Attention: The game is NOT rigged after all!

The way sales works in Hearthstone isn’t conducive for this.

People don’t spend at regular intervals. They spend at specific occasions, pre orders, expansion start, mini set releases, etc.

Manipulation of their win rates isn’t going to suddenly manifest a pre order.

No, Scrotie got you. Give credit where it’s due.

If you focused more on what Scrotie was telling you, you’d understand why you are wrong and why they don’t need to rig the system to be the most profitable, instead of agreeing sarcastically.

I’m a 40 year old doppelganger of Rubeus Hagrid who works as a call center supervisor and has three sons, a literally devil-worshipping ex-wife and pancreatic cancer. Try again, Nostradamus.


Does the casino slot machine user understand the algorithm being used? It us apples to oranges. The websites tracking are tracking specific data. That’s it. They are not tracking profit manipulation, they are tracking win rates that Blizzard publicly works to keep at a 50/50.

That’s not the rigged aspect.

Sometimes i come to this forums while im waiting for the next fantasy or sci fi epic , some of the members need to pick up a pen.
Theres a best seller waiting to happen with that level of imagination lol.


The irony here of asserting that a 50/50 win ratio must be maintained by a manipulating algorithm all while admitting websites track the data with data that 100% prove it’s not 50/50 forced is absolutely hilarious.

If it was a snake it would have bit you.


Sorry for your issues. I have nothing but the best wishes for you personally. I mean that. Nothing we say here really matters. I hope you nothing but the absolute best. Everything said before aside. I am sorry. We as a people to quickly lose compassion and forget our neighbors. I am raising my kids different and live by it. Please accept my absolute best wishes.

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I am here for the banter, friend. Please don’t apologize for saying what you believe.

You can apologize for believing what you believe though, because it’s wrong. :laughing:

Bro, please forgive me but I have to ask. Do you have an expiration date? How are you handling that? Do your kids know?

I read what you wrote, thought ab6it personally and that is terrifying. You were dealt a bad hand man.

While analogies are sometimes helpful when discussing complex topics, in this case the subject is less complex than the analogy.

My current status is that I’ve recently (ish) had major surgery to hopefully remove all of the cancer (and half my pancreas, and my entire spleen for some reason) and we’re waiting on results of follow-up tests before they declare me officially cured.

You might think that makes my earlier claim disingenuous, which is a fair point. But during the surgery they accidentally nicked an artery, had me in surgery for ten hours trying to save my life, and from laying on one side for so long I have permanent nerve damage and my left arm will be “asleep” for the rest of my life. I guess it’s not paralyzed but still, I’m milking this until they tell me I’m not doing chemo.

Absolute best wishes my man, srs. Cancer is never a joke or disingenuous. I have my own health issues though very different.

So um

can you answer the quiz now please :smiley:

Oh, the truly terrifying part is my ex already has my kids. Family courts, amirite? Apparently Thelema is a legitimate religion in the eyes of the state. My sons are really into Ghost, or as I think of them Luciferian Simon & Garfunkel. I won’t lie; it’s catchy stuff.

The siren call of MGTOW is strong, but I shall continue to resist.

I don’t even know what your options were but the experiment proved it was about variables and not being predictable. That was what I was saying. That’s why tracking is useless. It’s psychological too not just raw math. Bluzz doesn’t care if you or me win. That’s not the point

I have no idea what you just said but I hope you the best, srs

Well since it’s clear you won’t even Google Thelema, I’ll just recognize you have no inclination to research and just do the big reveal on the quiz. It’ll also rerail this thread a bit.


Rewards at random intervals (answer B) best drive repeat behavior. Skinner THOROUGHLY demonstrated, using pure raw scientific method and empirical evidence, that randomly distributed rewards significantly outperform regularly distributed rewards (answer A).

This is confirmed in real life slot machine science, where the main selling point of systems made by slot machine manufacturers is how random they are. Any discernable pattern means a bad machine. Computers aren’t capable of true random number generation — as deterministic programs they use pseudorandom strings instead — but these generators are typically more refined than those in other applications because the closer to true random, the better.

The heart of the rigging conspiracy theory (and I know “conspiracy theory” is a charged word, but I mean “conspiracy” in the dictionary definition of the word) is that Blizzard rigs games to maintain a winrate of 50% — in other words, to reward at somewhat regular intervals. The skeptics of this theory posit that the results of games are not rigged, but random. Assuming that Blizzard is aware of the work of BF Skinner, that means they’re expending significant effort to knowingly make the game significantly less addictive. This would be counterintuitive to their business model as a profit-seeking corporation.

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It is that predictable behavior isn’t addictive and predictability doesn’t lend itself to addiction. You really are a novice at best. You are literally making up arguments in text books and unable to actually apply it to the real world.

Based on your call center manager job, that makes sense. You are used to making up arguments and living by them. That’s why most of your employees probably hate you behind your back. They know your full of it even if you think you get away with your wiki brilliance.

I’m absolutely shocked…absolutely in disbelief that you just typed this sentence out and never connected the dots.

Read the sentence again that you just typed and interpret it.

If predictable behavior isn’t addictive, then rigging the system to force you to be at 50/50 would mean it’s literally predictable. Thus, in order for Hearthstone to be addictive (and make more money) it would behoove the company to not implement ANY rigging and instead make it completely random to be the most addictive.

How in gods name did you type that sentence and absolutely not connect the dots???


This is actually true. But if you think I’m making up arguments for my beliefs when I’m trying to chill out an angry customer someone else couldn’t handle, you don’t know my industry very well.

I am the Karen whisperer.

I could easily do the same here, but it’s much more refreshing to do the opposite.