Battlegrounds Ended Early with members still alive


I was playing on Mobile and my last game of Battlegrounds ended while I still had health.

I was playing as George, and there was Milhouse and Patchwork left. The order ranking before the fight was: Patchwork, Milhouse, George (Myself)

I queue against Milhouse, Patchwork fought a ghost.

I defeated Milhouse, inflected 6 damage to kill him at -2.

After this, the end screen came up and said I finished second.

I checked my stats afterwards and it did mark that run as a 2nd place finish.


Hi, I came to the forums because the same thing just happened to me. I was Toki and in 3rd. Tess was in 1st and Elise was in second. I fought Elise and beat her; Tess had a ghost. I won and eliminated Elise, then the game ended and said I was in second. Iā€™m also on mobile. iOS v. 14.2. Game version is up to date (19.2.686000).


I just had the same issue occur. I was playing Rakanishu with mixed minions. I took out Zephrys leaving Tess Greymane (at approx 30 health), and myself (with 8 health).

I probably would have lost anyway, but would have liked the choice to lose on my own. :grin:


Iā€™m also on iOS v 19.2.68600.

same issueā€¦ on windows 10 pc


Similar issue happened to me. In the end, there were four players left and I was stuck on a loop with one player. I was Sir Finley and he was George, if my memory isnā€™t mistaken. He beat me, game showed I finished fourth, but I have seemed to actually gotten 2nd place points. Additionally, the top player never got their points reduced. I was playing against him, beat him by 11 points, and after that it still showed he had 40 points. And after that I never got to play with him either. The graphics still showed as if I was the one always playing against him, lol.

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Had the same Issue just now. With Lich King it was 3 players left. 3rd place was my opponent but he DC but I still faced him and won. But said I placed in 2nd. Checked my rating and yeah I got second. IDK if he lost but I know I had life 10 left. Really sad right now.

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Same thing just happened to me.

3 players remaining. I knocked out the 3rd person and was awarded 2nd place without even facing the person in first.


same issueā€¦ on windows 10 pcwa

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It also happened to me, he was shown as KT and had full health the whole game and no minions. I fought him in the early rounds and he lost no health at all. At the end of the game he won and I got second place without dying or conceding. I was doing the very hard AFK achievement ā€œbrbā€ and also it was going to be my first time getting first place with AFK. Lost the opportunity to get those two achievements to that bug.

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This happened to me as well, 3 people left, I beat the person Iā€™m fighting and third person is fighting ghost, win combat, gives me second place.

Same thing just happened to me!
I was winning a BG and then it ended suddenly and I came in second. Screw this game, steeling a win from the playerā€¦

Just happened to me as well. Ready to go to the next round vs first place player with health left and an iceblock. Awarded second with no chance to play.

Just happened to me as well. Awarded second with no chance to play. A.F.K was 1st place the hole time but did not do anything it seem. A.F.K was stil on Tavern 3 and i never matched the character

This has happened to me two times now! A ghost has somehow advanced and won the game over opponents (me) who still had health remaining. Just happened to me. Silas had no minions and was clearly a ghost but seemed stuck at 30 health. Iā€™ve got screen grabs of it

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See the following threads - Many people are having this issue

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Same thing happened to me just now ; played Sir Finley Mrrgglton, as The Curator and never got opportunity to face 1st characterā€¦ :S :S

Same thing happened to me. Played as Mr. Bigglesworth and the player playing Reno ā€œDiedā€ first but was stuck at 27 hp. Didnt get any units from his warband even though the animation for fighting Kel was showing on the sidebar. About 7 rounds later I defeated the last other guy and I was declared second place.

Happened to me as well was stupid strong Murloc George with Golden Brann and 2x Amalgadon. So sad.

I had the same thing happen just now-
Final rounds omu and elise
I fight elise 3 times in a row, eventually knock her out, omu is still alive, and game ends telling me I got second. I was playing al akir, and didnā€™t get the 1st place achievement.