Banning Cards in Wild Makes No Sense

So, Hearthstone keeps RANDOMLY banning cards in Wild, which completely $^^&@s up ranked play, if that’s a key card in your deck. Why are we paying for a game that keeps disabling cards we PAID FOR!?

And it’s bad enough to ban them in WILD, which is supposed to be where all the stupid overpowered cards are available…but banning them EVERYWHERE!? THIS IS THEFT!


Two cards. Two cards have been banned. So yeah, hyperbole much?

Also, what do you mean “everywhere”? Both cards are still available in Standard.


Hope so.

Some of us play wild as a primary option. Seeing warlocks 7-8 matches out of 10 got a bit stale, to say the least.

By nature, wild should have a greater variety of options and class selection. The warlock quest line turned the ladder into monotonous bore.

Where are the goods in that?


If you start with one, more will follow. Which makes wild no more wild.


But they won’t be banned forever. They’ll get changed when the rotation hits. Just in a way they can’t function in Standard. So either we ban in one mode, or we have two versions of the same card, which will make things worse. Banning is the best option.

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Is it only warlock? You always see the same boring decks. Quest warrior, quest hunter, malygos druid. Why completely destroy a class and not come up with a more balancing option. They increased the damage to take which could slow down the quest warlock immense. Banning the whole card just shows the lack of creativity of the game designers. Blizzards destroyed the whole game. 2 warlock cards are banned from wild.
People who are happy that it got banned are just sore losers.


Oh please, i’d rather have twenty archetypes that previously existed with gameplay past start in hand barely uncommon otks or hand vomits.

The only people who wanted to abuse broken decks are the people who don’t care about the format being balanced for two players and winning with one of the statistically most broken decks with 78% tracked wr at some points

when 55-60% wr, a 5-10% lean was considered heavy tier 1, while +5-28% leans were just ridiculous.

Bronze players who couldn’t win 3 silver matches in a row got 30 winstreaks undefeated with it.

Sure some players were worse than those bronze players, but it was a broken deck that needed to be banned for the health of the format and turn 6+ cards.


Ummm… It was very much needed. People were dropping out of Wild left and right.
I 100% agree with the bans, with the current system in place, but I do like the idea of not banning cards and letting Wild be Wild…

Here are some solutions I thought of…
Give each player the ability to ban 2-3 cards, those playing decks that everyone hates can enjoy the que…
You could allow all cards, but ban one class…
You could allow all cards, but only allowed to play one class within 3 games. I like this idea the most.

I think it would also be cool to implement these in Standard and Wild Casual modes, and they should allow the same EXP for both Casual and Ranked… Casual has become the place were people with ladder anxiety hang out, playing the same meta crap in Ranked. That is what the ladder floors are for.

Once you play this game long enough, winning isn’t as fun as playing a deck you enjoy to play. The reason I stopped caring about climbing, is because you end up in hell, not being able to play fun decks to climb, and only playing against decks you hate to play against. I play games to have fun, not to get tilted and rage quit after 5 straight losses to no-brain-to-play meta decks. I don’t mind loosing to a good deck that has strategies.

Sorry, went on a bit of a rant, but in conclusion, there will always be a broken deck in the system, but maybe these suggestions or others could fix that…


They need to make a Wilder Wild mode or something where people can play with all cards.


It’s not a Wild card.

It was before it got banned


You are right.
I expend 7K Dust to build the deck, they banned the card now I have lots of cards I do not need. Blizzard do not care to be fair, just nor doing anything that compensate their mistakes, just a big corpo making profints, this comment most likely will be banned as well.


They’re adding the cards again with a rework when they rotate out of Standard. Check the patch notes.


two cards have been banned in a span of 5 months, while the game is 5 years old (?).
Yes, it’s a lot! It shouldn’t happen this often.

The best part? They banned SoS from wild because “we have plans for it in standard”. Boom! Nerfed and then nerfed the deck where he was supposed to be played :joy:


funny. I can say the same about seeing pirates/mage/hunter decks…
no game against them can be longer than T7. you either win or lose on T7, sometimes even before that… but hey ! lets ban the warlock quest! that will distract everyone from our faulty dev team!


Personally I feel blizzard needs to give an auto refund for the 2 band cards and remove them from the game.

When they become wild cards they can’t be reverted, so they need to be reworked the sooner the better.

Or else we will have 2 cards that have been paid for, that won’t even exist.


I fully agree with the ranter who went on about not being able to play fun decka cause of rush to victory tactics that pretty much make it a redundant game… go play some solitaire ya bug abusing scum bag

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Can tell you’re to dumb to make a proper deck that’s not abusing bug exploits

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Theft implies they have taken something that belonged to you.

Zero percent of the card collection you use to play Hearthstone belongs to you. They could delete all the cards and replace them with UNO if they felt like it, and you’ve already agreed that they can.


They have been banning cards all over the place for years.

Every other game mode.

I don’t remember you crying that whole time.

Why is Wild some kind of holy cow that deserves special privileges that every other game mode doesn’t get?