Azerite Snake is currently ruining this release for me

yes you get cards that are good for their cost from excavating and this isnt a unique thing for warlock. Hey i play a 6/6 with lifesteal and fireball and i can play a lot of trash minions cause my resurrection card is targeted. I play Sergares and get 2 3/4 taunt minions for free for the rest of the game (at least you can play reno now to remove the portal) but still insane, and all curse cards are way to good for also giving you a curse giving me 6 unavoidable dmg and clearing the board making me have to spend 2 mana to get rid of it and it potentionally even milling a card and on top of it they stack so you can casually give your opponent like 11 dmg on their hand having to deal with their board and spending mana to get rid of the curse is awefull maybe and just maybe it wouldnt be as annoying if not every warlock played all these cards together.

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Yes we dont have to kil the card making it so you cant bypass armor could also help im fine with 10 mana lifesteal to enemy hero :slight_smile:

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No, OTK is one of the most stupid mechanic they could ever create… I do not support any of them… but neither this…

I am affraid this won’t be enough… need to make sure to not let them use more than 1 of it each turn… increase mana cost to 9-10 also because still have too many OP cards.

Warlock’s control package makes turn 10+ games normal. It’s difficult to pressure them hard enough.


Sargeras is a turn 9 play. It was already nerfed. Again, if you let warlock use an entire turn late game to summon him, that’s on you. Some deck can still finish lock through the taunt .

Lock excavate card are slow and situational. A 4 mana taunt yeti is bad, sorry but its a terrible tempo loss. The 1 mana spell is actually okay but require to kill a minion with 1health, which require some setup and additional mana cost.
I really doubt you can play the curse package effectively with excavate, curse package isn’t good for controlling and is too slow for the current meta. Undead package will make the deck too slow against OTK deck . If anything, Forge of will could be nerfed because its gives too big of an advantage early with anubisath, and that’s about it. Everything else is just a compromise to get big minions or curse dmg instead of fast excavation, which will make you lose against fast OTK deck or ramp druid.

I have trouble against DH and paladin, their offense and fast setup make its hard to excavate and look for combo piece.

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It’s a euphemism for card that’s been whined about too much.

Generally speaking, I’m against the policy of nerfing sentiment outliers. There should be actual data to back it up. It might turn out to be the case that the data will back it up, But sometimes the frenzied mob with torches and pitchfork actually isn’t thinking rationally. Every once in a while they’re right though (see also: the fallacy fallacy).


I agree with this. I think the deck can be countered.

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Honestly, permanently stealing 6 health IS really OP. Dealing damage that can’t be healed is impactful to begin with.

It doesn’t also need to be a 4 mana Pyroblast.

The deck can definitely be beaten, the question is, is it unnecessarily centralizing for other decks to deal with? Is it a deck that has a positive impact on the overall metagame creating good gameplay (and I’m not gonna go into what’s “good gameplay” because it’s a huge topic, but I think it is possible to define it and I think it’s often defined poorly – it isn’t just about interactivity)?


I don’t. But I also don’t know. My criticism of sentiment outliers being considered important has more to do with methodology than one particular conclusion.


I think its just a typical combo deck. except you play the combo piece gradually.
you need to play 4 poorly stated excavate card. Then you need to play snake three time with 2 pandaren. That 6 modular combo piece. but its easier to play than old combo deck because you can play it over the course of the game instead of waiting with a clogged hand.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Warlock can only play snake after turn 6 , and need to spend the whole turn playing it and bouncing it back to hand. Which he can’t do safely if you flood the board with dragon druid (the dragon that summons once for each dragon in your hand), countess, or any kind of big board . so it is interactive. you can also dirty rat or theotar it.

It’s… not really a combo deck.

…this isn’t an argument. Playing pyroblast for 6 mana would still be an insane turn 6, even if you don’t add the pyroblast back to your hand.

Also “I can’t play my 6 mana Pyroblast if the opponent is going to kill me” isn’t an argument either. You’re behind. Of course you’re going to die if you don’t deal with your opponent’s threats.

None of them are poorly stated. They all generate cards, so they’re all good tempo. You are maintaining your hand size while playing cards that are only understated by 1 mana.

