Announcement Stream Twitch Drops

blizz messed up and viewers get shortchanged, but damn everyone in this thread is insufferable, crying as if having to run a stream in the background for a bit longer for a couple of packs is the end of the world

there are so many amazing reasons to criticise the company and they’re gonna continue disregarding us because people make mountains out of molehills

Watched 4 hours. Picked up in drops and received 0 packs. Stable “quality”. Thank you.
I`m play on EU.
Perhaps Twitch now does not know which region to issue drops to. This is the 1st promotion after changing the account linking system.


i almost watched for 4 hours im in north america didnt get any packs and yes i claimed them both


i watched for 4 hours and I didnt get any packs, but I claimed them both on Twitch. Than i reconnected the Twitch with Battlenet accounts and nothing happened. Help please. Best regards


on twitch, he writes that I received 1 of the two packs, about the second one he writes connect the account, although it is connected, but I never received both pack


This response is really dismal. Not enabling the drops for the stream was a mistake, and that happens. Not honoring the promise of the drops is fraud. In the past they would just award the packs to everyone to fix the error, but has the greed become too great that they can’t part with those packs to make whole on the promise?

Offering 2 packs for watching 4 hours of stream is not a make up. I assume this was already in the works and requires us to put more of our effort in up front. Saying that this is a make up is pretty insulting to our intelligence.

This is a new low for Hearthstone, this is the first time I have seen such a blatant disregard to commitments.


same problem, watched for 2 hours (in progress for 4hrs lol) , claimed the drop on twitch but when i went to open the game there was no pack given…how hard is it blizzard??


not for the first time.

again, not for the first time.

Try “the company scammed people again, and wants to scam people some more to give people something they are legally owed” because they failed to deliver something they advertised, which is fraud.

This, and typical actiblizz.


I haven’t received anything yet…


Me either. Though I “claimed” both packs on twitch…


forgot to connect accounts while was getting reward ,connected account after got the rewards and i got scammed the rewards never showed up for me is there any issue maybee ?

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Here too. Two drops claimed, zero packs earned.


I have the same problem, i watched for 4 hours, claimed my rewards and i didnt get my packs ingame. The funny thing is that one pack said i still had to connect my accounts and the other pack said that it was connected. So they didnt fix the problem… Next make up we ll have to watch 24 hours for one pack?


I did everything to get the packs – but they are not in the game


Even when you try blizzard you fail :frowning: what a sad joke of a greedy company you have become.


same for thing for me claimed packs received 0


Have anyone actually received the packs? I claimed my 2nd reward 12 hours ago and still no luck


I claimed both rewards - received 0 packs.


I think there is a generel problem. Watched from the beginning of the campaign and recevied the two packs in my inventory on twitch, claimed it but did not receive them ingame.

I’m also having issues. I’ve earned one pack but it’s asking me to connect to claim. I AM connected. I earned OW2 rewards just fine the other day.

Update: The 2nd drop became available and I was able to claim, but the 2 hour card pack is still asking me to connect.