Battlegrounds INFINITE TURN

Not really infinite, but as close as you are going to get. This is what happens when the turn is so freaking long it just skips your buy phase happened against us twice and I was unable to buy that nice 6 drop murloc ugh.

Lash/skylark and really just all beast animations take FOREVER. It’s a really cool combo but if it means teams don’t get a combo then clearly this benefit does not out weigh the cost.

This total game was an hour and 30m, and it got to a point where we couldn’t even adapt/buy which was a bit frustrating.

I was able to quickly record it with an app I got the other day. Sorry for the poor sound quality but I was at least able to record this mess.

It’s amazing!

Especially when you see the first beast with its life in negative, -27 then -28 then -27 and so on…

Often, when there are only 2 opponents left, around the 13th or 14th fight, you have the ROPE right away between fights, it’s very annoying.

I would really like a confirmation from the game.

They cannot do anything against anyone for disconnecting. Willingly or Unwillingly, doesnt make a difference because then the precedent is set for actioning against anyone that disconnects. Since they cannot determine from their end of the game servers why or how a player disconnects, (loses wifi or cell signal, battery dies, computer crashes, etc) they have to assume the player intends to return and to reconnect them to the game asap when they detect them logging back in. So no matter if you dc of your own choice or the game crashes and forces you to dc and reconnect, they can’t action anyone for a dc without making all dc’s of all reasons subject to accounts being actioned. Which would be a terrible action to make.

You dont need anything from the horse’s mouth about this, just let a couple of your own brain cells make some chemistry occur and you’ll figure out that nothing Ive said will result in anyones account being banned.

Were these sentences necessary ???

I was disconnected once and couldn’t reconnect, so even if it’s very rare, there is already a “small” risk of not finding your game.

As a wise Jedi once said, “Whenever you gamble, my friend, eventually you’ll lose.” ~ Qui Gon Jinn

Its a risk of not being able to reconnect, sure, but that isnt a guarantee that it will happen every time. So if you know going into that decision you can weigh the pros and cons yourself. You can roll the dice or not. But you can feel safe that no one is using the Force to guide the dice against you. If you lose on the gamble you can blame that I suppose… but thats just a personal issue and not the game’s.

Which isn’t exactly true
That’s a niche case but for anyone that shares their play sessions publicly (posting on youtube or streaming) they can take actions against individual players for their actions outside of the game
Streamers have seen their accounts banned for what they said or shared outside of the game
Insulting your opponent vocaly, even if they will never hear it, can get you banned if you do it in public, just as is you were texting them
Exploiting technical limitations publicly is a risk

Blizz may not strike everyone everytime, but they can and did in the past

On the forum, there are several very different people who say various things on tons of topics (on the game or not).
Some people even claim to “have proof”, others proclaim themselves “very intelligent” or with a “higher IQ” or to be “very good players” and “analysts” or “logical”.

Among them there are toxic people, narcissists, trolls and even people who like trolls…

Having an opinion or an intuition (or not) by making others understand that if they do not agree or that they simply have a doubt, it means that they only have 2 neurons is absolutely not going to persuade me of something if a "blue" does not come to confirm it to me.

I do not believe that the developers do not know when there have been disconnections, wanted or not and I do not believe that their server likes it.
It doesn’t matter if I win or lose, that’s another topic.
I have a doubt, so, of course, I could be wrong.

It’s good to give your opinion, it’s less good if you say :

But all is find !

But all is find? What in the boneappletea does that mean?

I never said that someone ONLY has 2 neurons. That is a wildly inaccurate reading of my statement:

Letting a couple of them is nowhere near suggesting someone only has a couple… Do not put words into my mouth I didnt actually say. TYVM

Yes, and if you do anything that would violate the TOC or CoC or is just something that would be a detriment to the company/brand/game etc… then yes they can action outside of the game as you yourself have provided the evidence of the transgression. And again, nothing I’ve suggested is a a transgression. At any point one can close the game client for any reason. Any reason. Is the game buggy? laggy? having connection issues? the animations taking so long that you are deprived of your next turn time by no fault of you or any other player? Had an incoming call? ETC, All reasons for closing the game and then reconnecting if the client allows it, is permitted and regardless of the reason, cannot be the reason actions are taken. Remember, the game is cross platform for mobile devices. So there are an infinite number of reasons one might have to reconnect to the servers after a DC of any reason.

