Attention: The game is NOT rigged after all!

This is very much outside the remit of such sites as hsreplay and vicious syndicate. It is not the sort of thing they would be interested in looking at.

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I didn’t know. I was thinking it is exactly what they’d be interested in looking at.

Edit: But, think about it, guys. It would put these websites out of business!

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No, they just look at game results between players and seeing which classes/deck builds do better than others without drawing any conclusions beyond that.

To be fair i also know quite a few that think the opposite the way media paints Trump in my country(Portugal) you would think he is the anti-Christ and Obama was the best human since Jesus.

Extremes are bad are bad regardless of political compass , i will say this the things the extreme left say there realy scare me and i live in a socialist country.

Right? Climate change is a hoax and yet these lefties won’t shut up about it. AOC, amirite? Total crazy person.

There is no need to over intellectualise it.

Thank you for proving my point so fast.

While that was a joke, I do wonder, where in it was your point proven exactly?

Depends what part of the US you’re in to see the other side.

Go to somewhere like South Carolina and Trump is Jesus and Obama is the antichrist. Go to Washington and the opposite is true.

The real fun thing about the US is that if you’re in the middle, the other side will accuse you of being a shill for the other side.

The far left and far right both scare me equally.


Not me the hardcore Democrats scare me way more , the amount of control they have on who runs for President is insane , they screwed Bernie Sanders 2 times in a row with the world watching, the hardcore Republicans while i think they all are a bunch of lunatics dont seem to hold that power.

I saw so many Republicans laughing at Trump and they treated him as a joke but in the end the people got to pick and while i think poorly of him thats how Democracy works.

Hillary and Biden were pushed to the ticked with some wierd backstage movements.

You haven’t lived in the Southern states and likely don’t know much of what is said there.

I’ve lived in hard-core right wing states(Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia) and hard-core left wing states (California, Washington). Trust me when I say that a future right wing would lead us to is far more scarier than a future left wing leads us to.

Future left looks like Demolition Man idiocy.
Future right looks like The Handmaids Tale.

I’d much rather be governed by Hippies condemning me of everything I do wrong than living in a religious controlled brainwashing state.

I’d rather not live in either, but what I’ve seen and heard from people and family in the south with right wing mentality is absolutely terrifying. You have to hear it to believe it. To summarize, they actively want the world to end. They hope for it everyday. And the kicker is they don’t even realize that’s what they want. You have to point it out to them that that’s what they’re saying. The lord coming and ending humanity tomorrow brings tears of joy to their eyes. It’s scary.


Then you’re a fool, because the far left hasn’t tried to overthrow the government.


Well, to be fair, wasn’t it really a false flag operation to make the far right look bad?

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You’re not wrong, but I would be equally scared not being able to own a weapon that gives me the ability to overthrow a government that would look to oppress me. I can’t imagine not being able to defend myself. So on one hand, I don’t want a government to be overthrown when it shouldn’t be because it’s just following democracy, and on the other I don’t want the ability to overthrow a corrupt government to be taken away. So both equally scare me. I don’t think that’s a terrible position to have.

Well i dont want a lesser of 2 evils , i want all the good things that come with the left (healthcare, social equality etc), without the gov trying to control my every move(in short i want to keep what i have right now in my Country).

All of the pros of a left gov and non of those cons i see in the US.

Yes actually, you can prove this hypothesis using hsreplay, by comparing the overall popularity of decks vs the matchups for individual decks.

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I think most Americans (rather, most logical Americans) want the same things and most of us don’t want the lesser of 2 evils. But unfortunately, we are the vocal minority and heavily under represented in politics. Politics would have you believe it’s one or the other and they fight just so the other side doesn’t win. If you choose not to choose sides, you get seen as a traitor. This is the kind of thing that happened to Tulsi Gabbard.

I’ll have to correct myself earlier, as I do admit the right does scare me more because they are more active in forcing their views through violence. But I don’t want either side to become the majority power. We really need a third political party that doesn’t get shunned and actually has a bigger representation.


No, the people didn’t get to choose. Unless “Coke or Pepsi?” is a choice.

The leaked emails published by WikiLeaks in 2016 don’t just show that DNC operatives rigged the Democratic primary. It also shows that they coordinated with mainstream media contacts to provide unjustified positive coverage to “Pied Piper” candidates like Ted Cruz and, of course, Donald Trump, up to the Republican nomination.

The DNC rigged both primaries. And still lost lol. But the point is that it’s silly to pretend general elections are free when the US primary process is thoroughly corrupted.


This is just more wood to the fire that makes me way more scared of the left in the US.

And yes the common Republicans did get to pick regardless of how wrong the choice was.

If the common Democrat got the same we would be on a 2nd term of Bernie Sanders.

Don’t think this is a Democrat only strategy though. Back in the day, the Republican party and the media purposefully would give Ron Paul as little air time as possible during debates because neither of them wanted him to win, despite him being extremely popular with the younger crowd. It was so obvious that they were trying to ignore him that even Jon Stewart had to do a bit about how it was laughably apparent.

Manipulating elections as much as possible is a tactic all parties use, perhaps some more than others. There is no doubt that corruption exists everywhere. It’s just a matter of who is sneakier.