Armor op it needs a cap

There needs to be an armor cap in game. Going against someone that puts up 70+ armor that you cant eat through is garbage and makes the game unplayable.


It is completely ridiculous. Many decks by design are incapable of dealing out that kind of damage and it is a silly way to lose.


Everything needs a cap in this game. Even the number of cards played per turn.

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Fun must be strictly regulated.

Fun for one in a party of two is fun for none that’s math for you

Btw I literally have screenshot in my phone from the other day the Druid had 3850 ARMOR !!! No that isn’t a typo

1+0=0 ?

Ok Terrence.

1 minus 1 fun for none

1-1=0 that is simple math

What your opponents play will never make you happy.

False statement on many levels, even you should be able to see why

Perhaps something an opponent plays will make you happy. Singular cherrypicked example.

But what one’s opponents play, as a collective overall group, will never make anyone happy. If you take everyone’s preferences, pour them all into a big pot, and give it a stir, no one is going to want to drink that, ever. It’s impossible.

Scrot I will just say if you want to be taken seriously or make an actual compelling argument, I advise staying away from such absolute words like always, never, and impossible. Until then…

At a minimum, having choice will always be better for satisfaction than not having choice. That’s my fundamental belief: that agency and fun are inherently linked to each other.

The fundamental and unalterable nature of the system is: you have choice regarding what you play as, you have no in-game choice in what you play against. Therefore, the way to maximize fun is to maximize choice in what you play as, and it will never be optimal from a game design perspective to focus on what you play against.

I understand that what you are trying to do, via some vague attempt at activism, is exert some kind of agency over what other people play as. You are trying to make their choice your choice instead — and in making it your choice, find fun. But this is selfish on your part and will never actually bring you satisfaction in the game itself. It might bring you satisfaction in the activity of activism itself, in activism for activism’s sake. But that’s merely the satisfaction of being a bully. It is ephemeral and shallow.

Big numbers are fun. Not to everyone, but it’s a well known niche that many enjoy a lot. If you don’t like it, you can play AS something else.

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Can I get a tl;dr please?

Sounds like you were playing against a Drude with an I WIN card.

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But I’ll give you the argument in video form, if you like.

Why not? Surely if you had written something worth reading, it could be summed up into a tl;dr or eli5. That you refuse to do so only tells me I was right in not reading it. For the same reason, I won’t watch your video, unless you’d like to remedy the situation, it’s up to you now. Honestly I don’t have the faith and belief in you to do what you should have already, but I’m up to be surprised if you are

the game is very playable
that amount of armor doesnt happen often and there are several deck able to win even when someone does it

if you are trying to tell us it happens every game you are lying

It’s not that it happens often. It shouldn’t happen at all. Incredibly bad card design and testing.

why not ? the only thing i know it shouldnt happen at all are automatic infinite loops(which is why cards like defile have hard caps )

You need limits to prevent power creep as well as unfun gameplay.

Edit: A card may exist that does not see much play, such as a mass silence or mass polymorph into 1/1 minions, but having it prevents a certain level of snowballing occur since there is the fear that the card could be played.