If that is what is being discussed, but it isnt. It is not an exploit, but merely a reconnect. Since all animations are done locally from your side of the client, it cannot resume mid-combat and continue where it might be in this point in time. It must put you back into the game at the next client side part of the game, which is your turn of the build phase following the previous combat assuming you survived it. This is the same result if you had spotty internet connection and everytime it went into combat you lost connection and it reconnects, boom, you are in the next turn;s build phase automatically. In fact, everyone already is in the next phase with the timer started at like 60 to 90 seconds already counting down the moment combat begins each turn, its just when your animations are completed and it takes you to your build phase of the following turn that you see the countdown begin where it already is. Check it for yourself, when you go into your build phase each turn note the timer countdowns starting position for you and the turn. Do this again on another match, it will be similar but almost never identical times each match.(aside from like turns 1-4 or 5) your turn for building begins the moment combat started as far as the server is concerned. You just have to sit thru the animations to get whatever remains of it. That cinematic isnt mandatory to sit thru for the server’s POV. Its already started your turn’s countdown.

The animations being client side does not mean that you can’t voluntarily exploit that limitation and that they can’t take actions against you in the game for it.

Remember when DisguisedToast got banned for showing a combo that made your opponent skip their turn ? All they were doing was playing the game legally as it was designed. They only played legal cards that they were legally authorized to put in their deck, and there was no bug related to these cards being exploited.

Forcing a disconnect on your game (I’m not talking closing the game then opening it again), to have un anfair advantage over your opponent playing the game as it unfolds normally, is even more of an exploit.

Both situations are animations related. If you can get banned for playing so many animations that your opponent has less time to play than what is designed, I don’t see why you couldn’t get banned for using external material to skip animations to extend your time over what is designed.

With the Leapfroggers comming back in the game, with guaranteed ways to find Titus Rivendare, there will be a lot of situations where animation time will skip players’ turns entirely. If one player artificially disconnecting their client to skip the fight and play a turn they couldn’t have is not an exploit, I don’t know what is.

No. never heard of the username.

You are actually describing how the extensive amount of deathrattle and reborn animations puts the opponent at an unfair disadvantage as it cuts into their time on the following build turn. Doing a DC voluntarily when you recognize this is their intent, in order to bypass their intended consequence of “playing the game thru as intended” is not an exploit that give you an advantage, if anything it is removing the advantage they planned on getting over on you. Its like having your own type of a Counterspell to the opponent using the game’s perfectly legal mechanics to be weaponized in a way that could give them such an advantage as denying their opponent’s their next turn. The DC just makes it to where the intended consequence of their actions doesnt happen, but the act of their weaponized mechanics still would have happened like how they would have still spent mana on a spell even tho you counterspelled it. The DC and reconnect is just your own version of it when the game mechanics are being used against you at the cost of your own turn.

The only exploitable avenue of this is to combine this with being the one that is weaponizing the mechanics by being the reborn deathrattle token minion abuser to extend your combats against your opponents, AND also using the DC reconnect to bypass your own animations as well in order to maintain your own build turns. THIS is something you can feel free to see as an exploit as I agree, but the reality is that you can be assured whoever is using the strategy to go maximum DR Reborn Tokens to deny your turn timers… is most assuredly also doing this to maximize their turn timers.

This isnt me arguing that 2 wrongs make a right, but it is an argument for having an option to return the game to a fair position with no unfair advantages. Or also known as 3 lefts do make a right.

Except that’s what I understand from it.
First paragraph summs up to “if you think your opponent is exploiting, you better do it too, even if they don’t” With a salt of “make justice yourself” at the end.
Second summs up to “if you think your opponent is exploiting, you might as well copy their comp and exploit too, to the detriment of all the other players of the lobby”

If you didn’t want it to sound like 2 wrongs makes a right you’d better have replied regarding the player exploiting in the first place, rather than suggesting the second one should do the same.
I don’t see how your explanation isn’t trying to justify that when Twist was infected with cheaters it would have been fine to cheat yourself to counter the cheaters.

Also you’re trying to convince me that countering a spell, or just using a card to counter a card, is the same as exploiting a technical limitation to bypass an intended design. Convinced, I’m not.

I never suggested anyone do that. I said I would agree the combination of building an exploitative composition AND skipping the animations to not have your own turn time reduced, would count as an exploit. But merely skipping long animations you have no responsibility for making, no. Not an exploit by itself.

I didn’t say you said it.

I was talking “in general” about this kind of thing:

I want to clarify that I do not argue with the type of people I mentioned above because once I know that they are “not good people” or that they are “not reliable”, I ignore them forever and I do not read their messages anymore.
I just see that one of them wrote a message that is “hidden” (voluntarily) from me.

I wrote “all is fine” because I find that the wording you used was not very “judicious” but that “it was not a big problem”.
It probably happens to me, too, to not be very judicious in the choice of my sentences.

To come back to the fact that I do not argue with “bad people” (let’s summarize like that), I must also clarify that I do NOT believe that you are a “bad person” (just to make things very clear, otherwise I would not have answered anything).

I have read your arguments (Cramer and Derkan) and I understand them.

