Or play, you could get lucky, you get the same exp as winning
and feed the whales? I normally auto-concede⌠but Cruelos gives a good idea of just letting the ropes burnâŚ
Gotta be careful with roping, do it to the wrong person, next you know youâre getting banned because âitâs not allowedâ
i just leave when i see OP standard decks in wild. i probably could win some but im just not going to bother with that nonsense.
Standard decks should be banned in wild.
That would be impossible to do as pretty much almost every wild deck uses standard cards
yeah thats true but there should be a way of 100% standard meta decks could be banned. But thats not going to happen because new sets are OP for a reason, so whales buy them. So even tho i want it, its not going to happen
Sadly hearthstone compared to mtg and yugi oh (where they have physical versions) exist only in a digital version. They prefer to take the nerf path rather than the banned one, since its their only income source. For example the latest incident with shaffar. They wouldnt let him banned forever, even though he will surely cause problems in the future, because some people bought the battlepass for him alone and his golden version. Imagine if they left him banned. Why would people then buy a tavern pass again?
If a dk plays anything involving reborn OR a zerg card, Iâm out. Congrats, you get the win, you degenerate.
the shadow pirate priest
I mean, you can hex/silence the card if youâre playing one of those classes
what 's exactly your opinion? i donât really understand.
I used the same deck for standard ranked and wild ranked, surely that deck have standard winrate 's much better than playing in wild.
In wild, every card 're allowed so most imba synergy appeared there. And pure standard deck become mediocre in wild.
Thatâs the most illogical thing I read in this forum in a week. Standard is a subset of Wild, so Wild netdecks are way more powerful than Standard decks potentially.
Havenât you noticed what exists in Wild? There are decks that can mill your entire deck and other such brutal nonsense.
Or druids that after they ramp they are about 2X more powerful than a Standard ramp druid. Many such examples.
Decks I instant concede to:
Any Pirate-Themed deck. I just donât want to hear the constant yelling from Pirates.
Any Murloc-Themed deck. Same as Pirates, I hate the god-damn mrglmrglmrglmrgl sounds they make.
Majority of Quest-Themed decks. They are boring and old to play against. Never liked them.
Priest Class. Hate that frikin class with a passion. Do not want to deal with them, at all.
StarCraft-Themed decks. Do not care which class you use; I leave if I see those damn cards being played.
You and me both, brother. Anyone maining that class deserves to burn in hell as a sinner.
I wish i could play against you forever.
So you havent won a game for over a month?
I am curious as a long time priest player where does this hate come from ? Not only from you but many here. What particular deck gave you the ptsd?
Literally every priest deck. They have ALWAYS been a slog to play against. Buffs, silences, copies, amunthul, more buffs, copies and more copies. ENOUGH WITH THE COPIES! Stealing, actually stealing, cards from my deck. ENOUGH!
Also, as a side note, !@#$ that ghost card. Lazy !@# card design.
You think Ghost is bad? Try combining it with shudderblock, sure itâs a mid to late game combo, but that far into a match losing 3 cards is a kick in the crotch
Five years of Big Resurrect Priest on wild ladder. Started with Obsidian Statue builds, then blood of googan, now amanthul and neptulon. Thats what started the #deletepriest era
as a shamn i actually like facing priests. a single devolve can ruin their whole plan of ressurecting useful units. then having sylvanas and and kologarn to mess with them more.
funniest thing is when they try to go for the sword of truth and play both boars early on and even use a spell that summons 2 more when killed, only to be hit by devolve xD instant concede from them