Are you happy with this stupid Meta?

I dont uderstand why did you destroy this game. I do not understand how good creator can say Im happy with this meta. Its rubish. Standard is unplayable, stupid manachteat, filled board on turn 3 is good? Infinite face damage and crazy stupid Astalor. You dont care. Your plan its just Marketing and scamming your community. Nobody will pay you for this stupid support. You will see.


The company has to have record profits for Robbert Kotick to earn even more $$$ when the takeover is made, he needs a good retirement.

He destroyed the company with his endless greed but he deserves a good retirement, everyone in the company knew about the controversy except him, he did nothing and the culprits resigned under media pressure, oh no he didn’t fire the parasites like a good entrepreneur could do.

To earn money, the last extension must be more powerful than the previous ones, balancing it doesn’t matter as long as the money comes in.

i havent seen this infinite damage combo with astalor in standard possible with shudderwock in wild but your post is about standard …so i have no idea what are you talking about

It has become a moron’s game.

I mean infinite damage from mage and others + Astalor. Paladin weapon is total op broken sh…t. Wild is also broken. I playing Hs since 2014 without one year.

Yea I’ve stopped buying packs, game is in heavy decline. Used to spend $100+ per xpac, now it’s down to just the pass, and that might go away soon.

Nope. Been here since the start and this is by far the worst version. 3-4 decks that consistently win, and most of the time well before turn 10. It’s not strategy or even luck at this point. Pay money for these cards and that is how you win is the current work model. Masochism is the only reason I am still here.


is a nice meta
tier 1 and tier 2 decks are a good choice to clim the ladder

and we have 5 tier 1 decks from different classes (priest warrior shaman hunter and paladin ) thats way better than the meta with 2 or 3 tier 1 decks we had before ( or the paladin and DK metas with 2 or more decks from the same class as tier 1 decks )

and 7 tier 2 decks
between the 2 tiers we have decks to climb with for 8 out of the 11 classes

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Good thing there are more people like you playing HS. So Blizzard doesn’t have to worry about going bankrupt.

Sounds more like this game isn’t for you because the mechanics you speak of have always been around. The cards are different, but the mechanics are pretty similar.

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You say good meta?

You must be blind because you have excessive mana cheats, stupid buffs, stupid battle cries, stupid deathrattles, stupid card generation, way too much draw (stupid), stupid infinite spell, card interaction opponents (hand or draw) which must disappear because they are not our cards, a stupid burst, stupid weapons.

On a real ccg it works like this: control decks > aggro decks, combo deck > control deck and aggro deck > combo deck. Except that on this trash game the aggro > all decks, yes blizzard has favored no brain decks because this type of players are perfect for blizzard, they spend large sums in store for a trash game.


Pretty fine to me. I’m winning some, I’m losing some, I’m climbing the ladder pretty much the same as I always have.

I’m overall fairly happy with the meta. It’s pretty diverse compared to recent ones. I’m not really a big fan of “cheat out huge minion” type decks, but I’m seeing less of them lately.


but they nerfed pure pally, you got exactly what you wanted

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With mega scam false rng? With mega scam win only if pay algorithm? No i’m not happy, i play only for free, not one dollar at this scam from my wallet

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That is what i mean. I definitely Agree with you. The game is just stressfull. And everyclass can copy and steal opponents cards. This is another trash in this game.

I think you’re missing the point of the post by OP

Sure, there are viable decks across a lot of the classes, which is important for a game with a good amount of classes. However, their point (I believe) is these decks don’t feel good to play nor play against. Power creep, mana cheat etc. and shrinking class identity with each expansion is the meta right now and they aren’t enjoying it, thus the title question.

Tl;dr OP isn’t saying there aren’t viable decks, they are curious if anyone is enjoying the meta as it is with the decks

As a F2P player, there is zero classes that are fun to fight. They all have spent money and built these expensive decks while I will never catch up unless I pay. This system just makes me not want to bother spending a dime, so I just hover around high-Gold.

So far each game I play seems to just be the same thing. At some point Astalor will be dropped down by the enemy which snowballs them into a victory unless my F2P RNG gives me my limited removals or any time I capture the board they Discover an out instead of naturally having them in the deck or draw that one card they needed out of ~25+ cards left in the Renethal deck.

Astalor should have never been released as he is after Sire D existed for so long. Should have just been a card that evolves in your hand so you don’t get 3 from 1. Discover should have never existed or always be limited in nature (like Hipster). Cards should have appropriate stats again for the effects (Disco Maul for example should have stayed a 2/2, there was no reason to increase the damage).

It feels as if certain keywords just don’t have mana costs attached anymore, which causes mana cheating them out to just feel even worse. Cards should have powerful effects or the stats to make up for a minimal effect, not both.

Would you kindly explain what this means? Thanks

Conspiracy theory that people that spend money have better card draw than people that spend less or have slowed down spending.

I believe it just because it’s scummy enough for them to do it. Can’t say for sure as it’s confirmation bias as it always feels like I never draw my outs when I lose and don’t pay attention when I win, but I play a fairly honest deck so I don’t have a lot of deck manipulation other than card draw.