Azerite Snake is currently ruining this release for me

Or make it an end turn effect so it can’t be bounced constantly.


The meta is set in only one day, or is dragin druid or is steal life warlock.

The fun of the new wxpansion is already gone, maybe I return to the game if they massively overnerf the two classes.

That just means they got a terrible draw. For the most part that deck tears apart any board you create on turn 4 and pops off for an OTK on 4 or 5. Azerite snake has no chance against that deck but then your control deck has no chance against the snake. So which one is the real problem deck?

I submit that ALL these decks winning before turn 8 or on turn 4-5 are a problem.

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New expansions are meant to be fun, discover new cards, decks, etc. Last night I played against two Warlock players and both beat me with Azerite Snake. Ok, not too bad. I just went to play some games and three Warlock players in a row.

The game just doesn’t matter when you can use three cards to win a match.
Armor? Meaningless.
Board Presence? LOL… do you even taunt, bro.
Health? Who cares.

What is the point of new decks, or even playing, when something like this is designed for the game.

I’ll think about playing again when this is fixed.


Switch steal HP to lifesteal
Snake fixed and balanced

It’s the only nerf possible.
You can’t increase its cost or changes stats because all other legendaries treasures have the same characteristics.
That would be unfair for warlock

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Honestly just stop even trying to defend azerite snake.

That thing is disgusting.

What is wrong with the card is the entire concept of health stealing.
They exagerated period.

And i not even talking about the insane amount of “damage” but of the entire concept of stealing health total.

Change it to deal 10 damage with lifesteal and it’s already a fine card.
Let people armor up, get Divine shield on the hero or whatever.


Just played as ele shaman against this. Results:

On a turn my opponent played his second snake (and zola’d it), I used 2x cold storage and played 2x azerite snakes to reset our health to normal.

So he plays 2 more snakes to set me back to 10 max hp. That’s 4 snakes. And he played Sargeras too. Needs a nerf.


You could probably even let the Warlock increase their health max and it might still be okay, though still quite strong.

Setting your opponent’s health that low while increasing your own is ludicrous. If it didn’t even heal the warlock at all it would still be oppressive to the slower strategies it dominates right now.

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me last 2 fight 2 win vs WL …first is combo whit curse deck second is control whit sergaras 7/7 taunt and rush location whit 5mana legend spell etc …spell cleared by steamcleaner 2nest on board and 3 x i play topior can be more but no board space to do for effect,turn to turn is lose all board and mine full 7 nonstop so is cant play combo and finished by ignis weapon +board hit so if you ask me big board make to hard life

Snake warlock is too slow imo.

Falls to pressure deck like demon hunter or paladin.

Hard to sustain board druid pressure as well.

I don’t feel like the deck is that good, sure against do nothing control, its fine. Against aggro and midrange, not that much.

Hi there good news its being nerfed :slight_smile:


what is a sentiment outlier?


Well people feel it was abit too strong the dev team agreed hence the tweet from gallon we have some time to predict how it wil be nerfed :slight_smile:

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So warlock is killed day 1 because people don’t like to face it?

Warlock in general is a problem cause they got way to many good cards recently that fit in about everything with way to powerfull effects. Curses alone where toxic, infinite Sergares taunt minions where already toxic, the whole undead scam is still kinda really toxic with the 6/6 and targeted resurrection. But being able to fit all in one deck without sacrificing anything and still be able to fit in other good cards is just to much.
What Warlock needs is actually sacrificing something in form of any negative effect for playing and getting a powerfull card. Warlock barly has to discard/pay health for any good cards anymore and that is ridiculus.


you sacrifice a lot to use azerite snake.

You have to use 8 poorly costed excavate card, as theman pointed out.

You have to fit in 7 useless bounce card without snake (4 panda, zola, 2 projectionist)
That half your deck that is SUPER BAD just to get the combo.

Yes Hope so… MAN… it can steal 20 HP in a turn and you won’t be able heal up either… Why on Earth these developers can’t test anything before release? They already should know such cards can’t be created in a game which has way too many cards already… PPL start to abuse such cards immediately… It was just another stupid idea… :angry: I’m glad I didn’t buy Tavern Pass either… this game does not worth a single cent since aggro became insane strong and fast… plus control unlimited… and now this…

Snake is actually what everyone feared the purified shard would be pre-release.

You can steal 20 hp turn 10, yes. If Warlock survive up to turn 10 , you deserve to lose 100%. Why do you not mention OTK DH that can kill you turn 7/8 ? Or mage that could do the same last expansion? And oh wait, I just played a rogue that summoned the new horse legendary into neptulon and crabatoa turn 4 . Is that fairer to you?

I think the nerf is being overthought. I think giving it Lifesteal and have it’s Battlecry deal 10 damage to any target should be more than enough.