So I just selected a random replay. I’m not gonna watch them all, this was the one I grabbed.
The BRV one that was agaisnt Warlock [Im not allowed to copy links] some lame reason.
I noticed 3 major things that stood out.
First misplay, when the Warlock played Zilliax , you traded your 3/2 into it. Instead of just using your taunt which already had plenty of life.
Second misplay, when the Warlock got quite lucky to have Plot Twist again with Dollmaster. You should’ve killed Cairne if you planned on playing the venom mech with Missle Launcher. You would’ve kept the 6/6.
3rd misplay cost you the game actually. You had lethal if you would’ve just checked over the numbers an hero powered instead of playing the framebot.
I’m not one to point out an say, you’re dropping rank because of bad matchups an getting unlucky. But see for yourself what I point out an maybe just always maul over your first instinct play. An check for what an alternative play would be.
Yeah, I mentioned in my post that I realized I missed lethal. I know which match you’re talking about; I was pretty tilted during all of these so that probably contributes to my mismanagement of resources.
Also, its warlock so I expect to lose. Either they flood the board and I lose board control, or its aoe after aoe after aoe after aoe…and etc. The constant lackeys…ugh!
I suppose expecting to lose doesn’t help either. I’m honestly scared to watch my replays. I’m not sure I can handle knowing how much I really suck, lol.
Thank you for taking the time to watch and giving your feedback.
Mechs seem to be so weak. Magnetize too many and its cleared. Keep them separate and they are so susceptible to aoe. It’s a conundrum. But my mood nor rank could get any lower so might as well give them a watch. Thanks again
Although you are F2P, I assume that you are quite invested into this game in time and energy.
With so much already put in, and probably more in future, why not work on the foundation if you are serious about the ladder.
2 immediate things that came to mind is,
playing well - the ability to minimise mistakes in game
consistency - the ability to maintain the level of playing well each game
If you find that you keep missing lethal, trades poorly, then it could be a skill foundation issue. Not fully understand the concept and thus affect application. If you find that you keep playing one game well and next game poorly, then it could be a “state of mind” issue. Distraction, tilted, bad mood, etc (also linked to point no.1 )
While learning the foundation skill can be boring, the trade-off is that the faster you master it, the more time you saved to enjoy the game and less time on the angry/fret situations.
If this sound logical, then we can go further in discussion.
Else, the above and following posters, will also provide many solutions to your problems.
2x unleash won me 2 games in a row vs control warrior (got exact lethal 2nd time and 1 damage overkill 1st time). The 2nd one got me legend (got to rank1 with rogue and finished with the hunter). If it works against such minion-starved deck like control warrior, it sure as hell works against the rest.
And you can always rely on leeroy+unleash combo for some added reach, if the 2nd copy is just sitting in hand. E.g., Leeroy+unleash+hero power = 10 damage out of empty board on turn10. That’s not something most ppl expect against bomb hunter (they’d remove everything, leave their side clear and feel safe with 9 health).
I’m not so sure about. I didn’t have them in my deck, but most opponents of my rogue had those and they lost them the games most of the time (I had 7-0 vs hunters on my climb to legend yesterday). Magnetizining against rogue is a big nono, yet I think they felt they just had to magnetize with framebot: sap - gg (I always keep sap vs hunters). And just the 1/5 body isn’t that appealing.
On the other hand, whirligliders aren’t that great either, so I guess both options aren’t stellar. Although the bomb pushes face damage which this kind of hunter really wants to do fast.
An even better option imo is 2x galvanizers since it tempo’s much faster often enough (e.g., I had a coin-galvanizer-2xmecharoo opener + turn2 ursatron once - easy win).
Also, in OP’s case, since he doesn’t run Flark, framebots are most definitely a lot better than whirligliders. Without flark the deck just doesn’t have enough to consistently push face fast, so it’s better to go more control with framebots (galvanizers don’t work either, since they’re for faster game too). Just need to make sure wargear is not the thing lost to sap (i feel like even losing ziliax is better than losing wargear most of the time, as long as that ziliax gets the heal in; although both cases are really terrible for the hunter).
Ooze is MVP vs rogue, but I’m not sure about 2x ooze. They’re really bad vs mages and druids and not great vs warriors. I happened to draw ooze vs 3 of the rogues that I played so I guess my view is biased (that’s way too much for 1x copy).
I noticed on a game against control that you held back far too much. You were clearly trying to play aroind AOE without properly assessing what AOE they could employ
Outside of twisting, they rely on taunts or 3 damage aoe. Break 3 health and youre safe for 8 turns. You need overwhelming force in the early game so you can trade up taunts and blast face.
Also, never be afraid to play ursatron. Ot replaces itself on death so its good to threaten with even if youre afraid of AOE.
Also don’t just sit on venomizer snd missile launcher. Figure out if that combo is even good for you here. Against control warlock, they will have some significant access to answers for that late game. Saving it just plays into their strengths.
Get that venomizer on board onto a bomb to clear taunts and push damage. Holding for missiles lines up for their big removal anyway.
On your last match, there were definitely some trades I would’ve done differently, especially when you magnetized Venomancer for a trade (losing the helpful combo with Missiles) instead of Zilliax for healing and maintaining a board. I also would’ve played Galvanizer with your first launcher to set up Galvanizer + Wargear the next turn.
