Anomalies can sod off

Literally that stupidest stuff you devs have come up with… lets make the game more interesting by literally giving people a ‘fruit machine’ mechanic at the start of the game. The part they don’t tell you…

The anomalies will 100% be better for one person than the other…

I’m playing warriors with 35 Health to start…

Please get this crap out of the game and keep standard how people want it. Why do Blizzard have to force their dumb ideas on the playerbase? You screwed Overwatch by making it a 5vs5 and bringing back 2cp as an anniversary event… now you are forcing ideas into this game that people find grim.

Ben Brode must be looking at this nonsense thinking wtf happened at Blizzard HQ


Hear hear!

Worst decision they’ve made yet.

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Because that’s their game and they do whatever they want with it ?
If you come and play a game you literaly play with what the company behind the game forced into the game.
That’s a pretty strange question

but the 100% event is about to end its pointless to ask for it to end…we always had the fixed date of it ending !

i love the anomalies so far and the one that could disrupt decks by shuffling cards into yourd eck ( pure paladisn coudlnt play the coin) and hero power change were removed

im already testing chogall in all my decks to see how i can use it it has lifesteal so i can run it on a druid deck along with the 2 mana card to give him rush

maybe they should listen to all their players and not just a bloody few that know they will take advantage of the mechanic and dominate every game they play.

If the dev’s have any balls, they will come onto the forums and explain the reasoning for their so called brilliant game design. But they want because they are cowards and will only listen to their clueless followers like Mountaineer that willing to put crap in their socks to feel important by the developer.

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Didnt we get something similar to a previous expansion doing this same thing? I think I read it was the Witchwood one? But essentially all games would have something different about them at random during that set’s debut, if I recall any of what I read correctly.

I feel like the vocal minority here on the forums are akin to the Marvel Hate Fans (they love hating more than loving a thing) canon marvel is ok but despise anything that deviates like the “what if” animated shorts. Cue the rants and posts about how some company is shoving things down throats.

It seems like this vocal minority has a strong entitlement issue to things not changing ever and when they do change its always the “worst thing ever” and “is killing the game” and make universal claims of their opinions as if they know they are correct about “no one else wanting this.”

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And it’s this kind of thinking that took wow from over 10 million players when wod launched to the pitiful number they won’t report (except when it gets leaked occasionally) today.

It’s their game, but if you make a game no one wants to play…you get no customers.

Ask kodak what that kind of thinking gets you.

That’s a pretty strange way of doing business.

Another lie: anomalies don’t end until patch 28.0 read the patch ntoes!

For those who don’t know, this is a line the company uses to try and minimize the feedback they get from the playerbase. It’s been used here and across other game forums for actiblizz for years whenever the devs for a particular game made a boneheaded move.

“the vocal minority oppose this!”

In wow, it was generally followed up with a check on the monthly sub count, at least until years of freefall of people leaving the game caused them to stop reporting those numbers (and of course, PR spin on that). With hearthstone, look no further than the fact that they have driven so many people from the game that actiblizz isn’t hiding the fact their own bots are flooding the game, and this quarter’s financials are down.

Everything is not fine, and we haven’t had a gold post since before the pandemic.

Anomalies are the latest in a long series of bad decisions.

People referring to their “non vocal majority” always assume that this majority exists and is silent, of course. They never give any substantial arguments on how this BS slammed on our tablets should be an improvement. The best one so far is “I like it somehow” and then they hide in the cloud of their supposed majority.

Upon which facts did you draw your assumption that the “vocal minority” is indeed not part of the vast majority of players? Arguments? Facts? No? Ok… I see… arguments and facts are overrated… :wink:

Alas - if Activision continues with their devastations, you might be right. The vocal minority will be the majority, when everybody else has left the game…

BTW - in general I am part of the silent majority…

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I would think that its a pretty safe assumption that perhaps about 10 people (here) thus far have made a thread crying about their disdain for anomalies wouldn’t indicate that the majority of all Hearthstone players also share that view. If I were to make any claims at all it would be a conservative approach to that sample size as there are maybe 60-100 regular people that post here, I think its probably true even more exist but are normally lurkers and not a frequent poster. (This tends to be the case for most forums).

So for a sample of about 10 people to make threads with maybe an additional 3 to 4 people that arent the authors of the other threads that post that agree with them. Thats roughly 13-30 people. And that sample size is not a large one, I can agree, but if assumptions can be drawn, a conservative approach is the only warranted one, and that would be that to label these people as a minority of the playerbase, albeit a very vocal one, would not be innacurate.

This is based on the forums here and not anywhere else as I dont make a habit of surveying the entirety of the internet on a whim.

As opposed to the sample of 1-2 people making threads supporting them, with the same 2-4 people (with half being the thread makers) backing them up.

That’s barely 5 people if we round up. And that sample size is not a large one, I can agree, but if assumptions can be drawn, a conservative approach is the only warranted one, and that would be that to label these people as a not even a blip, no matter how much trolling, harassment, etc half of them are doing.

So by your standard, anomalies are a massive failure.

you are lying the 100% event ended i only got anomalies on 2 games today and i played at least 7

contradicted by

Patch notes prove you are being dishonest once again, as well as your own post.

anomalies aren’t gone until patch 28.0

so the problem you never learned at school what % are…

among others is you are goalpost shifting again:

Derkan and Boreas have got to be some kind of secret shill. You two are literally in every thread defending stupid !@#$

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And reading apparently. I said it before and say it again and I don´t care if the post will be flagged as offensive.
It is my genuine opinion based on the past post and performance of this Bobafett guy. He deffinitely is not too bright! Someone could even call him stupid, but I wouldn´t go that far yet…

All the trolling and coc violating posts literally won’t change the fact that the event doesn’t end until patch 28.0: it’s right there in the patch notes.

Note for those paying attention how the same people have to show up in every thread to violate coc with impunity (even getting away with “final warning” offenses") and the mods are nowhere to be found. The fact they even boldly state they don’t care about posts getting flagged show how they know there’s no moderation for them!

All to distract this time from the fact that anomalies are very much still in the game, and the event the event is still going on:

After that one-week period, they will appear in 25% of games until Patch 28.0.

Proving anyone claiming:

“the event ended”

“anomalies are for one week”

is lying.

but you are lying because there is no 100% chance of anomalies right now

your posts are only for those who dont play the game

Projecting as usual. As proven by a direct link to the patch notes. The fact you can’t admit they are still in the game until patch 28.0 PER THE PATCH NOTES, proves how dishonest you are.

I was curious, so I clicked on the ignored posts from our boy Boba

What’s both funny and ironic is his initial argument is correct. The even doesn’t end until the next patch. It doesn’t matter if it’s 100%, 25% (which it is unless you have Cho’gall in a deck), 20%, 99%, 1000000000%, the point is the anomaly event doesn’t end until the next patch. However, the comical part is Boba is absolute garbo at arguing his point; he’d rather fill it with his usual nonsense shadowing the fact he is correct with his initial statement.

Anomalies still exist with or without Cho’gall, the event stated, until the next patch.