah, the only thing i can think of that can scale beasts is that mythical bear that never appears… anything else? Im talking outside of combat scaling. I want to start a round of 300/300 beasts. lol. not 8/8s.

You want Sinrunner. The undead reborn horse. My favorite “beast” set up involved using murlocs to handbuff sinrunner in my hand, bassgill to summon it during combat, mama bear + banana to buff it when summoned AND when it reborns.

That was a 1000 stat horse.

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Todays patch has absolutely killed the game for me. I guess time to finally move on to Diablo…

So you got a god roll frog comp with the scaling 6 star.

That scaling 6 star minion isnt of much use tho, in the singular round I had it. It doesnt affect any other minions to scale in any way. died right away the moment the barons died. when facing the nagas I faced I couldnt kill a single one of their naga. they all being in the 100+/100+ to 300+/300+ territory.

[quote=“Sehrael-2193, post:10, topic:108575, full:true”]
…Do they even actively read and interact with the forum and can relay it to the respective people responsible for such decisions?[/quote]

No, that would require that the folks at Blizzard care about the community. That ship has sailed long ago…

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it’s rigged.


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