Announcing Battlegrounds Season 9

Announcing Battlegrounds Season 9

Enter the Technotavern in Battlegrounds Season 9 with a massive minion refresh, updates to the damage cap, Hero Reroll options, a reworked Rewards Track, and more!

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Are the tokens you earn re-usable next game ?

If I have 2 now and I use them in a game do I get them next game back ? If no then they are useless :))…

If the tokens get used, and you need to buy more then it makes a little thad more pay2w :), which I am sure it’s what it was intended for.

The correct implementation would have been for the reroll option to be 1-2 times standard for every player, 4 times for battle pass+ owners. Not just tokens that are practically used once in a game at 3k and you don’t have any more once you reach 9k


The effort spent on the reroll tokens could have been used to make boards for new expansions.


ehh…right now as I see it if you buy battlepass you get a free reroll every game that doesn’t use tokens, so it’s more p2w…so I agree the effort should have spent on anything else.


I am a longtime battlegrounds player and I am extremely disappointed by these changes. I have defended battlegrounds time and time again as not a “pay to win” game, because I and I think many other players simply treat the season pass as a reasonably priced subscription to play battlegrounds. Beyond the reasonably priced season pass, paying any further money lent no mechanical benefits. Making the cost of the pass 20 dollars instead of 15 makes sense to make. But that’s not the problem here.

It now costs ~75 cents per game to play battlegrounds without being at a disadvantage against the people who do. This is a pay to win game now, and I am not here for it.


"Starting with Season 9, the damage cap will be adjusted "
i really love to read that, thats what ive been waiting for the whole time,
the early damage is worse than any unbalanced card!
but dont like the numbers honestly 10 damage on turn 4 is still too much…
if you take that much on turn4 you are already forced do get strong as possible on next turns which means you cant do the right plays in many situations
i would make it 4,8,15 instead of 5,10,15


The reroll system could and probably should be copied from a very popular MOBA’s rerolls,

You would be able to infinitely grind up to a cap (one or two) with progress based on how many rounds you play up to a cap (say 12 rounds) with a much higher cap and faster progress for the pass.
To wit

  • 1 free reroll per game for everyone
  • 3 free rerolls with a pass,
  • THEN an additional pool of grindable/paid rolls
  • With any implementation of Rerolls to avoid a stale meta higher winrate/popular heroes need to have a lowered drop rate on rerolls to avoid stale games

I have no idea how ~10 rerolls for a season for players who may play hundreds of games a season was conceived as a good idea anywhere outside of a very over-promoted marketing executives spreadsheet presentation for shareholders.

Overall this change feels all at once poorly conceived and very greedy, I am far FAR less likely to spend on a pass with such blatant P2W and whaling.


Overall they need to make some money, but as I see it they made it even more pay2win…Because at a higher rating were this choices have an impact, the people with more rerolls will literally beat you more, because now they have the paid means to actually overcome in some way bad luck…while free 2 play players will not.

As an explanation.

They already had 4 heroes to chose from, now they have 1 free reroll and more tokens than you ( and even more if they pay more)

While you have 2 heroes to chose from and no free reroll, and like 12-15 tokens to manage for the whole 3 month’s of season.

Hero rerolls impacts no one at lower ranks while it get’s more impactful at higher ranks…Which shows the p2w way.

Again, by giving everyone 1 free reroll and payers 2 free rerolls , without adding rerolls buyable would have been a far better implementation.But yea, blizzard is trying to milk anything so that BG’s doesn’t get scrubed by microsoft


They need to stop trying to monetize this minigame, and give it the same fate as duels so we can focus on the important thing: constructed hearthstone.

I play it casually and even so I have bought several battlepass, and people who are supposedly fans find it painful to spend a penny on this mode…

It’s time to get rid of them.



The new reroll feature is by FAR the worst update ever done in hearthstone battleground.

I’ve always liked, defended and tried to make the game more popular.

But with this change… I just cannot anymore.

This game was very playable without spending money (unlike regular hearthstone that became extremely pay2win)

But with this new change. You are at an extreme disadvantage over people that pay.


Or make them so easy to get, that there is no reason to really buy any.

Making the game pay2win, is gonna bank you some money for sure. But it’s ultimately gonna kill a big portion of the community! M


Please do not implement these token systems, your about to kill this mode by doing so. This is a pure greed move. If you truly want this to be a competitive fun game, pay2win can’t be part of the model. You either charge a fee to play, or don’t charge any fees that affect gameplay, anything else in my book is just poor sportsmanship and pure greed.


is it really that much more p2w as before?
idk its just even more advantage but i think 2 more hero choices is more p2w
rerolling trash into trash wont be too helpful :smiley:

Paying for the ability to reroll is still objectively a competitive advantage that theyre asking people to spend money on. Even if its a small advantage (it probably will be a big advantage if you have a brain), its still pay to win so yayyy thank you blizzard happy 5 years of battlegrounds.


No more free strike animations in the battlepass.
Great direction Blizzard… you gonna end up playing this whole game by yourselves.


really is the 30 thousand dollars you will make off this from the whales worth this much bad press?
this is such a bad move from you blizzard and the fact that there’s no way to earn them in game (such as getting first place) is shameful (no the shop does not count)
really take a long look in the mirror next time

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That’s literally what they did. They made it $20 for those that want rerolls and you get one every game you play.

Just more scumbag behavior from the devs.


Lol it has more players than standard at many points throughout the year. Also it’s a far better game than standard currently is. Such an L take.


Of course it has more players (which does not mean more profits either): you don’t need a collection or anything more than to press the queue button and start playing.
And who cares about standard? im a wild player
a format with a lot of potential that could benefit from all this waste of resources and development…

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I don’t like Battleground mode much, never did… but I have just one question… Will these tokens be available to buy in the shop for Gold as well or not? Because if they are… then it could give something to BG players to spend their gold on… As far as I checked BG items in the shop… they are always only for money… even in the “Just for you” tab… so there is no way to spend Gold of the BG players on anything… but with this… they could finally get something to use their Gold.