Attention: The game is NOT rigged after all!

What do you know about about Pavlov? Or perhaps more importantly, about B. F. Skinner?

See, Skinner was extremely fascinated with what would turn out to be a particularly relevant discipline within behavioral psychology. To put things in modern terms, he spent most his career giving pigeons crippling gaming addictions. It turns out that not only did he become exceedingly efficient at it, but humans aren’t much different than pigeons when it comes to gaming addictions.

And what was his primary finding in terms of what incentive systems best drive pigeons to peck a button? Let’s make it a multiple choice quiz and see how you do.
A. Giving out pellets of food at regular intervals when pigeons peck a button.
B. Giving out pellets of food at random intervals when pigeons peck a button.
C. Giving more pellets to the pigeons that had given Skinner money when they peck a button.
D. Making pigeons big mad with excrement disguised as a pellet when they peck a button.

I think the question you meant to ask, is which method sells more pecks.

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And evolving. It wants to know what YOU are doing and why. It figures out how to manipulate you to spend money. It might not work. Not everyone is susceptible to it. Exactly like a slot machine.

Blizzard wants money. That should always be the first thing to consider. Like McDonald’s who aren’t in the food business, they are in the property business.

The people here who think hey are defending Blizzard are basically saying that a billion dollar business doesn’t know to properly make money.

So blizzard manipulates matchups, and the reason it doesn’t show up in any data is because it’s individual and evolving.

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Did you report them when they increased the free packs and cards?

What about when they implemented duplicate protection?


The pavlov dog is exactly the point. Flashing lights, dings, loot boxes, promises of winnings…etc

Its psychological. Its science and math. I love hearthstone. I love the game but I also know and understand the science behind it telling my brain to keep playing.

You really hit a good point. Every business tries it. McDonald’s is another case study. They put sugar in everything including the pepper packs because it’s addictive

I want an answer to the quiz please.

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He’s made it obvious from before he doesn’t answer questions.


Why did they implement duplicate protection then?

How does it increase profits you not having to open more packs to get a full (or just bigger) collection?

Maybe, maybe not. I don’t have the data to say that. There is a lot more than matchup.

Again, it isn’t who wins or loses, its about how to get you to spend. Keep in mind, they have a system to monit6every second you are logged in. Billions of pieces of data all om just you to figure out who you are. They then use that to figure out how to coax you into buying.

It’s called good business. Every business does it. A store like Walmart has a layout specially tailored by psychologically to get you to spend

That’s likely based off internal data regarding other competitors, pack opening analytics etc… I don’t have that info of course.

Before that though, let’s not forget the black eye they were getting from increasing prices and such. It’s likely a cost adjustment measure

Oh ok, so if the statement is blizzard try and maximise profits; then I agree.

If the statement is blizzard manipulates matchups, changing outcomes, and it’s done in a way that means the outcomes are not detectable in data; then they’re not achieving their goals.

You really want me to Google some topic I haven’t read since college? For what? What point?

Of course Shul used it against me because I embarrassed her and she is fuming.

You have a good heart but seem rather…I will say inexperienced. Like a college kid tossing out big ideas you don’t actually understand

Can’t imagine having an ego so fragile that I’d have to make up excuses for sucking at a card game. What is more likely? Blizz has a magical rigged system that is invisible to data aggregation sites but able to be seen by the naked eye? OR…you suck at a card game? You’re just not as good as you think you are. None of the rigged whiners are.


See this is my point. Blizzard isn’t trying to screw anyone over. They would have you win 100% of the time if it makes money. Follow the money. Easy.

“Rigged” is a terrible term bec6it sounds devious and illegal.

I think the best term is “tailored.” The game tailors itself to you over time in an attempt to get you to spend money.

Funny, because I know exactly what he’s talking about and know exactly why he asked it. You don’t.

Who’s the inexperienced and the one who doesn’t understand? It’s clearly you.


Skinner isn’t just “some topic” if you’re discussing the psychology of casinos. He is the topic. You don’t know anything if you don’t know Skinner.

Clearly. You got me!

I now agree with you. Blizzard would of course refuse to use legal ways to make more money! They would never side with China and the CEO make hundreds of millions in bonuses due to addictive slot machine algorithms!

I was wrong! Turns out it’s just a card game a billion dollar company doesn’t use for profit.

Thank the lord for common sense!

You got a B in your freshman psychology exam this last December. Ask me how I know.

I mean call it what you want. If you want to believe that someone is doing something undetectable, the only real answer is ok.