Android / Moto Z4 launching issue

Got a weird one for you. On mobile (Android, Moto Z4) game will launch on WiFi, but will get stuck at the “tavern doors” loading screen on LTE. Issue originated with Tuesday’s patch.


Same and I’m on Samsung Galaxy Note9. I can’t get past the load screen on LTE. Worked fine until the patch as always. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times, cleared cache and restarted phone as well. If i miss out on Nimzy cause of this I will probably quit for good. Spend at least $2500 a year on this game.

Just reinstalled as well to make sure and did not solve the issue

same here. same phone. I think it’s any android though.

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Main Thread] T-mobile & Sprint - Cannot connect to Hearthstone on Mobile Data

I’m facing this issue now. Did you find a solution?