Whats a deck you just cant beat and just auto concede soon as you see it? Ill go first, Tossdruid with their double hero power and charge units. 20+ face damage is just brutal.
Pretty much tossdruid as well, that groovy cat+sing along buddy+artanis combo is broke af, whoever thought giving your hero and a minion 10+ attack AND divine shield was a good idea is an idiot. And unless you play rogue or priest you can’t silence the cat before they kill it
Any Protoss or Zerg deck pretty much, but especially DK zerg and Mage or Druid protoss
All those overtuned “OTK from hand” decks, are enabled by the spam of semi-overtuned DKs that usually have 0 taunts.
The meta is basically cancerous and I have never seen a worse one in ~2.5 years.
This is why i Take ake a Breake until the next “real” Balancepatch.
Standard and Wild are unplayable at the Moment.
Yea its like the devs dont play their own game or that wouldn’t be a thing. Just stupid.
Right now its grunter hunter, if I dont play zerg to counter it with viper. Back in ungoro it was quest rogue. Quest warlock in wild was auto concede aswell before the nerfs.
Handbuff Hunter with that Warsong Grunt card. 4 turns buff to 15 attack and done. Control Warrior at least requires more than 5 turns.
Edit: Nerf ALL protoss. Reduce cost to a billion then the RNG magics the colossi. Figure it out team. Seriously: 5 Aman’thul’s in one match and then thiefing to exhaustion…
Any Protos or Zerg deck I see…I just concede straight away. No point in wasting my time and feeding the whales.
I’ve started conceding the moment a shaman plays an asteroid/meteor card. If you want the game to play for you, go to BG.
I never concede like that, but… Zerg hunter who found buffs early and put two 5-5 or 7-4 on the board on turn 2-3 usually makes me look for concede button. Terran warrior with huge amount of armor and high chance of Unkilliax coming soon makes me feel desperate.
I think I’m just going to stop playing again. See how things are in another year.
Warrior and deathrattle spaceship warlock is why platebreaker needs to come back, or something similar.
give less armor. problem solved.
Not really, 3/4 taunt with a deathrattle that gives armor, give it reborn and deathrattle that summons 2 copies, you still get a lot of armor, plus a huge starship that gives all that armor too
Those are normal cases to concede. The OP is saying something extreme, to concede right after mulligan.
Thought we were talking about warrior. In warrior, less armor from the thing is not a problem. Alternatively, make it immune to reborn, or something. This is current blizz. They can think up something equally as BS as reborn to counter it.
Should it be, though? I can’t recall a time when I ever just gave up when playing in yugioh tournaments just cause someone played a single card on their first turn. Why it is considered normal, and ok in that regard, for hearthstone? It was NEVER this bad in the OG days.
You used to have to play smartly and not just throw out everything on curve without a care in the world because you can just get another two or three copies of something or a card from another class to save your a$$.
Still trying to understand why Rogue has managed to keep a 0 mana cost free bounce, with discount. I don’t mind the bounce as much as I mind the discount. That just enables some degenerate BS and blizz knows it.
At this point, every single card in the game might as well be in a sideboard.
Because rogues are cheaters by nature lore-wise, so blizzard is keeping the class true to its nature
I would suggest instead of auto concede, put on some tunes and play some rope.