Battlegrounds needs to heavily punish leaving

Leavers are ruining the battlegrounds experience as much as people say oh its fine it just makes it free elo. i dont care about elo i care about fun experiences and taking 60+ health out of multiple games in a row doesnt allow you to go end game and ruins the fun, i suggest that leavers be put into a pool with other leavers and are only allowed to pick the heros that they left on forcing them to play someone they didnt want to play in the first place this would punish players for leaving when they get a hero they dont like


This is something that is blizzard’s fault, not the leavers’. Blizzard made the damage cap conditional on no one having died yet (which is bizarre and has tons of much better alternatives). Not to mention if everyone who gets a bad hero is forced to actually sit through playing the hero, they’ll just quit battlegrounds entirely and you’ll get a long queue time (only to eventually get a bad hero you’ll be forced to play).


Maybe people would stop leaving if this rigged garbage game mode wasn’t such a rigged garbage game mode.

Start game. Doing well. Good hero. Great plays. Win most rounds. Come T8, get t-f’d by some “random” (rigged, probably blizz bot) nut draw that puts 22 to your face. Oh hey look, you had 22 health left. 6th place. Awwwwww shucks. You’re so average at the game. Stay at 6800.

K. Not rigged. Not at all.


Octosari needs to get nerfed and it’ll be fine again.

Counterpoint: if the two heroes I’m given to choose from aren’t to my liking, I should be able to bail without any penalty at all. I shouldn’t lose rank until I pick a hero and commit to a game.


Blizzard really shot themselves in the foot with the pick 4 heroes paywall. Just remember it’s a business to them at the end of the day. People who pay for this trash will endure longer que’s when the people(smart) who don’t pay for their crap bail out when they don’t get a good hero in their two choices.


Of all the nonsense posts I have read in here, this one has to take the cake. If there was any balance in bg this idea might have some merit, but with so many ‘bad’ heroes and bad quests, why should anyone have to sit through an non-enjoyable experience in a game that is a leisure activity? I leave all the time if 2 of 3 minion types are missing. Why? Because I only like to play them, and I play for fun…forcing people to pick between ‘punishment’ or doing something else is a no-brainer.


I just made a related post in the Multiplayer forum before coming to the Community forum and this thread:

As others are correct to point out, any attempts to punish players who leave BGs, would cause them to abandon BGs altogether, leaving mostly P2W players to face other players who also bought the Season Pass to gain more regular access to better heroes, which would also result in longer queue times.

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You do know you merely get 2 additional heroes to choose from, not 2 better heroes, right?

You do understand that 2 additional heroes to choose from doubles your chance of getting a a good hero to play, right? I see that as a “significant” advantage.


I just think it’s an egregious adjective for something so small in significance.

Again, it’s not p2w. Once you get to higher ranks where you can lose mmr in top 4, I’d start to agree somewhat. But if you’re rocking 5k, for example, you’re still in casual territory. Plus, the mode is very high roll at the moment, especially with quests. You could take home a win with a bad hero with a decent quest.

I find it “egregious” when people try to gaslight others into believing that a P2W advantage over F2P players is insignificant, just so that they can feel better about themselves or so that the devs do not do more to balance such an advantage, like offering three hero choices to F2P players.

There are a lot factors (random and otherwise) in a Battlegrounds match, which play a role in determining who wins, just as there are in other Hearthstone modes, but having twice a many heroes to choose from is a gated (behind a pay wall) advantage that does not exist in other hearthstone modes.

You can try to pretend that the Season Pass offers no competitive advantages over those who do not buy it, but the majority of BG players are not going to believe that, nor should they.


Well, if they do that, who will buy the 20$ season pass? LOL.


Actually, just replace the afk players with bots. Don’t have to make them fierce, just let them “play the game”.


Actually don’t mind the idea of bots replacing players that leave early as it makes the game go longer.

However, I would imagine it will a bit of programming to get the AI players to pick the right cards, etc to compete.

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Blizzard has never made a competent AI in any game, and it’s unlikely battlegrounds will be the first. It’d be either painfully easy to beat them, or they’d give the AI extra gold/tavern levels/etc and make it artificially difficult. With them, there’s no in between.

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I think the idea is not to have a super hard AI, but just one that follows a similar build to an average player of the ELO. It wouldn’t be hard to create… I mean, even if it just buys cards simply buy a rating system, it would be enough.

The goal is not for the bot to win, but to fill in as a better player then a dead one with no minions…

I find that this could be game changing, especially with quest and heroes that require to cumulate effects like “killing minions” or having your own minions killed.

I cant count the number of games where i was playing a quest like “Kill X amount of minion” or “Have your minions die X times” and I faced the dead player (which had no minions) multiple time in a few turn, completly screwing my game.

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There are no ranked rewards for this mode, so it’s all casual mode no matter what anyone wants to believe. There’s no reason to penalize people for conceding casual matches in any game.

Next, when you get to 7 or 8k rating, people don’t leave like they do in lower ranks. You can solve your own issues by winning more games.

The mode has some major issues right now, but exactly none of those issues are the players deciding a lobby isn’t a good fit for them during their play time. That’s something blizzard needs to fix by improving their game, not penalizing their consumers.

The only adjustment I’d say is fairly viable is not make leaver players Kel’Thuzad. Make it so you chip down the leaver’s hero until they are actually knocked out. No it’s not the same as facing an actual person, but it can slow down a game affected by early leavers.

Not true at all. Every AI in WC3, SC, SC:BW, SC2, even Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm, and yes Hearthstone story modes, all have nearly unbeatable AI. You can have you opinion of them not being competent but If it werent for Power Overwhelming/ Thereisnocowlevel/ Showmethemoney/ etc I wouldn;t have ever gotten past the prologue of SC1.

As for leavers, its normally just due to the hero selection (2 or 4) being unfun to pick from. Thats 100% the reason I will bail on about 2 out of 3 battleground lobbies right away as soon as my options are presented.

What would be nice is if the leavers boards still continued to progress such as minions scaling still (Im thinking of when Ragnaros leaves after activating Sulfuras power, those 2 outside most minions ought to continue scaling even as ghost driven by kelthuzad.) Along with the avenge (give X to Attack or Health) powers ought to continue.

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