Attention: The game is NOT rigged after all!

Well, it would be nice if we could all average a 55% win rate but there’s this thing called math and logic that keeps getting in the way.

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Can you post me a link to this data set with the gagillions of results you have access to?

I keep hearing about this unicorn but never see it.

I tend to agree but am anxiously awaiting to be proven wrong, and have yet to.

I literally come here begging to be proven wrong and just see glimpses.

Would HSreplay and VS be able to detect the following?

I face nothing but wide board opponents with small minions, think druid and paladin and can not wipe these boards.

I add AOE to my deck and don’t see them anymore.

Tell me these super uber data sites can see this and I might consider shutting up.

They see these instances as well as all other instances they’re able to record, which is done through their deck tracking programs. These analysts aren’t looking at individual player’s matches specifically, but rather matches collectively. If situations as the one you describe are in fact common (which I think you believe), it would be quite apparent. I think you know this already.

I don’t blame you for thinking the game’s rigged based on personal experience. However, you cannot expect anyone to take you at your word and conclude the game is rigged.

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My dude, you really need to open an book. This whole thread, actually, your whole account, is people telling you that “Don’t believing untill proven” is the way the world works, and you going “Not believing is believing something!”.

Like, give the scientific method, and ways of trying to get close to the truth a read. It’s a very interesting topic and would do you lots of good.

People aren’t gaslighting you. You are just under the Dunning Kruger effect. You BELIEVE you know enough about knowing things to be able to approximate the truth, but all you have is common sense. Which is important, but ultimately, flawed. You simply are rejecting what people are telling you about data analysis, coped with a unhealthy dose of lack of knowledge.


Situations like these are just an exaggeration though. Add tech or don’t add tech, you won’t keep facing the same deck forever. Even the 20 decks with weapons, add oozes and no more weapon decks example you made earlier. You don’t get to stop facing decks with weapons for the rest of the month because you added a couple of oozes.

I’m also curious how adding cards to counter a certain deck(s), then no longer queueing into said deck(s), would make me spend money (back to the main topic). If this was an advertised feature, then sure, I would spend dust to craft the oozes and could kiss some bad matchups goodbye for the low cost of 2 deck slots.

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I look at it the same as slot machines in a casino. The casino offers incentives to get you into a players club. That way when you use your card they can better track you individually. Hearthstone has that built in. The slot machine will adjust your win rate, even giving away wins to keep you betting. The longer you play and the more data they have, the easier it is to adjust the game to keep you spending.

It’s the same concept with hearthstone. Keep in mind Activision has had that for years now. It’s public knowledge. Also note it is not illegal. It’s perfectly legal and an investor would expect it.

Blizzard doesn’t care if any player wins or loses, they care if you play and spend money. It’s the entire point from their perspective.

Every deck you make and play is recorded. Every move. Every second you are logged in is recorded and the game is learning. Adjustments are made all to get you to spend. That’s why data tracking doesn’t pick it up. It’s individual and evolving.

If you separate yourself from the forum regulars who are always use disinformation and false narratives to reframe the truth, it becomes obvious. Look at the trolls bringing political discourse in here hoping to get the thread shut down. “…but the left didn’t try to over throw the gubmint!” It is obvious who the trolls are.

I did, you ignored it, so I’m not inclined to keep humoring you.


This is another way of saying: when thoroughly scrutinized by empiricism, the world with the massive rigging conspiracy looks just like the world without the massive rigging conspiracy.

“What was my evil money-grubbing plan?” reminisces a moustache-twirling Bobby Kotick, before putting on his best Nathan Explosion impression. “I did nothing!

Congratulations I guess, you’ve achieved gnosticism.

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What a bunch of bologna. You are very naive to how things work. Let me guess, Casino’s and Blizzard hate money and do nothing but charity work too amirite? Blizz wouldn’t side with China for money, nope, pure humanitarian efforts there.

They have a legal and legitimate way to make more money while the CEO collects 200 million in bonuses for … what exactly? I guess it’s all just tin foil hats, eh?

Lmao at these forum Blizz defense team first responders

Edit. To prove my point more the forum blizz defenders use this term “conspiracy” like its not business as usual we are talking about. It proves my point.

Isn’t it illegal for casino’s to rig slot machines? It’s all regulated I believe.


The vast majority of the thousands of protesters were at the Capital to protest peacefully, and a few hundred were there for criminal mischief. The number of insurrectionists that day were in the double digits, and they were noobs who should have stuck to larping. Their failure was inevitable. But on some news outlets they only reported on the tiny handful and tried to make them look like the dozens, while the other side only mentioned the vast majority.

There have been times that a dozen or more leftists have tried to overthrow the government. Each time, they were noobs who should have stuck to larping, and their failure was inevitable.

The vast majority of the thousands of protesters who came out in support of George Floyd protested peacefully, and only a small percentage were there for criminal mischief. But on some news outlets they only reported on the tiny handful and tried to make them look worse than they were, while the other side only mentioned the vast majority.

What’s ridiculous is acting like any of these tiny minorities are representative of a milquetoast conservative or a milquetoast liberal, when in all cases these were tiny numbers of lunatic extremists who never had a chance of overthrowing our government.

That was my point. It’s not. They can’t force you to lose. They have to set the odds at a certain percentage. The algorithm will actually give wins were the gambler would have lost to keep them spending. Do some research. It’s a combination of addiction, math, science and psychologically. It really is fascinating.

The forum defense team here essentially argues that Blizzard is too stupid to use legal and legitimate means to make more money. That is their argument.

So you understand that casinos with an algorithm to keep you addicted requires legal action to intervene said algorithm and that if it is not regulated, it’s illegal.

So wouldn’t it then follow that if you believe Blizzard does this as well, that they are then committing some sort of illegal action, no?

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So I just did some googling. The results all heavily implied that any reputable casino would be insane to try and rig their slot machines in any way, including small wins. Slot machines already favor the casino. Other than some psychologically for placement of the machines and the specifics of the game itself (some types of slots are wildly more successful after all). It’s illegal for them to rig the game in any way.

This was found in just a few minutes of googling so it’s possible I missed something. I also don’t know the legality of Blizzard tampering with MM, minor amounts or on a largeer scale.

Wow were do I even start. First of all, you are clearly trying to sound smart. It failed. Lol.

Second, you clearly don’t understand what I even said. Casino’s are regulated and to a degree so is Blizz. We agree, I think… hopefully. That doesn’t change a thing I said just so you know

“Said algorithm” lmfao wow. Dude I am not sure you even understand the topic

You can start by understanding the difference between were and where.

No, I used your logic to ask you a question. I didn’t assert anything or make any statement about what I thought. It was all based on what you were suggesting. I was asking you to clarify.

How is Blizzard regulated that compares to a Casino?

I’m not sure you understand what it is you are suggesting.

Thanks, I will take that as “I realized I have no argument so I will try to get you in the mud.”

I noticed you didn’t answer the question I presented. You didn’t answer either of the 2 I presented.

By not answering, you’ve told me all I need to know.

Because it’s individual?


If you choose to ignore the obvious and basically argue Blizzard refuses to utilize legal, known and available methods to increase profits (that’s exactly what you are saying by the way) I think we should report them to the shareholders because that’s a breach of fiduciary duty. Let’s get em!