Battlegrounds - INFINITE TURN

Video -

Not really infinite, but as close as you are going to get. This is what happens when the combat phase is so freaking long it just skips your buy phase- happened against us twice and I was unable to buy that nice 6 drop murloc ugh.

Lash/skylark and really just all beast animations take FOREVER. It’s a really cool combo but if it means teams don’t get to play the game then clearly this benefit does not out weigh the cost.

As you can see at the end the match was really close if I could just move some things around, buy a couple cards, and with the right match up we would have won.

This total game was an hour and 30m, and it getting to a point where we couldn’t even adapt/buy was a bit frustrating.

Sorry for the poor sound quality, just got the record app the other day and haven’t figured it out yet but was thankful I had something to record this mess lmao.

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When you recognize that your next matchup is going to be one of those long drawn out animations and you are semi confident in your survival to the following round, the moment combat begins press alt + f4 and as fast as you possibly can click play on hearthstone and it will log you back in. Once you are reconnected to the game it will drop you in on the build phase of your next turn, skipping the battle animations. Its the only path to regain your build phase once they have forced the long drawn out combat times on you. And do not worry that you are doing anything to gain an upper hand on your opponent, as they most assuredly are also doing the same thing in order to avoid their own turns from being cut just as short for them. SO once you rationalize you both are using the same tactic to avoid losing your next turn you can feel content in that you arent abusing anything or exploiting anything.

Except that +is+ exploiting. You’re just going to get the OP banned when/if multiple reports are made or when the system detects multiple “disconnects”. OP this is terrible advice, I suggest you don’t follow it unless you want your account suspended/banned.

It absolutely is not an exploit. It has been a long practiced and perfectly legal practice in the eyes of blizzard. All the combat is done on the server side, only the animations are on our side. The server already knows who won or lost or tied in the combat round the moment the round began showing the animations for us on our side. All the disconnect does is stop the long animations from subtracting from your build phase, which is what the builds with many a deathrattles and reborns and summons are meant to do. Not just defeat you in the general rounds but also to deprive you of your turns to be able to do anything to adapt. Taking back your actual turn time to get around such tactics has always been legal and not an action that can get you banned. you dont know what you are talking about.

Same here :

I would like a confirmation from Bli.

I don’t play teams BG’s, so I don’t have any skin in this game, as it were.

I’m just here to point out as others have, that this advice is mad sus. “Trust me bro, it’s totally not hacking bro I swear, everyone else does it, c’mon bro just trust me bro”

Like I’m good bro, I don’t need to win that BG that badly.

On the French forum I also read that players were deliberately disconnecting to have a “normal” time between each fight.

It’s the same whether it’s solo or duo.

It’s not “time” that will make you win !
But it can prevent you from losing if you don’t have time to do something (sell, buy, change positions, …).

Of course not. :wink:

But I would like a confirmation from the developers that it’s not harmful to disconnect on purpose.

I think that someone who doesn’t play Battlegrounds can’t understand and has no opinion to give, especially if his answer proves that he doesn’t understand anything about the time we’re talking about and what it’s for.

Question, was this intended at me, specifically?

Only you know if you are concerned.

Do you play battlegrounds (solo or duo) ? ;
Do you stay in the game long enough to see the time allowed between each turn (which is not the same depending on the number of players who remain in combat, the chosen minions, your material, …) ???

I don’t know.

I’m not.

Solo, yes.

I have never once had my buy phase skipped or shortened. I have had the game drop me during the hero selection phase, semi-frequently (I would say it happens around 3 or so times per week on average). But in terms of my turn getting “eaten” by the battle phase, that has never happened to me, which is why I was under the initial assumption it either A.) only happened in duos, or B.) cannot happen to me because I’m just that lucky :wink:

I play solo and duo.

I think the problem only occurs in DUO (without being absolutely sure) but it is not systematic.

I have already wondered if the opponent had not used a “subterfuge” to skip my turn (because yes it is possible but I am not going to explain how - it is forbidden - and then it is another subject).