Armor op it needs a cap

Some classes can build too much armor too easily thats for sure… Warrior for example who has way too many board clears right now and can get 20 armor in the first 5 rounds on 30 HP too… They don’t need to worry about anything much, when they run out of armor they start to use endless AOE. Reno, Brann and Boomboss makes them win against all of the slower decks… and ppl are still crying about aggro… which can be also defeated too easy by them because of the above reasons… there is no balance again since the new expansion… The only hope left is the card rotation next year… the game is dead again… before the stupid new expanison, we had problems with control, aggro and some OTK… NOW… everything is ruined by endless resource generating because of the stupid Tidepool Pupil… which will be nerfed in today patch… but how? increase mana cost by 1? Big help really… but I can’t think of any other way they can nerf it… increase maybe the necessary spells amount to 5 so it won’t let to discover from only the same 3 spells we casted? Not to mention Doomkin… which was another unfair stupid idea in itself… these are the hidden mechanics which are killing the game…