I don’t care that players don’t seem to understand this, but now it’s like Team 5 doesn’t understand this.


I mean, it’s not…

The lock excavate cards are by far the best when it comes to cost and the treasures are all better than cost to make up for the “bad” cards…

After that, the lock just needs 2 turns (or 1) where they aren’t dead on board if all they do is heal for 10-20…

Then they win.

And lock is free to use their entire control shell along with it…

So yeah, it’s dumb, and hey, it’s going to get nerfed!


Not really, pyroblast hasn’t been played in standard for a very long time, even when there was the 7 mana minion that discounted the next spell, nobody played pyroblast. Its just a terrible spell. also Pyroblast isn’t obtained by excavating four time, and its not counterable from hand with dirty rat + a removal.

All the excavate card warlock has access to are poorly stated lol. 4/5 for 4 is vanilla. 6/5 rush for 5 would never be played in current meta if its wasn’t for excavate. 2 mana for 1/1 is terrible. the 1 mana spell is just a twist on mortal coil, a vanilla spell that is seldom used anymore.

I’m 100% positive that if something is to be nerfed, its forge of will. Its forge of will that is carrying warlock early game and and its the card that give warlock too much early dominance and allows them to freely develop their gameplan . its the reasonable nerf target, as it won’t disrupt azerith snake flavor but will make their early game significantly weaker. You put forge of will to 4 , and maybe anubisath to 5 , and you’ll see warlock winrate drop by 3 %.

I have played the deck with different core archetype and its night and days with and without forge of will and anubisath. The deck is terrible without it, and good with it.

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Why the heck do people keep saying this? Burrow Buster is fine. Smokestack is better than Mortal Coil. Moarg Driller is a premium stat line with taunt. Kobold Miner is the only weak card there and it’s only 2 mana that ramps you up.

Warlock has the best Excavate package, it’s not even close. Only the DK 4-mana 3/3 competes.


Because it’s a situational synergy card. Not just a 4 mana pyroblast.

They should have nerfed Forge of Wills a while ago.

They should still nerf Azerite Snake even if they do.

4/5 for 4 is premium. “Vanilla” doesn’t mean anything.

Premium stats with generate a card is big tempo.

…AND? This is so dumb. “If the card didn’t do stuff it wouldn’t be played.” Like… okay?

Just slotting excavate stuff into standard control lock is definitely better than the weird panda build, but the weird panda build just dumps on midrange/tempo decks because they can’t build up enough pressure.



It has taunt and Deathrattle synergy.

But, it has Excavate.

This is true. But it’s neutral and the only weak body.

Mortal Coil was good enough to see play into TITANS, man, what are you on about?

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You’re funny. You were saying how the stats were good just a while ago, you just agreed that the rush minions would never be played by itself. Which shows its has terrible stats and is solely used to advances the treasure hunt. If you fail to see the connection here, sorry but you’re beyond help.

4/5 taunt is premium? When we can play a 7/7 taunt for the same cost? lol.
Ok, vanilla doesn’t mean anything. And word don’t have meaning. Period. hence discussion is meaningless. Take care! Oh and that doesn’t mean anything, either :slight_smile: !

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With Rush, the stats are okay. 5 mana to deal 6 damage to a minion is okay. But when you give a statline that’s okay, an effect that’s awesome then those stats are no longer just “okay”.

…am I speaking to a brick wall? Christ.

A 7/7 taunt that can’t attack. Which makes it borderline useless as a tempo card because it’s not applying any pressure to the opponent.

Vanilla is a flavour. If anything, calling a card vanilla to me implies the card has no effect. Not… whatever you were meaning it to mean. (Average? 4 mana 4/5 still isn’t average even if it is more common.)

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Uhhh, the only bad one of the set is the 2 Mana 1/1, but it makes up for it with the excavate treasure.

The rest of them are on curve with upside…

Mage got a 2 Mana single target freeze… warrior got a 3 mana execute…

Warlock excavate cards are at least both good. They are playable without a capstone treasure, and warlock just happened to get the best one, bar none.