I don’t know if you’re serious or only joking (because the other part of this post points to you being serious), but I can tell you:
a) That “rule” is already known as the “Murphy’s law”,
b) It’s not actually true, Murphy was an engineer with a sense of humor, nothing else - this only seems to be true because of negativity bias, where we tend to remember bad outcomes much more easily than good, as historically our survival depended on it,
c) the reality is quite the opposite - the more you want something, the more you are prepared to fight for it, and eventually get it, and the existence of economy is proof enough of that.
- c) is not to be confused with a “religion” of Law of attraction, which is literally a delusion, and not to be applied in games of luck, because “luck” consists of variables we can’t impact ourselves. No amount of “wanting” can make your luck change. It’s just something that depends on external circumstances. If it wasn’t like that, we’d have names for those variables, and wouldn’t have to simply call it “luck”.
Shouldn’t be a problem. Besides, every digital algorithm is based on things we know from real life. It’s a literal recipe, so you can always find analogies within cooking, if nothing else.
Also, to everyone else, why bother? For example:
This is the way to go about threads like this. At least we’re having some fun in otherwise pointless, idiotic and unconstructive topics full of disagreement and irrationality.
This, however, at this point is also a delusion. It’s very naive to assume tin-foiled hats would ever perform such an experiment, let alone accept it as proof. That would be logical, and rational. They don’t need that. Whole purpose in this is to avoid being logical and rational, and blame external factors for own fails, because it’s easier to go through life that way.
At least, that’s what they think, not knowing their whole existence is miserable because they refuse to learn and improve.