That list looks tight to me. Its basically what I’ve used and seen success with. I didnt log many games with it (im not a spike, so i move on to fresher fields once something is winning well) but they were all fairly blowout wins.
I mean this with the utmost sincerity that a Hearthstone friend can pack into a single sentence:
Stop letting others dictate your gaming experience
Your Hunter list looks good to me. Flark is nice to have but as I’ve said before the majority of my wins with the deck did NOT come from him being played, despite being in my hand. You’ll be just fine without him.
Standard ladder is the predominant ladder for major gaming. If shes going to want to compare internally to the best of the best (streamers, pro circuit) it makes sense she’d want to command that ladder.
Her inner spike could never be “happy” with the wild success. Not when all media and focus ends up on standard.
Added: Leeroy definitely wins more games than Flark ever will
I think you’re both right. I definitely want to be the best but I should also finish what I start. I made it to Wild R10 last season. I should focus on Wild R5. And then Wild Legend. Rather than trying to do both at the same time.
I at least want to continually reach R15 in standard. I think the best thing to do would be reach Standard R15 and then focus on Wild. There isn’t anything pressing I need to craft in Wild and it might be a waste of dust - something better might come along next xpac…never know.
Meh, play whichever mode you want. As someone else said, flipping between modes when one is irking you can be a good way to avoid tilt/annoyances while still making measurable progress.
Well, I’m down to 18 and I keep getting over run by Warlocks. So either I’m a scrub or this deck doesn’t perform well in that match up…where is this diversity everyone keeps talking about…?
Got any recordings we can watch? Zoo warlocks probably have a more aggressive opening, and wont feel pressured to trade sonce they’re pressuring you first.
Spider bomb wont be strong against them as they can go wide.
And youll be wanting bomb toss to answer imps everytime.
Edit: unleash the hounds is actually very good tech if youre seeing loads of them. I know we just…trashed that. And for good reason. But wide boards super charge that card enough that, if you see over 50% zoolock, maybe consider it.
If you are struggling with warlocks, chances are i can throw together the deck you are having trouble with and play a few matches with you to get the counterplay down.
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Murlocs are rampaging i highly recommend safeguard, and multi shots to deal with them.
Your making me play standard which isnt something i usually like to do xD
Replace with fireworks tech and zilliax, then im pretty sure you should be on your way again. Oh and you might also just be having a bad day. Taking a break might sort that out.