Azerite Snake is currently ruining this release for me

4 Warlocks in a row. I’m out here vibing and playing fun decks I’ve crafted with love and I get 4 players playing the same exact deck that I literally have no chance of winning against. You can’t armor up against it, you can’t heal against it, if you’re playing a game passed turn 10 you just lose. I understand a deck should be a bit of a counter to another, but not a counter to like, every control or late game deck out there. Sorry for the rant, I was so excited for this expansion and the warlocks are out here draining my soul and my fun.


This is the REAL kicker for me. It’s the only “OTK” or face strategy in the history of the game that can’t be out-healed or out-armored.

You could even survive Wildheart Guff into Brann > Anub > Astalor > Astalor > Astalor if you had enough health/armor. Azerite Snake is in another league.


That’s my problem with it too, there’s no counter play. The only counter play you can do is to play aggro and hopefully kill them before they combo. I’m not much of an aggro enjoyer. I can’t even use my druid legendary to heal the health lost. It’s just too much.

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All Exodia decks of the game being really confused by this statment


I agree. This card is not fun to play against. This was the card that everyone knew was going to be BS prior to release.
Really hope blizzard does something about it


Control decks must be built with this card in mind. You need lethality, disruption or a way to copy the snake to reverse the damage it does.

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You got me there. I guess stuff like Mecha’thun or Sorcerer’s Apprentice + Antonidas didn’t care, either.


There are going to be a lot of losers out there just playing the most immediately viable broken gimmick. No surprise it’s Warlock to be honest. Just try to have some fun and keep vining, friend.


Ten face steal for 4 mana cost, a beefy body, and infinite ability to bounce back to hand or re-discover it from excavate treasures. I know HS Must have a testing team, but for the life of me I can’t find any evidence of their existence…


While I’m sorry that you share my pain, I am glad to know I’m not alone.

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Obviously it bypasses armour, so that is useless. But healing works just fine, even after turn 10… however, if your opponent has Celestial Projectionist, then you’re looking at having 20 health stolen.

When you see a warlock start excavating, you have to be prepared for this card: you can’t allow your health to drop to 10 or less.

If it needs a nerf, maybe go to 5 mana to stop the projectionist combo, I guess. Or just make it steal less health. But legendary excavate treasures are supposed to be OP… that’s the way they are designed.

Anyhoo, its still the first day of the expo… nerfs are inevitable, but we will have to wait and see if this card gets hit.


looks at Azerite Ox

looks at Blast Charge


Is it really that hard to accept that some cards are just stupidly designed and way too strong? It’s happened many times before.

It doesn’t matter, though. It steals health. Your maximum health is reduced. It’s very easy for the Warlock to set your max health to 10, which is easily within range of just about anything, but mostly Darkhan and the infinite Sargeras imps.

If the third Azerite Snake doesn’t simply knock you out.


One can only speculate what goes on inside the design team’s office when creating this card.

Make it steal the opponent’s maximum Health.
Forcing the player to bounce it thrice to kill the opponent through it.

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What a broken deck. Crazy that no one found it out at playtesting this. Not that hard to see it coming.


We literally all saw it when they previewed the Warlock cards weeks ago.


There’s no such thing as professional playtesters. It’s not an occupation that exists.

Unpaid beta testers exist. But not every release is beta tested.


Well, we hear you loud and clear Blizz: You want us to make us cry.

I suggest that EVERYONE play this deck. It’s cheap to make, only need the excavate cards so if you didn’t get the train leggie, don’t craft him because the snake will get nerfed to hell and the more we play it, the sooner it will happen.

They don’t test worth a damn. They don’t balance worth a damn. And they don’t listen to the community

Stop. Giving. This. Company. Money.


When I worked as a QA, I learned quickly that the devs do not want to hear your opinion whatsoever. You are there to find bugs and that’s fine. I was pretty good at it.

But don’t you dare give them an honest opinion unless they ask for it or you will receive a phone call after you get home on Friday telling you that you do not need to come in on Monday morning

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“When you see a warlock start excavating, you have to be prepared for this card: you can’t allow your health to drop to 10 or less.”

I had full health, dead in 3 rounds, zola and some other crap copy cards that happened so fast, I barely had time to take a breath. Let the devs play against this crap over and over, see how they like it. First few times might be funny, after that, it’s just painful. Snake PTSD.