I find, at this stage, that it is “useless” to debate or “argue”.
We need a “BLUE” to come and tell us what he thinks about it.

I am taking advantage of this topic to give you this link with a blue answer (in French) that I find useful.
If people need it, I could help translate.

Yeah i barely grasp english well enough. lol . I dont read or speak that Paris-talk. lol.

I am French so I understand French very well and English quite little. :rofl:

In summary (for the interesting part) the blue says :

You have to go to the “options.txt” file (in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Blizzard\Hearthstone) by adding (or modifying if they already exist) the lines:

(X for the desired fps limit, you can put 0 to make it unlimited)

Ok so I didn’t understand that one.
But then it falls back in the “make justice yourself”
It’s completely arbitrary to say that “if you’re not responsible for the long animations, then it’s ok to exploit to skip them”
If the opponent plays an animation intensive comp, just because they want to play that comp, and not to exploit the turn skip, and that you are the one to skip the fight everytime you encounter them, then you’re the only one exploiting. You’re trying to justify that which is not ok

Their intention to use that comp is the exploit. It is designed to deny you your turn time on the following round. Same for them as well, so its a double sided blade approach. You can deny them that intended result. Be assured, anyone using this approach is not above doing both the turn timer exploit against you and regaining their own turn time and bypassing the animations they themselves should’ve sat thru just the same.

You can make the game fair again for you by using the same trick they intend to make it unfair to you. (Im not suggesting to build a huge DR Reborn Token build) Use whatever your already established strategy already was going to be. But when your enemy uses a weaponized build to deny you your time in addition to not having to sit thru the animations themselves and go straight to building for the next turn… you can counter that by just using the same exit ramp and onramp they did to resume at the same position as them making their efforts to bog you down with the animations and deny you your build time whereas they didnt have to experience it.

Let me be clear: Intentionally making a drawn out animation combat build isnt to make it the most likely to win one or to make it the strongest one, it is only used to deny turn times to make your following boards weaker turn after turn since you cant take the time they are able to because of their composition. This is the Exploit that is disguised as “playing the game as intended” but in reality its just a weaponized mechanics to run out your clock you dont even know was ticking already. Combo this is with the fact they can bypass their own animations they should have to sit thru as you are suggesting everyone ought to… that combo of the weaponized mechanics and the animation skip DC Reconnect: I would agree with any argument is not fair.

Removing that advantage they are giving themselves by that unfair combo by using the dc animation skip reconnect restores the playing field to a previous state of fair again as now you have your build time (the same amount they intended to have more of than you) that they intended to deny you. Now it is as if there were a setting in the game to just “skip animations” when you use it in this specific scenario to restore fairness/deny them their unfair advantage.

The Super Time intensive builds of Undead or Beasts with all reborns and deathrattle and token summons is a “run out their clock” play, not a “Best and strongest build possible to win the match” play. Its like if a football team kept doing those time outs that dont stop the clock from counting down just to maintain their point advantage all game long the moment they manage to be 1 point ahead. Forgive the crudeness of my example as I dont watch sportball at all. But I do know that strategic time wasting plays that are just weaponized uses of the rules and mechanics of the game do exist and the other side has little to no choice but to accept it and let the clock tick away. In my scenario, I’m saying there’s way to use the same thing they are using to skip their own time wasting intended to put you at the disadvantage and resume the clock where it ought to be had they not done so in the first place. Negating all the time wasting they intended for you.

When I play the beasts or the “deads”, I never say to myself “ha, the animations are going to be long so I’m going to win because my opponents won’t have time during their turn…”.

It’s absolutely impossible to know if an opponent disconnected on purpose during the fight (so if we do it, we deprive him of time, right ?).

In the French link, the player asked if it was possible to prevent the animations and the blue said “no” and then proposed a “code” to increase the FPS…

So you’re justifying using an exploit based on a generalistic assumption that is proven to be false on multiple occasions to make justice yourself.

The more your defend your position, the more you’re defending that 2 wrongs make a right since you’re encourraging people to voluntarily abuse technical limitations once they see specific comps on the assumptions tha tthe opponent must be doing the same.

If 70% of the players playing long animations comp do DC, and you encourage the other players to always DC against such comp, you’re encourraging them to exploit against the 30% players that play the comp the legit way.

Froggleapers used to be a really strong comp with a lot of stats and resillience that countered poisonous, divine shield and glass canon comps. It just happens that it was also an animation heavy strategy.
Claiming that this comp only existed to abuse the animations is pure fallacy.

Doesn’t change the fact that instead of pointing out a potential design problem you justify exploiting technical limitations. Responding to a potential exploit with an exploit is still an exploit.

“Weapons kills people. If you see someone carrying a weapon, don’t wait for them to use it, use your own to kill them first.” Seems perfectly reasonnable.