Attention: The game is NOT rigged after all!

You are not doing mental crosswords. You are doing mental gymnastics.

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All the better!

That being said…

What are YOU doing?

Looks like you’re the justice police employed by Blizzard.

Likewise, I can’t know Bigfoot isn’t actually my cousin. Nothing can be known with 100% certainty. All facts are theories and they fall onto a spectrum of likelihood based upon the evidence collected. Alas, there is absolutely no evidence here, at all. We can say quite confidently that the likelihood of ‘rigging’ is small. Is it possible? Yes. Is it plausible? Not really.

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I’m no lowly justice police!

I am a justice scorpion!

Is insulting people here part of your mental exercise? It could use some work.

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Mental gymnastics. Not mental exercise.

I can’t imagine what quackery and conspiracies they believe in real life!

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Haha. I was going to say the same thing but didn’t want to open that can of worms. You can bet that when one’s standard for evidence, and consequently belief, is so small, these people believe in a myriad of nonsense.

I have been a conspiracy theorist in my teens, but found logic and reason. Typically, these people believe in many ‘theories.’

Edit: Typos, missing words, autocorrect because my phone hates me.


Sorry. I don’t subscribe to these ridiculous defenses.

I bet you have a cousin. Can I prove it? On my own? No. If I ask you and you tell me you do? Still not proven, you could be lying.

Now, you wanna make a ridiculous example that your cousin may be bigfoot or a red tea pot, then go ahead with your sillyness.

You want to be intelligent, I’ll be here for you.

My boss is a conspiracy theorist. I dismiss 98% of what he says. But again, “something” is going on.

When you were 7 years old did you know how much your parents paid for the mortgage/rent? The electricity? Did you know what happened when the bedroom door shut? Did you know how much groceries cost?

The Xmas presents appeared under your tree. You were told a fat man in a red suit put them there.

Are these all conspiracies because the information wasn’t given to you?

I’d say no.

But can you admit that your position in life dictates the amount of information you are privy to? Possible for your own protection?

Do you agree that we are the “children” and, for example, the Government is the parents that don’t tell us everything?

Is this a conspiracy? Or are there just some things we don’t need to know because we are 7 years old and don’t pay the mortgage…

I see. I didn’t realize you were the arbiter of intelligence 'round here.

My example that Bigfoot is my cousin is simply to demonstrate that we cannot know anything with absolute certainty, and that every theory must be evaluated based upon the available evidence. There turns out to be zero evidence that this game is rigged. Hence, you perpetually refuse to provide any and instead insult people that aren’t minded like you.


Not necessarily. People have lots of intrinsic motivations.

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I believe the game is rigged but not the way people say on here. It’s not about an individual winning or losing against others, it’s about manipulation to get a player to spend. Casino slot machines have used the tech for years.

Do I have proof? Nope. But I feel it would be moronic to assume Blizzard isn’t.

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It’s naive at best to assume anything without evidence (“proof”).

Edit. Removed political reference.


Wait wait, then what the H3ll is it? The entire game is opponent VS opponent.

If it’s not about an individual winning or losing against an opponent, then what is it?

I’m genuinely curious.

Ding, ding…ding…

You still don’t even realize this statement applies to YOU TOO!

You ASSUME the baseline! You assume this because Blizzard told you there is no man behind the curtain!

And Mand saw an article

And Bee has millions of datapoints

Let’s talk about these 3rd party sites that calculate all of the winrates etc.

Can they establish that I didn’t play 20 games in a row VS classes with weapons and the moment I added 2 Oozes to my deck I saw 0 weapons decks for the rest of the day? This is an honest question.

Don’t tell me “Well herp, data, 50%-win rate, herp” and not address this.

All you people do, is when people notice a suspicious pattern, is call them basically crazy.

You people are gaslighters and I still cannot establish your motivation.

We get kickbacks, just like those silly websites and the suspicious applications they use to collect their data. Truth is, we don’t even play the game.

The reason I personally don’t believe the game is rigged is because these websites don’t see the patterns you individually report. This is over the course of years and looking at immense samples of data. If rigging were happening, it would be quite obvious.


I can. I run into these types of people on a daily basis.

I know someone who literally believes Obama is a lizard man. Someone else who believes Trump is literally the reincarnation of Jesus. I personally know a good 20+ people who believe the Earth is flat and it’s only 6000 years old.

It’s not shocking anymore.


It is this, in my humble opinion, that is the greatest thorn in the side of the “it’s rigged!” folks.

There is a literal mountain of data and yet nothing has been shown to be amiss.

If the rigging is so miniscule as to be undectable in massive data sets, is it even doing anything meaningful?

But the wider point is that maybe it is time for all of the sane and rational people to abandon these threads and let the folks have their party without us. By feeding these trolls we encourage them to continue to make these types of threads and that is the last thing we should want to do.

I am stating here I will have no further comment on these threads because they do not deserve the dignity of a rational response. Many posters have genuinely attempted to help these folks understand how discourse, logic, and reason work to no avail. Continued efforts would be foolish, in my estimation.


It isn’t. But neither are the rest of your blatherous nonsense.

The “defense” is that even if you prove they have both the capability and the motive, the fact that it isn’t detectable in millions of games proves that it isn’t happening, despite your delusions about using anecdotes to unmask conspiracies.


It means apparent evidence of game manipulation within blizzard games. That is all that is necessary to know.

I’ve said this before…

It would be nice if there was a difference. But there isn’t. Reason is a slave of the emotions and will rationalize if so ordered — and the better honed the mind, the defter the rationalizing.

Spoken like a true modern intellectual.