Banning Cards in Wild Makes No Sense

When you signed up to play the game, you agreed to the idea that cards could be changed or removed. If you don’t like it, quit playing the game.


Im going to be cynical on what im about to tell you, but maybe next time consider not crafting the most degenerate free win deck cause it was obvious that it was going to be addressed very soon. Its partly your fault.


because while no one cares about a card being banned in arena (you don’t lose anything), someone may argue that banning a card from a constructed format isn’t always good.

In BG, they remove minions from the pool all the time there is a problem: no one is mad, because it will eventually be fixed and the minion will be available again.
If they remove it from BG to substitute it with another minion: no one complains because the minion was free; you didn’t need to own it to play it.

By banning a wild card, they are basically removing a whole archetype (self damage warlock) from the game.
They could do the BG treatment: remove the quest temporarly while they balance it properly, then reintroduce it in the format.
Making the fix in 2 years is a bad idea, because:

  1. by the time the card goes to wild, there will be other decks to play
  2. the nerf that will be applied in 2 years can be applied now (in one month)
  3. if the nerf results in the card being unplayable, then people who waited long to see the quest again will be disappointed

If all cards were free, probably people would be sad that an archetype they liked is unplayable in wild; but since they aren’t free, many feels like blizzard decides what to do with their collection (which is permitted by the terms of conditions anyways).

There are already people upset by seeing “wildfire” going to 1 mana, because they can no longer use it in even mage.
If they had all the cards, they would simply try odd mage; since many probably crafted even mage, now they can’t really find a use for wildfire and maybe the whole deck.

I don’t know if I was clear enough, but I think that’s the reason why a ban in arena/duels/BG isn’t an issue, while a ban in constructed, the format where you build a deck and use it, is more relevant; which is a justified reason.


Or, craft what you won’t regret.
Crafting 2x crystalizers, for example, it’s absurd if you are short on dust and want to build a “long term” deck :joy:
There are budget versions for a reason

I crafted 1x 5/5 imp, but that’s a card I could use for meme decks; during the SoS period I also crafted Hemet, another card that I’ve always wanted but I couldn’t justify the purchase: SoS gave me a reason to craft it and I’m ok with having it

I said every other mode. ALL OF THEM. Constructed, Drafted, Constructed-Drafted, Taverned.

OK, maybe not Classic. But there’s no reason to ban anything in Classic.

I’m saying exactly this: banning cards for constructed is bad.
Players aren’t just losing one card, but entire decks; if they nerf something, the deck may become weaker, but it would be still playable; or maybe the card can find a purpose somewhere else (like shudderwock: they nerfed saronite to kill the deck, but shudderwock was still playable and so was battlecry shaman).

For the rest of the year (and the next one), “pain warlock” and most if not all of the new cards that synergizes with it, won’t be playable in wild, because you are missing the most important card: it’s like playing malygos druid without malygos.

banning cards in drafted mode is fine: you aren’t losing anything.
If drafted was “take 30 cards at random from your collection”, then it would have been bad too, but you choose from a free set of cards: nothing is lost; you were likely to not find the desired card anyway.

in duels, it makes sense to ban some cards because they may be problematic for many reasons: too strong when the enemy has only 15 health and so on…

Banning them is fine: you are just selecting 15 cards, you aren’t really constructing a deck; you choose synergies, but then it’s the game that offers you the rest of the deck.

it’s a special mode and it changes rules every week; it’s fine to ban cards here, because the rule says “new rules every week”.


They’ve been banning cards from constructed for 4 years!

Can you name a few? I don’t know any card banned from constructed in the last 4 years :joy:

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Had another thought…

Maybe it’s time to raise the health and the card pool for Wild.
40 health/40 cards, maybe 50 health/50 cards, or 60 health/60 cards? Some of the higher ones would probably make games too long…

Maybe changes like these would give time on the board for aggro to burn their hand and allow a slower deck to get a swing turn in. I’m sure I’m not thinking of something…

Yes… that’s exactly what will happen… It’s like you read the patch notes that announced the ban.

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FireGhoul is probably implying that if they are going to change the card to make it legal in wild, they could do it now, so people can use it, instead of delaying it by 2 years, when the hype for questlines will be gone.

I don’t understand why people are so stubborn to understand a simple concept :sweat_smile:
What terrible thing will happen in case they make a different version of the demon seed for wild only, that makes you stick to your idea of keeping the card banned?
I really don’t understand the issue…

Read his full post. He’s not implying anything.

And the reason why it’s banned and not different in Wild is consistency. It’s the same card in both formats.

But why do you want this to be true at all cost?
Sometimes changes can be good for everyone: I don’t think making a demon seed for wild and only wild will hurt anyone.
Even if it ends up being unplayable, or underpowered, you could at least use it for meme decks or in casual.
Removing it, on the other hand, hurts a part of the playerbase: those who like warlock, play wild and want to use the new questlines.

I can only see positive things in making a new weak demon seed for wild, while I see at least one bad reason to not doing it.

It will. It will hurt me mentally. Do you know how stupid people are? Check the bug forum and see how many people are on there reporting something that works as intended but they either don’t understand how it works, or don’t agree with it. And people will complain about how both versions are different from each other. And when we will tell them that it’s because the Standard version was too OP in Wild, they will not accept that answer and ask why Blizzard changed the card anyway. And then the only answer we can give is “because DLMdD wanted them to”.


I played 5 games today in wild and each time o faced a different deck. It was great fun to see variance I decks and no warlocks killing you by turn 7.

This whale will still not be spending any more $ on HS because it took them WAY too long to take action that was obvious after first week

  1. Vanish
  2. Baku
  3. Ragnaros

Banned in Standard Constructed.

if you want demon seed lock to be banned just to have a “revenge” against a deck that was too good, it’s childish…

if instead the reason is “the bug support of the forum will be filled with confused people”, just don’t read it: they decided to not read the updated card text despite the banner wild version on the card, don’t waste your time reading their reasoning.

I know: there are people who don’t understand why oh my yogg denies a questlines, but that’s life: if we have to limit ourselves because of the dumbest person alive, we wouldn’t have mana cristals (why can’t I play a 10 mana card on turn 1?)

I’m okay with that, let’s do it! :rofl:

If that’s all you got for “reasons why we shouldn’t make the game more fun by letting people use the cards we release, but in a different state than the usual ones because it was too strong”, then you are basically agreeing with me: there are no good reasons to not make a new version of the demon sees

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For what I know, they were very playable in both standard and wild.
Then, they were hall of famed: this means

  1. full dust cost refunded
  2. card no longer standard legal (pay attention, not standard legal =/= ban)
  3. card playable in wild

It’s not the same as banning a card and you know that!


So that’s the problem? Using the word “banned” hurt your feelings?

Do you want them to call it “Reverse Hall of Fame”?

Is that how fragile you are?

actually, you should try to read what I wrote, but at this point, I am strongly conviced you don’t want to change your mind, even if you don’t have anything to support your thesis.

It’s ok, just say you don’t like the idea of having different version of a standard card, I’m not a supreme judge: anyone can think what they want.

But don’t tell me

if then your examples are hall of famed cards, because it doesn’t help anyone

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