Battlegrounds Revamp Coming Tomorrow!

mal’ganis is no longer immortal sadge :sleepy:

where will our raid boss malganis go ;~;

Because it is what people are playing?? I mean, they are going to put time and effort into the things that have traction and players.

Oh my god those leap froggers are going to be insane lol

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you have killed off 2 tribes with this changes completely. Demons and Murlocs.

The inability to put poison on them with toxfin gone is going to make them useless. the new one in tavern 5 is only after 3 minions die, which is useless if it dies before then or the murlocs without poison die too.

and demons without malganys makes wrath weaver dead. the whole point is to get to malganys to build up your golden weavers without killing yourself. might as well just remove the “damage self” from wrath weaver, period.

and many of these cards are going to become too OP and people are going to highroll to tavern 6 ASAP. that one pirate that gives you a golden minion in hand every 2 turns (1 if it is golden) is going to kill the game.

I thought quillboars were bad enough, but now this is just a too OP highroll meta that is going to make folks leaves battlegrounds in droves.

And you kept KHADGAR in the game. this minion needs to be gone, period. remove the spam of tokens with it or the pathetic pirate exodia build that spams tokens to destroy honest folks hard worked boards

The new tavern four demon has your hero is immune, so now you get the effect earlier.


So when will the Perks reset? i was about to buy, but i dont know if it will be worth. When will a new Perk thing release?

Why did they decide to remove Faceless Taverngoer? It’s very good technical card in my opinion.

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Yeah I will miss that one. Sometimes when the game decides to give you absolutely nothing, picking up one of those can give you a shot at top 4 before you get destroyed by the people who got lucky.

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hes talking about BG not standard ranked

You realize Malganis was replaced with a tavern tier 4 immunity, right? The new one is better for preserving HP much faster than having to wait until t5 (and there will be more in the pool).

Also, your fears about high rolling, technically high rolling took a significant nerf with the removal of Faceless. He was a big part of people having absolutely insane early builds. An early faceless could pivot into a relatively safe early double Kaly or what-have you, which snowballed from there.

I think people are going to have to try this stuff out before they get too far ahead of themselves.

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Battleground Perks do not reset until the next expansion. Should you buy them now, you will have them until then.

why remove the faceless. I really don’t understand that one. I’m even mad they remove it.


Guarantees goldens too much.

a turtle, he says “i am a turtle”


whilst i do agree on the murlocs being basically dead the demons get a brand new way of sustainablility being devoring tavern minions, and someone like zuljin would make that to be a something working as well, but malganis is replaced with another imunity demon 1 tavern early tho, as well as highroll meta is going down a bit due to tavern goer going away making it so builds like quilboars, dragons, and elemental nomi is gonna require alot more effort, as well as making that pirate that gives you a golden card harder to make golden

they are removing toxifin i guess they cant add murloc support while is still in BG

Why is the golden Defiant Shipwright a 4/8? Every other minion gets double its base stats when golden.


i think they are just overpowering it just like they did standard gj blizz take the only other method of enjoyment and destroy it well back to wow till i get bored and find a new game to play bc this ones goin in the dumpster for what 2 yrs? till this garbage is out of meta? hopefully they have to retweak some of this stuff im not impressed

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So they added more slot machine mechanics. Sigh.

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