Announcing Battlegrounds Season 9

I don’t like Battleground mode much, never did… but I have just one question… Will these tokens be available to buy in the shop for Gold as well or not? Because if they are… then it could give something to BG players to spend their gold on… As far as I checked BG items in the shop… they are always only for money… even in the “Just for you” tab… so there is no way to spend Gold of the BG players on anything… but with this… they could finally get something to use their Gold.

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While i really like the general idea of rerolls, i have to agree with the other comments, adding even more P2W into Battlegrounds is not the way to go. Having 2 more options for owning the Battle Pass already felt like pushing the envelope, but expecting 200-300 Runestones PER GAME just to play “optimally” is just plain greedy.
If you want to earn more money, spend that creative energy on more, fun, cosmetics and/or by improving the game overall, drawing in more players.
Creating more and more purchasable Advantages will push away the dedicated playerbase.

i dont thing many people who didnt spend money until now were planning to spend money before this change

and those who ve been doing it will get more for they money

for what ive read they wont add packs as rewards for climbing so all people are winning by spending money is …“bragging points”

they tried selling BG cosmetics before the pass was added i guess it didnt work thats why they added it

P2W rerolls on top of the basically mandatory pass for +2 heroes? Dropped


More pay to win, which surprised exactly noone.

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Absolutely disgusting pay 2 win patch.

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If we were to assume a worst case scenario, someone strictly F2P will eventually find themselves in a situation where they have 2 hero selection slots and NO rerolls. Doesn’t matter if you give them 9,001 free tokens, they WILL run out of them eventually and have NO means as currently stated to procure more of them, unless these are purchasable with gold.

And even if they are available via gold, F2P players already have to stretch that resource in so many other ways as-is; now in addition to packs, tavern tix, mini-sets, cosmetics, they must also add BG tokens to that opportunity cost pool.

But really, I think the worst-case is the ONLY case worth evaluating here. F2P gets 2 hero selection slots, whereas payers will get 8. And, on top of that, the first reroll per match for payers is free. So even if F2P’s DO pay gold, they’re still being drained faster than paid players.

Terrible idea, cannot endorse it in good faith. And this is coming from someone who’s very vocally supportive of paying money; I’ve often said if I had to F2P this game, I simply wouldn’t play at all. This change will hurt people like me, as well, because EVENTUALLY you WILL run out of tokens, which means opening up that wallet.

I may not be opposed to that on general terms, but that doesn’t mean I’m a sponge to be perpetually squeezed either. I have my fiscal limits.

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You could have entered 1 token for every win you get. This Will kill the game slowly. Sad when it had potential. But Blizzard are know for not listening to their players. Listen to their players will make cash and happy players in the long run. This greed causes players to quit playing. I Will take a break. Good luck p2w players.

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no damage cap adjustment in Duos is BS. we are having games end in turn 6-8, had one yesterday we both lost on turn 6. lower the damage cap to 10 just like solos.

another season of not having fun because i didnt throw 500 dollars at the game. woooo

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Those greedy Executives pretend they can’t support BGs without leeching more and more money every patch. They do what: 2 new cards and a mini subsystem every several weeks? A single fresh out of college coder with no experience would do that for minimum wage.