Battlegrounds is so rigged, you will not change my mind

Tried to play beasts as anyone who tells you they are not OP right now is frigging stupid. When you can summon 25 beetles and they each end up a 100/100 before the round is over…but I digress.

I just witnessed 5 turns in a row where I had 3 taunt minions and my avenge (1) minion all the way to the right that as soon as I did not have a taunt minion anymore, but still had 4-5 minions I had to watch as it gets killed first after the taunts are dead EVERY TURN for 5 turns in a row.

Meanwhile other lobbies my opponent can have 0 abilities to protect a Baron + T6 pirate who will allow my opponent to summon 800 40/1 pirates not die for at least the first 15 attacks made by my minions. And then I get absolutely hammered. I get hit for 500 points of damage.

This mode is so rigged it’s laughable. And anyone who says otherwise are 9000+ MMR who for some unknown reason to me are being favored by Blizzard. I don’t believe it’s due to paying more for this mode as I have paid for probably as much as anyone to be able to play the mode and yet I just cannot catch a break like some people do.

It’s to the point someone really should investigate Blizzard.

Wonder if it wouldn’t take the Chinese government to do that as I believe they did with card packs stats, which all of a sudden had to be published whereas before you had no idea of the odds of getting cards from packs officially until 2022. Not to mention that eventually Blizzard decided that they needed to make it so you wouldn’t get doubles in theory until you had every other card from an expansion first. Rigging card packs got their hands slapped?

This company is crooked. And it’s a crying shame considering how great they used to be before they merged themselves to Activision.


You’re really this mad and presumptuous over a few bad dice rolls?

Take a deep breath. Bad rolls happen.


If you’re playing, and you think it’s truly rigged, ask yourself why you’re still playing?

If I play poker with my friend and I know he cheats to win 100% of the time, aren’t I a fool if I continually play poker with him?

Then why are you still playing BGs?


Don’t play D&D. You’ll lose your freakin mind.


I suspect it uses a forced win rate algo that reads your board and gives you rolls according to your win/lose history. Its to keep players hooked. Dont believe for a second its true random.

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Nothing is truly random.

You’re very close to achieving some enlightenment my dude.

Now onto probability…

Cause we’ve played for an age, loved it, and now this whole patch has sucked out what made BGs fun. Don’t worry, there’s something better. Off to the Bazaar

So does R.I.G.G.E.D mean Really Insecure Guys/Girl Experiencing Defeat.


I completely agree with this man … save yourself the headache, uninstall , dont look back

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So you love playing a game when you think it’s rigged and there is cheating going on that makes you lose on purpose?

Are you sure you really believe it’s rigged?

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Your sample size is just bad. It’s 5 when statistics in this game start becoming reliable only after ~60 games (perhaps at least 80 or 100 if you want them more stable).

PS if you hear someone saying “but 18 or 30 samples I heard are good”: they’re wrong because card games are not a coin toss but a highly skewed population.

PS 2: The Devs don’t have to try to make you lose: you WILL lose sooner or later: they raise your MMR when you win to lose easier next time and vice versa.

I doubt they have the skill to micromanage rigging in that way anyway when they can barely fix game-breaking bugs within 7 days of them being known.

This is the worst, least productive type of post.

If you’re frustrated, fine, I get it. But making a post about how the whole mode is rigged and “you won’t change my mind” just… Accomplishes nothing.


Underneath most “IT’S RIGGED!” posts lies the primal selfishness of the human to think they are the best player in the world currently online. Only the best player in the world currently online will never lose. That’s because without rigging anything: they just raise the MMR whenever you win: eventually at least the best player in the world online will go against you and win most likely.


It does now and forever on this forum, lol.

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beasts is buns rn, not OP there isn’t enough space in the warband and unless you have undead tier 5 or 6 units to take advantage of the units not fitting then you’re not scaling late game. I do agree that the game is entirely rigged, I was just playing a game where I’m tier 5 and i rolled 10 times in a row while going beasts and i saw ONE beast unit, no one else had beasts before someone comments that it’s first come first serve. I never get the units i need from the tavern, it strategically passes out wins, the game is still horribly balanced and there is still no buddy or no trinket, there is no incentive for win OR lose streaks. So all in all yes, you are correct, autochess is less rigged than this and that is a Chinese game. Viva China IG


Oh really? While in general I would agree with you. Assuming every time my avenge 1 minion died I had 4-5 minions left that could also be hit, and it happened as I said 5 turns in a row. Do you know what the odds of that happening are?

Less than 0.1%

So yeah it’s totally random. Surrrre.

Also, absolutely not true. I realize I’m at best normal on the normal distribution curve.

And to the person who says I’m insecure please. I’m 42, single, not making 150k. Do you honestly think I care? If I did would I be playing this game?

At least someone gets it. The kind of stuff I see some of my opponents getting vs what I get is ridiculous at times.

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Quite untrue, even using random number generator algorithms. All you need is one source of true randomness to generate the seed, then the pseudorandom number generator code will generate true random numbers. Truerandom is a website that does this, using atmospheric fluctuations as a source of true randomness.

Physics does true random all the time, and it is used to generate true random numbers. But even the canned pseudoRNG algorithm in the Unity engine could be used to run every game of Hearthstone and Battlegrounds that will ever be played in its entire lifetime, and probably several orders of magnitude more thatn that, without anyone being able to measure a difference between it and true random.

If you didn’t care you wouldn’t be making these posts.