I started playing Hearthstone two weeks ago. There is a golden pack that I cannot open that reads “Available after Apprenticeship”
Internet apparently doesn’t know the answer.
Does anyone have the correct answer?
Some people say get ur heroes to level 10 others say to 20 others say all to 10 and one of em to 25 others say complete available missions others say get to rank 1.
I saw Trump do a FREE TO PLAY run and he didn’t have the pack anymore meaning he opened it some time before. (EDIT: apparently that was before the Barrens patch so he never had the pack to begin with)
I mean… how can information be that unavailable…
EDIT: I need an answer from someone that has ACTUALLY OPENED THE PACK THEMSELVES RECENTLY, not from someone who heard from someone who heard from someone else who thinks that this may or may not be this or that.
Try winning games in standard play mode until your rank bronze 10… Go from rank 40 down to rank 1 than win one more game… Apprenticeship is then complete, and your rank bronze 10… Try opening it then… And then get your class levels at least to 10…
That might work.