Azerite Snake is currently ruining this release for me


No it’s not killed. It’s being brought down a peg.

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If you want to counter this deck you can play dragon druid which has a good win rate. It’s not a hard counter but something like 65 to 35 in favor of the druid if the Warlock does not have key tech, otherwise 55 to 45. Still favored but not by much.

Yeah, the main thing that gets me about Azerite snake is that it feels so viscerally dumb to lose to that 100% of my deck choices will be how to avoid losing to this deck like that…

I’m hoping it just gets fully reworked, or dropped to like, 6 damage so they have to bounce it far more often to actually kill you.

Isnt the sludge deck better anyway? Just not as linear as play my 6 excavate cards so people have a hard time grasping it.

well real problem is not snake more like to much minion able to put bk to hand zola is ok till is lego but new 2mana common card whit lower mana coast + 2/2 …celestial before nobody use …almost i fell all class become rogue

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Druid is just as much of a problem, especially dragon golem, when buffed or just played normally with 3-5 dragons in hand the opponent just generally lose. Generating far too much pressure and at the same time being able to cheat out other dragons. Dragon druid is super oppressive, with several cards that can instantly heal Druid to full hp.


Dragon druid, the new treant druid but with way cooler dragins!!! And more pressure

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Well, not with Secret mage. I came into the Azerite Snake window fully loaded with secrets played and all in hand. I survived a few rounds, but it was easy for him. He just played a 2-cost minion (countered), for example, then bounced the snake. Rinse and repeat. Couldn’t stop him. Just took 6 turns rather than 3, of me just playing against one card.

What he said.

Hitting a “sentiment outlier” while allowing other OP decks to remain as they are means hitting the wrong deck. Nerfs should be based on results, not “sentiment”.

Having said that, Azerite Snake is terrible design… see below.

Yeah, I didn’t realise at first that Snake reduced max HP. That does need to change.
Also, bypassing armour is a good idea in principle, and could easily be a keyword. But I’d like to see it on something that doesn’t deal 10 damage from hand first.

So, there are two new “design ideas” in snake: stealing max HP and bypassing armour. Both are fine in principle, but putting them both on one card that does 10 damage from hand is a too much.

Its not a 4 mana pyroblast, because you cant just put it in your deck. Its a quest reward, its supposed to be powerful.

TBH, I think that nerfing it to:
Battlecry: Deal 10 damage to your opponent. Lifesteal.

Would work without killing the deck, especially bearing in mind that other decks which aren’t “sentiment outliers” are (at least) arguably better than this deck.

Anyhoo… bring on the nerf. I’m expecting refunds on Smokestack, Mo’arg Drillfist, Kobold Miner and Burrow Buster.


Warlock will be doing just fine even if this card is drastically changed. Control Warlock is still a top level deck.

I predicted some time before the expansion release that they’ll nerf Snake without refunding those cards. I already got the nerf half right.

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one of the worst openings to an expansion in a while.

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Reading through your replies and I see “pleeeeeeeease don’t nerf my cheap, unfair, non-counterable card!! It’s my only way I can win in this game is to have an overpowered advantage!!!” :joy: it’s getting nerfed and it deserves to be nerfed.

This is the worst new expension experience I had with hearthstone.
Azerite snake completly ruins the fun of the first week being experiments and discovering the new cards.
Why does it steal life so it negates healing and armor gain ?
Why does it cost 4 mana so it can be bounced back and replayed in the same turn ?

Nerfing without refunds? What makes you think they would do that?

Going off of past experience, when SN1P-SN4P was wrecking Wild, they answered it so that the Echo mechanic couldn’t reduce copies to less than 1 mana, effectively making SN1P-SN4P useless (before the nerf, you could repeatedly spam the Echo effect to the point that you had to have a hard board clear to remove the damn thing, or whatever it Magnetized to). None of the other Echo cards were able to be dusted, not even SN1P-SN4P.

Firstly, although they didn’t refund all the cards with echo, there were a couple of cards that got refunds when the echo mechanic was changed. IIRC, they were “Sound the Bells” and “Glinda Crowskin”. I guess they felt they had to give us something.

As for SNIP-SNAP, everyone got a free uncraftable golden copy when it was released, so the only people who would benefit from dusting it would be people who pulled or crafted the normal legendary. I don’t remember if refunds were offered for that, I had the golden copy.

But that was an exception because Blizzard changed the way a mechanic worked, rather than nerfing a card. They are not changing the way excavate works, they are nerfing an uncollectible card that is generated by collectible cards.

The closest parallel I can think of is the Wildseed cards. When any of the uncollectible wildseeds were nerfed, all the collectible cards that could create them were refunded. I’m expecting the same to happen here: all warlock and neutral cards with excavate should be refundable.

Also, (not really relevant, but what the heck) I would dispute the idea that SNIP-SNAP was wrecking wild. It was Mechwarper that allowed it to happen. Mechwarper was not nerfed, but has since been banned from wild.

I think (and thought) it’s suspicious that the blatantly overpowered card for the expansion is NOT a collectable card. And the greediest way to pump and dump an expansion would be without refunds. If it doesn’t happen this time, don’t worry, it’s coming eventually.

Uncollectible cards have been nerfed before, and cards that generate them have been refundable. The Wildseed cards are examples of this.