In the slower matchup that I saw, you definitely could’ve pushed more aggressively. This is not a deck like Spell Hunter that you can just hang back if need be and conserve resources, you need to build aggressively at all times. That means sometimes riding the waves of topdecking or only having a couple cards in your hand, which is why I always try to build this deck so that nothing past the early game is a dead draw.
Keep your chin up and try not to play too much ladder if you’re uber tilted.
Alwayd be asking yourself “what will my opponent want to do next turn”, “what is my strongest and most tempo forward play”, “how can they punish me for it”
Answering those will often guide you to correct plays. And if you cant answer them, take time between matches to review a decklist for what beat you. Get familiar with what they could even hope for each turn so that next time you can answer those questions.
Looking at the decklists and revisions, with the Mecharoos, it’s a pretty standard Bomb Mech Hunter, which (theoretically) can get you to Rank 5. We go past whether you need a particular card or not and focus on gameplay for now.
With Bomb Hunter, you need to stick to the board and keep up the pressure. In your 2nd last replay, you play the Whirliglider Turn 2 into their Shimmerfly, which means they get a free trade on the 2/1. I pretty much always play the Framebot in this case. Your Turn 3, is a move which can cost you the game. Play the Ursatron on curve as a 3/3, means your opponent has to deal with it. Instead your move is to Goblin Bomb their face, which I would do only if I had no other option.
They play out a 5/5 Misha on turn 4. Had you kept the Bomb Toss, you’d be able to clear the Misha with Ursatron trade + Bomb Toss, to hopefully stay in the game.
It’s hard for me to point out black and white “correct” decisions more without seeming like an a**, but these decisions matter, especially against a deck like mid-range hunter. One wrong move, and the board is lost, it’s very hard to come back.
The version of Bomb Hunter I was running most successfully from Rank 3-Legend had 1 Cybertech Chip, 1 Ooze (rogues) and 1 Defender of Argus, and Galvanizers. As other people have stated, Flark is more of a “nice to have”, there are many wins that do not involve Flark: as long as you have Zilliax and Leeroy those two will close out many more games than Flark does.
The framebot and then going all in on buffing it is a pretty decent strategy against some classes. Framebot is op,6 stats for 2 mana. You get lots of chip damage with it even without buff,which is great for hunter.
I have seen the framebot into upgrading the framebot also been played by other classes. Its very effective if you draw the curve,opponent need very specific answer.
Im glad they are interacting this way. Its humanizing, and the advice was good. While nice to have Blizzard representstion on a company level, im frankly more interested in these far more personal moments.
Oh, yeah, I had heard about this but I’ve never tried it - deck building really isn’t my forte. Nothing tilts me more than building a deck idea, seeing it under perform, and run into an opponent with the same idea and their RNG is in their favor…those are definitely table flipping moments for me.
I am jealous all my friends are in single digit ranks and my dumb*** is stuck in R20…again.
Until it gets sapped, brawled, or removed, polymorphed, fireballed, etc. That was one of my biggest problems: I could make Mechzilla with 3 cards and its gone due to one card.
As for playing too controllish, I have gone all in only to have my board wiped. I was advised to remove Chip and UtH. I can try putting them back in and see what happens, as well as an ooze?
I’m not entirely sure what Warlock actually does anymore aside from buffing 1 cost minions and having Every Board Clear in the Game. I read the list and I think I get their game plan.
As for playing when I’m not tilted, frankly, I would never play if that were the case. I see my rank and it automatically tilts me that I haven’t gone beyond noob/scrub status.
I know a lot of players like to be there and I don’t fault them in the least - I only fault myself.
So, make better trades, use what I have when I have it, and try the new deck builder thingie. If I’ve missed anything, I apologize.
Thank you all for taking the time to watch them and for all your advice.
Dont forget to openly have a conversation with yourself each turn.
Ask and answer your questions.
Take the entire turn up to rope if you need to. As you do it enough those answers come faster. Dont listen to scrubs on here that complain about people just hitting rope each turn. Its your time. Take it all to go through the questions.
At this point then, your mentality is your enemy - not your rank. If you approach every match tilted, you’re not going to climb. Period. End of story.
Take each match for what it is - an individual game. Play it to the best of your ability without going “god, I shouldn’t have to deal with this at this rank” and when you’ve returned to playing with a proper level of focus (which I’ve seen you do plenty of times before) you’ll begin ascending the ladder again.
Talk your plays out to yourself. Try to anticipate how your opponent might respond. Don’t let fear of the worst case scenario force you into no play, just use forethought to try and make the best play. Every time your reasoning returns to “I don’t know, I’m just playing this card because I can and this deck is supposed to win” you need to stop and re-center your focus on properly playing out a match.
Sometimes the “best” play you can make might get answered. You want to still try and do whatever pushes your gameplan with as little risk as possible…but sometimes there will still be risk.
You cant avoid all answers to your plays. Minimize punish, push your decks goal, and always remmeber that sometimes you just lose.
I prefer the second to last list you posted. I tried bronze gatekeeper but it’s too slow imo.
Maybe not with framebots, but ursatron is the best 3 drop to hold on to.
I won’t recommend one call the hounds for a cyber chip because that’s not the usual list, but I do like it.
I can’t watch your replays, but it may be that you are not gaining board advantage where you should or your not pushing face when you should. Goblin bombs can close the distance to lethal pretty quick and with a bit of a surprise, magnetizing to your mechs as well.
I find my turning point in the game is when u can suddenly magnetize and hit face, with a number of bombs on board to threaten more magnetize next turn. I also hold on to venomizer for missile launcher combos pretty frequently.